From Colon cancer to recent possible liver?
From Colon cancer to recent possible liver? Please if anyone has had successful liver cancer treatment pleases let me know. I desperately need hope. Yesterday I went to my Dad's doctor, and he told us that when he had colon cancer treatment in 2003 the treatment seemed successful But he recently had some stomach pains and…
? on liver lesion / cea/ ca19-9
my husband had a ct may 08 it show 7mm lesion. june 08 he had another ct, the lesion is gone, have my prays been answer? his CEA is 0.5 "great news" but his CA 19-9 is 98. now he ( not his DR) cancel his endoscopy and his octreotide test, because the live lesion is gone, or is it? what should i do? has this happen before?…
Just diagnosed with liver cancer
My son-in-law was diagnosed with liver cancer, stage 4. We know that he doesn't have much time, but want to help him believe in God. We all know that we will embrace God when these things happen to us. How can we get this fact accross to someone always said he was an agnostic? it is probably tough to say "was wrong", but…
What can nurses do to better help you?
I am an RN student and I would like to know what the nurses who care for you could do to better help you? I'm anxious to get your feedback! Please reply!
How to cope
Hello everyone. My husband was diagnosed with liver cancer almost six months ago. He is 33 and we have a 10 month old son. His cancer is of an unknown primary that delivered it to his liver. We've been taking chemo and there has been a significant amount of shrinkage but what concerns me most is this "unknown primary." We…
She won't eat
I am confused about how long someone with liver cancer (stage IV) can survive if they do not take in nutrition. My mom is currently in a nursing home healing from surgery from colon cancer in which she got the colostomy. Since the end of June she has lost 20 lbs but for the most part of July and August she was on IV…
Friend with Liver Cancer
My friend was re-diagnosed with Liver Cancer at the beginning of this year. We have been coworkers and friends for over a year. She has progressively been getting worse. I tried contacting her last week and could not find her so tried some alternate numbers and found out she was ok. I called her house and she answered and…
My mom was diagnosed yesterday...
and we are still reeling from the news. The doctor said it was Hepatocellular carcinoma. The tumor on her liver is about 5 inches. I'm so frustrated because she had the liver biopsy on Thursday, but didn't get a diagnosis till Tuesday and now we have to wait a week and a half to get her in to see a surgical oncologist in…
need help
Hi my name is jenny im 25, my father only 43 yrs was told around april/09 he was inn stage 4 of cholangiocarcinoma. im inn shock,hurt,sad,angry,scared all inn one as well as everyone inn this world that has it or going thur with it with a family member. his cancer doc had a scann done on him too see if his cemo was working…
liver mets
I have breast cancer with liver mets. I have had one chemo treatment of A/C. Im curious what treatment have others with liver CA had. Thanks. Deb
Husband has hepatocellular carcinoma, hep c
My husband had a heart attack and was life flighted to Spokane WA the end of June. We have been married for 29 years. In this time spand he has not been sick. I'm the one that had tripple bypass and stints put in a couple months ago. The fix the heart, and we found out that they found a 4" tumor on the liver. Without…
FIL with Liver Cancer spread to lungs
Hello, my father in law has had a very quick decline in one week. Has been diagnosed with primary Liver cancer, metastasized to the lungs. Two days ago he was put on a respirator because his oxygen levels were too low and heart rate was too high. As a last ditch effort, one of the doctors recommended to try Nexavar. But I…
Ease her passing....
My beautiful friend is nearing the end. She has primary liver cancer w/mets to everywhere. She is in unbearable pain. She is little more than a skeleton. Just typing this makes me weep. I do not know what to do to help her. I keep trying to figure out what God's purpose is here but I can't see it. I survived my cancer and…
Advice Please
Hi. This is my first post. I'm just blown away - cancer has never touched my life & now within a matter of days it's destroying it. On Teusday I learned that my boyfriend has liver cancer and has been given 6 months to a year to live. On Wednesday my mom had a mastectomy for what was supposed to be stage one breast cancer,…
Weight Gain
I have an aunt that has liver cancer, I am unsure of the exact details of her illness, but she has recently completed her chemo treatment during which she didn't loose weight and now she is gaining weight is this normal or should she be concerned, thank you.
Bc mets to liver
Hi, anyone out there with Breast Cancer mets to liver? did you have any symptoms? My doctors have been "watching" my liver for years (since dx of bc). I had stage 1 bc, had a mastectomy with immediate tram flap reconstruction, then 4 rounds of AC chemo, and am almost 4 years into tamoxifen. Since chemo, I have developed…
liver cancer info
hi, i need information on how liver cancer affects the life style of the patient and their family
Secondary liver cancer
My wife has metastisized breast cancer which went to the bone and now more than likely has spread to the liver. We're waiting the results of an MRI and probably a follow on biopsy but our original surgeon took a look at her scans and is certain about it. She also has e-coli and had a UTI. Is there an outside chance this…
I wish everyone the very best God has to offer!
I'm sitting here again, reading several discussions that have been posted under "liver cancer" and I just wish there was something I could do to provide hope and encouragement to everyone. Throughout the day I ask the Lord to heal, uplift, cure, relieve, perform a miracle, love, and kill that life-destroying "C" word. At…
can anyone guide me? my father has metastatic liver cancer
my father was diagnosed 7 months ago.after my father had Avastin therapie, and then Erbitux and now Campto, our doctor says there is nothing more to do after this.Is that all there is?... Can anyone help. my father has his full liver with tumors (from primary colon cancer) so my doctor doesnt give us choices of other…
hepatocellular carcinoma
I lost my significant other to heptocellular carcinoma. He was diagnosed on August 26th, 2006 and passed away on September 19th, 2006. There wasn't any time to research treatments. I am posting this here because it looks promising and I want those who have been newly diagnosed to find help if it is available: First Agent…
enlarged liver and fullness and loss of breath
Is there anything that can be done to help relieve the discomfort of this and being able to drink and eat a little and not feel like I am panicing loosing my breath.....??? Thanks
Ratings of Cancer Clinics/Doctors
I've heard really great things about M D Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and about California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. Do any of you know if there is a national rating system of some kind that rates the quality of the care provided by major cancer centers across the country? I looked on the American…
Pet Scan reaction
Has anyone had or heard of a person having a reaction to a Pet Scan? My husband had the radioactive dye scan on 6/26/09 and hasn't felt well since. Chills, low grade fever and body aches. Thanks God Bless YOU All
Whole body approach to cancer treatment and Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Has anyone been to or know anything about the Cancer Treatment Centers of America? My husband has heptocellular liver cancer and we have not been happy with his treatment at UIC Medical Center. We are hoping to find somewhere that will treat him like a whole person not just the cancer.
Best Doctors in North Carolina
My son-in-law as diagnosed today. Having been through a major illness years ago, I know finding out who is the best doctor to treat is essential. Does anyone have a recommendation for a great Liver Cancer specialist in the western North Carolina? Thanks
New Diagnosis
A good friend in his 50s was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago. They have found 5 tumors in his liver, which they said is the primary cancer, and two in his lungs, which they say are secondary. He also has hep c and is a long time smoker. Since diagnosis, he has lost much weight and quit smoking of course as he has felt so…
Post-op Liver Resection Chronic Pain
My husband had colon cancer stage 2, none in nodes, 1 1/2 years ago. Last July he had his first PET scan and he had one small tumor in the liver, section 7 or 8, supposedly via blood stream. He had a liver resection last Sept. then started chemo six wks. post op every other week, did 9 rounds in all. He has pain in his…
mom with liver cancer
Hi! I'm 24 years old, my mom is 49 year old and last two weeks my family just found out that my mom have liver cancer. After week of test and exam,Yesterday the doctor told us that we have two choice, one give my mom some medication to relieve her pain and live for 18 months or choose chemo. We choose chemo, I know it's…
bile drains
My dad has 2 biliary drains (external and internal). He was told by interventional radiology that he drains particularly a LOT more than patients he has treated in the past. He gets dehydrated and loses a lot of weight when he lets the bile drain externally. His surgeon suggested refeeding the bile via a PEG tube. When he…