Discomfort on right upper side where liver is located.
I've noticed a sort of pain or discomfort on the right upper side where my liver is located. I had surgery for colon cancer last May and my first thoughts about this pain was that the cancer had spread to the liver. I had a CT scan in June, 2010 which said this about the liver: "Liver is low in density compatible with…
Nexavar after liver resection
I had liver resection surgery on 12/15/09 to removed a 7.6cm tumor with good margin. The pathology report indicated the tumor is poorly differentiated with nuclear grade 4 of 4, hep B grade 2 out of 4, extensive vascular invasion and finally Bridging fibrosis stage 3 out of 4. My hepatalogist wants me to consider taking…
is chemo pill worth it
The chemo pill is xelonda and seems to cause horrible side effects anyone else use it> my husband has late stage liver cancer traditional chemo no longer works and told this is last option anyone relate? thx new here
More hope on the horizon - Acacia Nilotica Tree extract
An article I received on Google alerts for liver cancer...still aways away but good to see they are working on it!! http://www.healthcare-digital.com/sectors/laboratories/acacia-nilotica-tree-extract-could-be-potential-cure-liver-cancer
Cancer came back after resection
I had liver resection surgery on 12/09 to removed a 7.6cm tumor with good margin. The pathology report indicated extensive vascular invasion and now a 4.6cm shows up on the resection area. Doctors are recommending surgery to take out the whole right lobe, there is a significant chance it will come back to the left lobe.…
Final days of life
My husband was given 3-6 months to live with HCC. No treatments were available for him. He is taking Lactulos for the ammonia buildup. How will I know when the end is near?? I am so scared.
Hep C, Nexavar and TACE UPDATE
So I just finished getting caught up with all the new postings. It's been a while since I have been to this website. Just wanted to post an update for those new people out there. My husband who was diagnosed back in October 2009 is doing very well all things considered. He started Nexavar in January but went off after two…
Hello. I hope all is well with everyone. My mother is battling advanced stage vaginal cancer. It has spread to her lungs and liver. Her days are numbered now. I was wondering if anyone has used the Essiac Tea treatment for cancer. If so, how was your experience? Please respond as soon as possible, as I would like to learn…
sister just diagnosed
i just got cancer free from ovarian 3 weeks ago, now sister is diagnosed with liver cancer
I posted ab the ammonia level and now wonder if you all also deal with other infections? my husband has infections in colon and kidney now and that has added to this confusion all going back to his damged liver anyone else have these? thx
weight loss and liver cancer
My dad has lost 30 1bs since his HCC diagnosis in march 2010. He isnt a very big guy to begin with 160lbs so he is now down to 130! as much as me! this is bothering me he looks like skin and bones is normal with this diagnosis? he as a resection 3 weeks ago...I feel like I just dont know anymore :(
Gall Bladder cancer
I have stage 3 gall bladder cancer. Gallbladder was removed 5 weeks ago. Last 2 weeks have been spent seeing specialists. Need to decide whether or not to have surgery that will remove 75% of my liver. Could be other complications due to my COPD. Second option is chemo and/or radiation. My head is spinning with all the…
new liver cancer trial drug
Hi Everyone, thank you for taking the time to send these messages of hope and information. My husband was diagnosised with HCC in February. He has started an infusion drug called mclone 12. Is anyone else on this med, and how are you doing? My husband also takes Nexavar, and that is strong stuff!!
Delcath Liver Tumor Data Improve
CHICAGO (TheStreet) -- Results from a pivotal study of the Delcath Systems(DCTH) drug/device to clear tumors from the liver have gotten better with time as reported from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Treatment with Delcath's Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion (PHP) system delayed the time before liver tumors…
Liver Cancer
Does anybody know how long the positive effects of chemo will continue when treating Met. liver cancer. My father has just received his third chemo treatment and is tolerating these treatments very well. He doesn't even get sick or have any of the other side effects we were warned of. We are very greatful that the chemo…
liver4mast..1yr now. Second opinion.. trying to go to M.D. Anderson for a second opinion"??? good?
I'm really toxic to the chemo I'm on and my dr refused to change mine. I need a 2nd opinion and there's no one here we are a small town. The chemo worked but I ended up with a colonostomy bag and I'm sick all the time with my insides keeping me in a chair 24/7. Took myself off 3 months ago because I was very sick and…
how can this happen?
my best friend was just diagnosed with liver cancer that spread to her lung on jan.29 2010. on feb. 2nd it had spread to the adrenal glands and the chest wall and by feb 4th it had spread to her skin, bones and brain. she is now in hospice - given 1 week to 1 month to live. around Christmas she had pain in her right hip -…
primary non hodgkins lymphoma stage 4b recurrent with liver metastases
non hodgkins lymphoma stage 4b metastasized to the liver! no options for treatment at all! dr gave me 6 months...i dont like wht im finding out about metatastic liver cancer! pls share...bless u all! thank you k.athe
Anybody out there know about jaundice?
I mean, I can go research, but was wondering if anyone's experiencing it here? My mom is in the end stage of her liver cancer(she tried chemo but became immune to treatment, and it was inoperable) and she's just starting to get it on her face...haven't checked else. Was just asking if anyone knew what to expect....
My husband was diagnosed with primary liver cancer April 07. He has lost 45 pounds but, eats very well, even with chemo which the doctor have taken off, no real response to it. His surgeon told us that he needs a liver transplant because the tumor is to big. No cancer has shown up any where eles. We are now waiting to hear…
PHP some new hope for liver cancer patients
check it out...I read somewhere else they ar submitting for FDA approval next month and hopeful for approval by summer of 2011 but should be available in Europe earlier...I'm asking my doc about it next time in! http://www.thedenverchannel.com/health/23238698/detail.html
Liver Cancer & Incarcerated
My brother was diagnosed with liver cancer and he is incarcerated. He does take the nexavar and experiences pain due to the constipation. I am his medical power of attorney. We live on the east coast and his doctor flys in from CA only four times a month. It's obvious that he is not receiving adequate care, and he is only…
RFA vs. TACE or other options?
My mom (70) was recently diagnosed with liver tumor. Based on the Ct-scan result, it is suspicious of a primary hepatic neoplasm such as hepatocellular carcinoma (the size is ~2cm; in segment 4A of the liver). According to the doctor, the possibility of it being malignant is 95% due to the high Alpha Fetoprot level (82.1)…
Help with Cancer treatment
My friend has been diagnosed with inoperable, non transplantable cancer of the Liver. He tried Nexavar, which was very effective in shrinking the tumor, but it had some nasty side effects of itching, rashes and appetite suppression. He was then put on Chemo. The nexavar was 100% covered by his insurance, but the chemo is…
Liver resection
I'm scheduled for a liver resection next week. Very confident in the surgeon and procedure. Thnking of NOT doing chemo after. I had chemo and rad in 2008.....for the cancer that ended up spreading to my liver. Anyone else OPTED out of chemo and doing great????
? how do i raise the donation goal on line, it worked on my personal page but
how do i raise the goal on relay for life home page. my page, the individual personal page updated itself but the team progress won't let me do it any suggestions
New Here
Hi everyone, I am new to this site..I have been posting on the colon cancer site since I was diagnoised in 9/08...I had stage 3 colon cancer and had a resection done..I had 12 rounds of chemo and was NED for 7 months...Well now my CEA levels are rising..I had a PET scan and it showed 6 liver mets...I went to Sloan…
Nexavar & TACE
Hello, My husband was diagnosed with liver cancer in October 2009. The liver specialist has put him on Nexavar which he started January 1st. He just underwent a TACE procedure 2 weeks ago. We don't know the outcome yet but his labs are coming back good. The #'s have been dropping. If there's anyone out there who also has…
Nexavar after Liver Transplant and Mets to Lung
I'm a liver transplant recipient (2yrs ago) that was diagnosed with liver ca to the lungs 6mos ago. I'm on Nexavar and have been for 3mos. Side effects aren't that bad (slight nausea, hair thinning, but I do have fatigue that is worse some days than others and diarrhea that has sent me to the ER). My 1st scan showed no new…
NEED HELP! Last radiation treatment and seeking other alternatives
I am 39 years old. I am Asian. I was diagnosed with advanced HCC in November '08. I had a 9cm tumor in my left lobe and multiple lesions in my right lobe. I had two Therasphere treatments (one in each lobe) and two chemoembolization(TACE). Each treatment proved successful in destroying the tumors and eliminating them…