Yttrium 90 Radioembolization
Does any one know exactly how many time you can have radioembolization done? My father has been treated with this successfully . However the oral chemo is not keeping the the tumors from growing and he is going in for round 2 of the radioembolization. Any ideas on how many times he can go through this? Anne Marie
Any thoughts would be appreciated...
First timer here, have a question and maybe one of you good people could possibly shed some light on this, My dad was just told of 9 spots on his Liver and 1 small spot on his Pancreas, and also told that it is not curable, being put on GTX and next week starting liquid Chemo, has anyone on this board dealt with something…
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
First timer here, have a question and maybe one of you good people could possibly shed some light on this, My dad was just told of 9 spots on his Liver and 1 small spot on his Pancreas, and also told that it is not curable, being put on GTX and next week starting liquid Chemo, has anyone on this board dealt with something…
Financial assistance while going thru cancer treatment
In 2006 I had liver cancer with was mastastic from my colon in 2005. As a direct result of surgery and treatment I was out of work an missed a few mortage payments and now they are trying to take my home. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi, I'm new to this board. My husband was just diagnosed with this type of cancer. Can anyone give me some good news on treatment types and maybe some hope?
Mom has liver cancer
Mom was told that she has primary liver cancer in March o8, was on xeloda, but taken off in July had stiens put in bile ducts, now she is very janduice and has very light colored stools and dark urine, what can we expect to happen now as of last week Doctor sent her home from hospital with no hope, yet she has not pain.
Pancreatic Cancer
I had the Whipple Procedure on January 27, 2009 for Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer. I am now going through chem receiving gemzar - having what I consider mild effects. The issues I have are eating, it is so much easier not to eat than to eat. I also seem to have an issue with chewing - it is such an effort. I also still have…
Hepatitis B, Metastasised Liver cancer, unresectable, untransplantable
Hello, My brother, 28, has a real ugly(Hepatitis B, Metastasised Liver cancer (spread to the portal vein), unresectable, untransplantable)Liver Cancer (HCC) unfortunately detected very late(Oct 2, 2008). Now, he has been on Nexavar since then and has been taking alternative medical treatment (Herbal). The latest scans show…
Has anyone here been diagnosed with liver cancer after first just having seen elevated bilirubin on a lab test. I am a one year breast cancer survivor and this just came up. Thanks for your help. Lynn
Cholangiocarcinoma, new patient
I had a liver biopsy on 10/30 and the final results were discussed yesterday with my doctor. He confirmed cholangiocarcinoma. I will meet with the oncologist 12/4 to discuss treatment options. I have had cronic active hepatitis for over 20 years. Because of this there is a lot of cirrous. Surgery and transplantation are…
Pancreas Carcinoma With Liver Metastasis
My aunty is having pancreas cancer and now spreading to metastasis (stage IV). The doctor is saying there is nothing he can do on her. We are still considering alternative treatment i.e Bruess Fasting/Bruess Cancer Treatment. She is 62 and now very weak, lost > 15 lbs since she is diagnosed of cancer in July. We would like…
Hey everyone, my name is Paul Hogan and I am currently a psychology student at the California State University in Fresno. I am currently conducting research on the life outlooks of cancer survivors. If you could spare 10 minutes of your time to take a survey, I would greatly appreciate it. I myself am a past cancer…
new to this cancer thing, help please
I am a woman 75yrs old, just recently diagnosed with colon cancer, has spread to the liver, so it is still called colon cancer, on the liver. Had surgery, part of colon removed, that is ok. liver has several lesions on the outside and the lining. This is terminal, stage 4,uncureable and advanced. I have not started chemo…
New Patient with Liver Cancer
On 11/06/08 I had my 3rd treatment of FOXFLO 5FU, and I will have my first Scan since treatment,on 12/01/08, after my 4th treatment on 11/20/08. I guess what I really want to know if the treatment I'm getting is going to work on the temors I have. Please advise me with whatever information you can share. Thank you so much
How much does it cost to treat a liver cancer?
im so bothered because i dont have any idea of how does it cost to treat this kind of sickness.
Sutent & Soy?
I am a 19 year old with liver cancer (fibrolamellar variant) with mets to my lung, started 1st cycle of Sutent last month, have completed 4 weeks, am up to my 2 week break. Has anyone else taken soymilk / soy products while on this drug? I am just wondering if it affects the way sutent works, the only thing I was told to…
Essiac- For any cancer type
Has anyone used or heard about ESSIAC? if so, do you mind sharing your input?? Here is a website of the university of Texas Cancer center talking about it. http://www.mdanderson.org/departments/CIMER/display.cfm?id=03F2CD11-EE0F-11D4-810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=6EB86A59-EBD9-11D4-810100508B603A14 Thanks so much,
88 year old taking chemo/radiation?????
My mom has recently been diagnosed with liver cancer. They are not sure if it's primary or secondary yet...(full story can be read in the liver cancer section)..anyway..it's inoperable and we will be visiting an oncologist about chemo/radiation in a couple of weeks...we were told by the liver specialist that…
Goji Juice/Berries
Does anyone have experience with this product? Apparently has it's origins in China, and it's english name is Barbary Wolfberry Fruit, or Fructus lycii. Research indicates that it is esp. beneficial to the liver and the kidney. See http://www.herbasin.com/database/gouqizi.htm and…
CyberKnife. New Hope
If you have been told that you have an inoperable tumor(s), please look into CyberKnife, This new treatment is painless, non-invasive, no side-effects, no frame required radiation surgery that is allowing previously inoperable tumors to be treated. For more info, go to www.cksociety.org. I do not work for CyberKnife or any…
Help...Colon Cancer mets to liver
My father had colon resection surgery in 1993 which removed a huge tumor and 1996 for another tumor. Both followed with rounds of chemo. He then went to the oncologist every 6 months and received a clean bill of health after that. He stopped going to routine check ups with the oncologist in roughly 2002. Now he is finally…
colon cancer to liver
My sister has colon cancer with mets to the liver. She had the originating tumor removed in 1/06. The cancer is aggressive and her liver is not functioning well enough for aggressive chemo so she is on a modified regimin. They cannot get her bilirubin lowered. Anyone have any experience with compromised liver function and…
Interesting Clinical Trial
Hi all, This is Susan from the colorectal cancer boards...I thought some folks might be interested in this trial that I found out about today: Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Andrea Moody Phone: 919-457-0743 Email: andrea.moody@fleishman.com Sirtex Announces Clinical Trial Evaluating the Use of SIR-Spheres®…
Liver Radiology Treatments
I have to get radiology treatments and I was curious of what sorts of radiology they do and how they affect a person. They removed the tumors, but the one was right against my artery so they couldn't remove it the way they wanted. I researched liver radiology but there are soooo many. Would just like an idea of…
Liver resectioning??
My husband had stomach cancer with met to the liver. He had part of his stomach removed as well as the small spot on his liver removed by resectioning. He just had his first pet/ct since surgery and there was a couple of places of increased activity in the liver. The surgeon (who is outstanding) seems to think it is just…
Sign of liver cancer
I was diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia a little over a year ago. In August 2006 I received chemo (claribidine) to fight the HCL which was found during a biopsy of my Hip. A May 2007 PET-CT shows no more HCL in my hip, however there is still uptake in my liver (focal liver lesion). My oncologist does not think the liver…
Birth Grandmother died of Liver Cancer
I was recently told that my mothers birth-mom died of liver cancer when my mom was only 18 months old in the 1950s is it possible that she could have given birth to my mom who was very healthy then die 18 months later
choleangiocarcinoma (Liver Cancer)
My mother passed from choleangiocarcinoma. I would like to know where i could get more in depth information on this disease, as i would like to know if any one else in my family (my sister, myself or neices etc, would be apt to get this) thank you. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Straight Talk About Treating Liver Tumors
Dr. Charlie Nutting presents "Yttrium 90 Radioembolization (SIR-spheres or Therasphere) of Hepatic Malignancies" Date & Time: 01/31/08 2:00 pm (US/Eastern) Duration: 60 minutes Speaker Information: Dr. Charlie Nutting is a fellowship trained, board certified interventional radiologist specializing in Interventional…
Father-in-law Has Primary Liver Cancer - We are confused!
About two weeks ago, my father-in-law was diagnosed with primary liver cancer. He has a 7" tumor in his liver. The surgeon at Abott NW Hospital told him that because the tumor was attached to a major artery, it was inoperable. He cautiously gave my wife's Dad a life expectancy prognosis of 1-2 years. My father-in-law…