My 31 yrs old son have HCC with hepatitis B - spread to his lungs.
My 31 yrs old son was diagnosed with HCC last February 2009. He also have Hepatitis B. He had 4.7 cm tumor and another one but less smaller.He had liver resection on May 2009, but because he have Hepatitis B he is no longer a candidate for liver transplant as what the oncologist said the cancer will keep on coming back.…
MIke (stage4liver)
Mike I havent heard from you in a while, how are things going? How is your treatment, hope all is well, you are in my thoughts. **Sarah**
pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer seems to be the forgotten cancer. I read it accounts for 25% of all cancer deaths. My wife is stage IV and mat to her ovaries, lungs, liver, and in the bone of her shoulder. She has had 3 sessions of gemsar with very little improvement. She is now getting gemsar and cisplatin. Today she had interviewed…
did anyone hear about doctor mamdouh ghoneem
hi everybody Did anyone hear about doctor mamdouh ghoneem and his new treatment 4 cancer from mashrooms and rice My mom got breast then bone and liver cancer she is now in xeloda and zometa and I heared about this treatment its a new hope Please does anyone tried it or know anything about it Thanks
I dont know what has happened to my father! His attitude had taken a complete 180! He started chemo 1 week ago and he has been acting to mean to me and my sister but especially me! He is screaming all the time, breaking things, wont talk to me leaves the hoouse when I go to vivist I just dont understand this is nooooot…
liver cancer new dx
just found out I have 8 cm tumor in right lobe of liver have had hep B causing cirrhosis and one varicele bleed no mets on scans but there are multiple satellite lesions seen on ct pretty new and scary stuff it is good just to touch bases with others in similar jam or came thru it. waiting for mri to see if surgeon…
Stage IV Liver Cancer
In March of this year, my husband was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer which spread to his liver. He had surgery to remove the tumor in his colon. He is in chemo therapy for the liver cancer. His CEA was over 3000 when he began treatment in April. Last week it was down to 82. He has a treatment every week. His major…
starting a clinical trial
My dad is starting a clinical trial today which combines two chemo pills. What if this doesnt work for him will it be the end? These nerves never go away :(
Just found out I have HCC cancer, 3cm single lesion, may decide not to treate at all
Found out I have HCC cancer, single 3cm lesion on right lobe. I also have mild and early cirrhosis due to HVB. My surgeon said that I am qualified for resection but there is 10% chance of liver failure after surgery and 5 year survival rate after surgery is only about 30 to 40%, which means a high chance of recurring. I…
Has anyone used Maitake Mushrooms for Liver Cancer
I heard Maitake Mushroom is good for patients with Liver cancer has anyone else had it? My husband is diagnosed with Wilms Tumor.. a cancer found in children and rarely in adults, he is in stage 4 and had his right kidney removed.,..I cant find any ppl with Wilms on here..
Does this sick feeling ever go away?
Every time i talk to my dad, even if he is feeling well i get this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach! For those of you who dont know me my dad was diagnosed with HCC in march 2010 I dont know if this is normal but its killing me! Im getting married in one month and I just found out i am pregnant! I feel like i am so…
Help with Liver Transplants in Kansas
Just found out my husband's doctor is recommending a liver transplant in Kansas!!! Wow. I am dizzy thinking about it. Any suggestions. Anyone out there done a transplant at the University of Kansas? Would love to hear more.
reaching out
this is my first post and am hoping to get some help with questions i have, my husband has HCC, w/hep c and cirrhosis of the liver, he has had 2 chemoembolizations and takes nexavar. He is currently not taking nexavar to terrible side effects, but will begin on a lower dose next week. He just had his MRI follow up with…
Alpha Fetoprotein test results
What is the highest count that the AFP can be? My Dad's AFP was 1770 in July and is now 5565.. I have looked online trying to understand the tumor marker test, but I really haven't found the answers I am looking for. My Dad has HCC and (end stage)Cirrohisis of the Liver. He has been in the hospital 3 times since November…
Just talking
Went to Emer. room july 4th with kidney stone and found a 8cm tumor on my liver. Confermed HHC 2weeks ago and had my first chemo embo monday. I went on leave from work to put my full attention on this problem, dont know if I'll go back or something else, but there is one thing I have learned is that I am going to do what I…
My dad
My dad has just been told by an ER doctor that he has a mass on his liver and that it is probably cancer although they will not be sure until a byopsi is performed what are the chances of it being something else
does anyone knows how to lower liver enzymes?
I was diagnosed with HCC stage 3 two years ago.I had liver resection and took Nexavar month after surgery.Lately my liver enzymes are to high to take Nexavar.I also have new lesions in liver and cancer has spread to my lung.Doc said that they don't have anything else for me.Please let me know if you have any ideas.
Tumors bacl after resection :(
My dad's HCC has reccured just after 3 months. Its back with vengance, multiple tumors all over teh liver. His oncologist says he should try a clinical trial that combines sorafenib and another chemo drug in combination. This is so devestating I cant stop crying my eyes out! I dont want this to be happening, I dont want…
should she do chemo or no
Hi my mom is 56 she got breast cancer we removed her breast then she was on chemo and radiations then after 2 years we discovered she got bone cancer all over her body and recently we found liver cancer we don't know what to do should we give her chemo or we just have to leave her to die in peace she doesn't have any…
Any one hear of CAAT (controlled amino acid therapy) ?
What are the indications for SIRS
I cantt remember why my dad oncologist said a clinical trial is his best option my mind was so scattered. What are the indications for sirs? My dad has multiple tumors all over his liver as we can see they are agressive and grew back within 3 months of his resection? Is this the end for him? im soooo afraid we are so close…
Anemic/Blood Transfusions
Ok, is there anyone out there who became anemic while on Nexavar. My husband's blood count has been going down this past month. He's already had 3 units of blood two weeks ago and now we have to go back to the hospital tomorrow for 2 more units. Anyone have any advice? SLG
My brother's metasticized liver cancer
My brother's esoophageal cancer has met to his liver. He's been through one round of chemo, about 12 weeks, that reduced the esophageal tumor by 25%, but didn't phase the liver tumors; in fact, they increased as of the last pet scan 3 weeks ago. The oncologist then started him on a regimen of chemo aimed at the liver…
Gerson Therapy?
My dad was diagnosed the beginning of June with multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma. He has had hep C for 40 years and has stage 4 cirrhosis. Now...aside from this diagnosis he is well. Totally asymptomatic (just looking at him) is what I mean. Six tumors were found that range in size from 15mm-2cm. His dr. said not doing…
ammonia levels!!
wondering who else has experienced this? My husband got really agitated and confused turns out his ammonia level is high and this causing it any experience with this? Its terrible to watch and spent another 5 hr in er before getting a room so many new issues of liver cancer!!!!!!!!!!
Liver Transplant survival rate
Just wondering if there's any one out there who knows what the transplant rate is for liver patients? slg
Nexavar side effects
My mom (now 62) was diagnosed with hepatacellular carcinoma (no cirrhosis/hepatitis) back in 10/08. Docs removed a 17 cm tumor, and tumors returned within 5 months or so. She had 3 chemo embolisms, some different chemo combinations including Tarciva (very limited success). She now has 4-5 7 cm tumors. Her doc just switch…
Hi everyone. I'm new to this group. My wife was dx about 2 years ago with unresctable HCC. Since she's had 3 targeted treatments to her liver tumors ( TACE & SIRT) and has started Nexavar. When she 1st started 1/2 dose gave her a very very severe rash plus high fever. We had to take her off the drug and since have been…
liver resection
I had liver resection surgery and removal of gall bladder in February 2010. I work in an environment where there is heavy lifting involved. I have purposely lifted nothing more than 30 lbs since my surgery, and it is now July (5 months since surgery). A few days ago, I lifted something that I thought would be okay, but…
Care to Share Liver Cancer Web Links??
I know there are tons more out there but here’s a few I’ve found useful over the past couple months. The below are specific to primary liver cancer which is what I have, but I’m sure on the main pages to some of these sites they have info on other cancers. Message Boards…