chemo brain
Anyone out there suffering from chemo brain? I'm one year post treatment and just had a clean PET scan in Sept. But what about my short-term memory, somtimes stuttering, forgetting words in mid-sentence, tiredness, sometimes dizziness, headaches, joint and muscle aches, weight gain, depression, zero sex drive, mood…
Hodgkins disease and hearing loss
I was diagnosed with hodgkins disease stage 11B in 1991. I was radiated on my neck and chest for a little over three months. This past year I have had severe hearing loss in my left ear, same side they radiated me. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks.
Taxol and neuropathy
Hello, I am a new member. Can you help me with the pain I am having ? It's needle like as soon as I touch my skin. I have problems lying down as my back or my legs will touch the bed. Standing it's under my fet and anyway very tired. Am I the only one ?
Hope Boxes
Hey All! I'm new to this board, and was actually just wondering if anyone could help me out with a project I'm working on. I'm cancer survivor, who was diagnosed when I was 13 with Non Hodjkins Lymphoma. I went through a year's worth of chemo and missed about a year of school. Thank God I'm a healty 22 yr old now, but…
Long term effects of chemo
I have been through with chem for almost five years and have been on tomoxifin. My hair has never returned to any thing near normal. I would appreciate any information you could share
Failure to Communicate....
When a person writes a posting, article, or book at a level far above the intended audiences reading level, we have a failure to communicate. If you have read anything medical related, I am sure you know what I mean. What are your opinions as to trying to simplify the cancer related materials available to say a ninth-grade…
constipation and sencecot use
I've been in/out of chemo for 5 years. Recently, my chemo and steroids made me very constipated and I got impacted. Once clear, my doc said to use Senecot. Been using it for a month, and having pain in lower rectal area; feel like irratation from it. Anyone else had prbs with Senecot, and what do you do to keep bowels…
Back Pain
I am wondering if any one else has experienced a similar back pain to the one I have. I have been diagnosed with back spasms, although I am not sure that its actually what it is. I have had an MRI, and xrays and everything comes back normal. It has been going on for over a year and a half now, its constant, nothing makes…
Migraines gone after chemo!
I was treated for Hogdkin's lymphoma with ABVD chemotherapy 5-8/2006. Before that I used to have frequent migraines 1-2 times a week and little to no help from the attempts with several preventive drug regimes. However, soon after the start of the chemo, my migraines disappeared completely and haven't returned up to this…
MS Cotton
My brother has RA not cancer and as a results of the RA he has acquired AVN or Avacular Necrosis and LIPS -Interstail Lung Disease. I am trying to find out who has experience with taking MS Cotton for pain management and did they have any withdrawl symptons and if so what were they? Thanks Louise-33
Chemo causes cancer???
I'm 10 years past treatment with 4 very commonly used drugs...Methotrexate, Leucovorin, Cisplatin, and Vepsid (VP-16). And I realized recently that there was a LOT my doctor didn't tell me at 16 when he was giving me the meds. The biggest of which is that VP-16 CAN cause an Acute Leukemia years later. AHHH!!! Add to that…
I posted back in March after my brother had undergone sugery to remove lesions on his liver from colon cancer. That was successful and things were looking up until last week a CT showed two small spots on the other side of his liver. He will see the surgeon for recommendations but he doesn't want more chemo. He describes…
Mantle Radiation
I was diagnosed with Hogkins Disease, Stage IIB in 1981. Received MOPP chemo and mantle radiation. There has been no recurrence of the Hodgkins. I am now having problems with shortness of breath and chronic coughing along with headaches. I have had shortness of breath, exercise induced since I completed treatment, but now…
Penile Cancer Support
Hi. I have posted under the Penile cancer link.My 45 year old boyfriend & high schhol sweetheart,was recently diagnosed with squamous cell cancer & I have decided to start a group on yahoo on this topic,as there does not seem to be much out there as far as contacting others with this.We are currently waiting on x-ray…
male breast and nipple pain after chemo
My dad is in remission from lung cancer after a CT scan was taken in late August. At or around the same time, my dad mentioned that his breasts and nipples were tender and sore. Could this be a side effect from the chemo. They symptoms developded roughly around the same time he had his scan, so I don't believe it is breast…
In 1980 my mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer, she had 31 radiation treatments and 2 inplants. Since that time for 25 years she has paid for the effects of surviving cancer. She has underwent a vascular bypass in her left leg, has had to have that repaired numerous times due to the radiation build up. She has had a…
Chemo/No Chemo???
Hello, I posted several months ago about my mother's tumor in her upper right lung. The surgeon was happy that he removed the tumor (approximately 2.5cm, adenocarcinoma) and that all the surrounding lymph nodes were clear. His only concern was that it was quite close to the lining of the lung..which was a bit puckered.…
I am in my 5th month of a year long treatment of Interferon for melanoma, I take a dose of 20 three times a week. Besides all the other nasty side effects I have began to loose some of my hair and my already horrible eye sight has become worse, also I have overwhelming fatigue. Can anyone tell me when I will feel normal…
Post Operative Recovery for a Lobectomy
My father and non computer user had a lobectomy in September. They caught the tumber very early and everything seems to going well. The main issue he seems to be having is post operative pain and discomfort. His pain and discomfort must be very bad for he has never complained about a thing in his life. He is very…
A little over a year ago I began experiencing weird spells where I would just shake and spaz terribly, resulting in a lot of pain as well as embarrashment. They started out happening about once or twice a month, then weekly but now they are almost daily. They look and feel like a seizure. About a month before that I…
dental problems after treatment
Hi Everyone. I'm hoping there is someone who can give me some advice or info on any resources for help with the teeth problems occuring after treatment. I'm four years out of treatment & my teeth are a disaster. they started slowly falling apart, and now I'm dealing with many broken teeth,three abcessed teeth and a whole…
10+ years Post Bone Marrow Transplant Research
I had a bone marrow transplant for CML in 1990 at Wilford Hall Medical Center Texas. I'm trying to find information concerning long term affects of CML or bone marrow transplants. I'm 36 years old and I've developed arthritis in many of my joints which various meds have not able to ease. I have bad acid reflux which is…
radiation ulcers
I have been finished with treatment for anal cancer for about 3 1/2 yrs now and I have been getting ulcers in the radiation field since March of this year they are extremely painful and no one seems to know how to deal with them I've had them cut out like 4 times now with tissue being taken from other area's to replace…
Could chemo have caused my osteopenia to become more "noted" as in more pain or to advance to arthritis?
Radiation Damage
I had surgery for rectal cancer in July 2003 (with a permanent colostomy), followed by 16 radiation treatments. I was supposed to have 30 treatments, but had to stop because the radiation caused a bowel blockage and then the colon totally shut down (eventually repaired its self). I also had bleeding of the "rectal stump"…
Wife's pregnant after my chemo+radiation
I am a 40 year old man who has been successfully treated for nasopharyngeal cancer in 2002-03 with induction chemotherapy followed by IMRT radiation (I was 37 then). Things have been going well. I had understood that it was inadvisable for me to have children for some time after I completed treatment because the…
Psychosocial effects of cancer on teenagers
Hello - I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease at 17 and after 12 cycles of ABVD, was given a clean bill of health. What I wasn't prepared for was the psychosocial issues I was dealing with a year later. I experienced severe anxiety attacks and have had bouts with depression. Currently, I'm a graduate student in the…
Has anyone had long term treatment with the chemo drug Navelbine? My husband is having some serious weakness in his legs which has caused him to fall several times. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
brain radiation
My dad had brain mets from lung cancer having whole brain rad. My question is has anybody had whole brain rad and how did it affect you? God Bless Kodi
Chemo Question?
Has anybody ever been on a chemo called Navalbine? If so how did it affect you? Kodi