10+ years Post Bone Marrow Transplant Research

dflannigan Member Posts: 5
I had a bone marrow transplant for CML in 1990 at Wilford Hall Medical Center Texas. I'm trying to find information concerning long term affects of CML or bone marrow transplants. I'm 36 years old and I've developed arthritis in many of my joints which various meds have not able to ease. I have bad acid reflux which is probably due to the spicy foods I enjoy so much. The last 14 years have been marked with ups and downs but nothing very serious (isn't God good) although I don't remember much about the first 3 years post transplant.


  • dickl
    dickl Member Posts: 39
    My son is 8 years out of BMT for AML. He unfortunatly has had many neurologocal late effects from his treatment. But he is alive and hopefully will lead a fufilling life. We were told the transplant kids would not remember much about their ordeal due to the large amounts of narcotics they were given to control the extreme pain of mucousitis( mouth sores etc.)His G.I. tract is still a little off with frequent bouts of diarreha. The joint problems you experience could be the result of high dose steroids they probably gave you during treatment. Please write back if you like , I check this site every few days. Hope I can be of some help.

  • rtoney2
    rtoney2 Member Posts: 2
    I just got diagnosed with Philly + CML and began Gleevec 400 Mg a day about 2 weeks ago They have given me a 4000 mg shot of hydroxyurea in hospital which brought my WBC from 126K to 87K.
    Now I went back to Hydroxy for a week and WBC is not 37K. I am looking for answers as to how successful Gleevec is and If your bone marrow transplant was from a sibling or donor. Write back