Lung Damage from Asbestos Exposure

debraymond Member Posts: 1

Have had bad cough since 4/10.  Two strong antibiotics, pathetic doctors and still coughing.  Has CT Lang Scan with following results.


Diffuse emphysematous changes most severe in he upper lobes ( should have never smokes).  No pulmonary nodules or masses.  No endobronchial lesions. Nonspecific prevascular lymphadenopath.  At the junction of the AP window and prevascular level is a 2.5x1.5 cm lymph node.  No other evidence of lymhadenopathy.  No pleural effusion.  No pericardial effusion.  Atherosclerotic coronary artery calcifications.  No evidence of aortic aneurysm.  Limited views of upper abdomen are unremarkable.  No pleural effusion.  No pericardial effusion. Artjerpsc;erptoc cprpmaru arteru calcifications.  No evidence of aortic aneurysm.  Limited views of upper abdomen are unremarkable.  The osseous structures are intact.


Impression: Lung Rads Category 4A - Suspecious - Findings indeterminate prevascular/AP window lymphadenopathy.  Recommentation: Pet/CT is recommented.  Diffiuse emphysematous changes.


Chance of the lymphadenopathy being cancer?