Anyone else have problems taking Nexavar?
My husband has been on Nexavar, since Nov. 2010. In the beginning, he was started on the full dose of 800 mg per day. Almost immediately, the side effects kicked in. According to the Nurses from Nexavar, he has every side effect, except high blood pressure. The Onc. has tried everything from taking him off for a week at a…
Nexavar Treatment after surgery to remove HCC tumor
Has anyone had surgery to remove tumor (HCC)and then taken nexavar to prevent recurrence? I have been told there is no treatment after surgery. Nexavar works to keep tumors from growing any further. There are no studies to see if Nexavar would prevent recurrence after surgical removal. I will have CAT scans every few…
where are they?
Havent heard from mike or jim on this forum lately its a litle concerning! Are you guys ok?
Our story, and a question
Hello, all - My husband was diagnosed with a very large primary liver cancer lesion in May of 2010. He started a clinical trial at CPMC in San Francisco in July and has been taking sorafenib (Nexavar) and either erlotinib (also a pill form of chemotherapy) or a placebo. He has tolerated the side effects very well, but the…
Please someone tell me what to expect
My friend fuond a lump. She ignored it. By the time she went to the doctor it was large and had gone into her lymph nodes, chest wall, liver and vertebrae. They started her on aggressive chemo and actually got her to a point where she could take a break - it had worked. She went off chemo for about 6 months and it came…
My Mom, 49, comfirmed to be in final stage of liver cancer...Cry
My Mom, 49, comfirmed to be in final stage of liver cancer...Cry... I am 21, I am the single child. My dad dumped us when I was born, so as you can imagine how tough she is. I love my mom so much, she is such a nice person, she helps people and she covers for her relatives' debt but nobody would be willing to help her back…
Stage 3 HCC recurrence post transplant
Dear All This is the first time i join such a discussion board. I was really motivated by the spirit of all you. I realised i wanted to be part of this great group. My mom was diagnosed with HCC tumor 6cm with end stage cirhosis last September. She was lucky enough to undergo liver transplant, i was her donner i was more…
Nexavar with horrible side effects and lots of questions......
Husband was initially dx'd with advanced stage4 primary HCC w/mets to the pelvic bone, last Sept 2010. There is no cirrohsis, or hepatitis underlying. However, after almost two months of testing, and my constant persistance, a def. dx's was finally made.(should it have taken this long???) First, he received targeted…
Mike (Stage4liver)
Has anyone heard from him?
Liver Transplant in Kansas/Frustrated
My husband has been on the liver transplant list since mid-December. After having his third TACE procedure last month he had a CT scan last week. They were treating an active stable tumor but ended up finding three more very small tumors in his CT scan. Our CA Dr. needed to send a CD of the scan to Kansas Dr. for review…
HCC and then some
I'm new here. My husband has HCC, Cirrhosis and Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. We were told in June/July he had no cancer but had Cirrhosis after that they added the Alpha-1. He has been through the testing for transplant and we are currently waiting to find out if he will be put on the list. We found out late September…
Anyone on Nexavar develop bone metastasis
HAD liver transplant 3yrs ago and now how liver cancer mets to lungs and now possibly bone. Anyone been there?
Mum has been diagnosed with Fibrolamellarhcc,
My mum has been diagnosed with the rare fibrolamellarhcc. Even rarer as she is 72. Has anyone suffered with this? My family and I are obviously concerned and I am spending most of my hours trying to find out more about it. Mum has been in hospital for nearly a month now and her operation is on Tuesday this week. I would…
My mother was recently diagnosed with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma after being misdiagnosed as having IBS for several months. She is extrememly weak and is currently hospitalized in a sub-acute unit. She has not been able to eat for a quite some time and has lost a substantial amount of weight. I am trying to help her…
is there anyone on doxorubicin + Nexavar therapy
is there anyone on doxorubicin + Nexavar therapy
Nexavar Update
My husband was diagnosed with primary liver cancer in October 2009. In January he started taking Nexavar and has been on it off and on since. He had a TACE (transarterial Chemoembolization) in January and again in March. In June after having had another CT scan to check on the tumors the Dr. started talking about the…
cancer now in liver
I am struggling to understand what it means when the primary cancer has already spread to two other locations and now it's in the liver. My loved one is really struggling with cancer and all that has come down over a very short period of time. And, I am so new to all of this and would appreciate any thoughts.
Silymarin - has anyone taken this ?
I have a good friend with a young wife at 33 who has Stage IV in-operaple liver cancer. She is currently undergoing Chemo (Tac) Xeloda and other weekly infusion of which I am unsure. She was born with Hep B. My question is here has anyone used Silymarin as a supplement to improve efficacy and prognosis for liver cancer and…
Life expectancy - months or years?
Hi all, I’m a 60 yr. old male diagnosed with a single 20cm HCC tumor on my right side liver in May 2010, subsequently removed via a liver resection in Aug. Follow-up CT scans in Nov. showed a recurrence of the cancer via a 1.5cm nodule near my right ascending colon. I should also tell you that my liver was otherwise…
Liver mets from colon-what treatment is best
Hi Everyone, My dad had rectal cancer 3 years ago and it has now spread to the liver. Doctors were going to cut off the parts of the liver with the tumors and freeze the tumors they couldn't cut off. They couldn't do it because they said my dad has cirrhosis of the liver and more tumors than they thought. Now we are going…
Ammonia levels
Anyone have much experiance with the confusion and disorientation that comes from super-elevated ammonia levels? My husband was admitted to the hospital tonight, not making sense, confused, and belligerant. He didn't know how old he is or his birthday, and he couldn't open the front door because it was locked and he didn't…
weight loss
My dad is gradually loosing weight despite his excellent appetite is this normal?
mike/stage 4 liver
how are you? I havent seen you on here in a while, it worries me. Hope all is well, how is your treatment going?
Hepatic Embolization
My 35 yr old Fiance was diagnosed with Stage IV Parotid Gland cancer (a salvitory cancer) in August 2010. It has spread to his spine (6 tumors- C5, C6, C7, T1, T3, T10) and to his liver (10.6cm tumor). After a surgery to remove the primary tumor, radiation and two rounds of chemo (taxol and carbo-platin)they have pulled…
Liver Biopsy on Wed!!!!
Hello, I am a stage 3 colon cancer survivor; diagnosed April 08. A scan back in June 2010 revealed 2 small lesions on liver (1cm & 1.7cm). Doc at that time said he believed them to be blood vessels and wanted to just monitor them. Even though all bloodwork and CEA was good I did not feel comfortable with that suggestions.…
Its 2 years since diagnoses... does it get any easier!?
Its 2 years since diagnoses, primary in colon and secondary in liver! I had 13 months of treatment which I coped reasonably well with. I am happy and appreciate being a live but it’s tough and it does not seem to get any easier! Just joined the site in hope of some inspiration!!! Maybe I just need longer to accept all that…
hi every body, first of all sorry for my poor English but I'm from Barcelona !
I'm colorectal cancer survivor with met to the liver , operated succesfuly in 2009 but now in recourrence back to the liver, just a small one that has been shrunk to 1 cm (and necrosed) thanks to chemo.My surgeon wants to do a second resection and, as you can understand I'm a bit frightened about.So here is my question is…
what if nexevar is not working?
My dad will be going for scans in 2 weeks to see if the nexevar is working. What if it isnt? Are there any pther options??
Iwas married 10*22*10 and was blessed to have my father walk me down the isle. He is as healthy as can be comsidering the diagnosis. My husband and I are also expecting a baby, I hope he will be around for that as well. He continues on nexevar and will have a set of scans 11/17 to see if treatment is workin, fingers…
My brother was just diagnosed with liver cancer which has spread to his lungs and lymph nodes. The Dr. recommended nexavar saying it could by him more time and quality of life. My best friends husband had liver cancer and decided to opt against nexavar. After reading about the side affects just wondering if any one thinks…