cakelady Member Posts: 63

John went today to have the right kidney removed.  We knew they were going to be taking the kidney, nodes, and adrenal, but there was a question as to whether the liver or colon were affected.  We were told 4 hours good time for no complications, six hours if they had to resect any of the liver or colon.

Just over three hours in and he was done!  His liver and colon are clean, the doctor is confident she got everything out of there.  Originally, it was going to be a vertical incision, but the head dude in charge felt a 'hockey stick' would be better as they could lay open the flap and access everything all the way over to his right side. It was also easier that way since he'd been robbed and stabbed in 1995 and already had a scar in the same area that they were able to mostly cut along to not damage his muscles further.  The fact that she looked like the cat that ate the canary made me feel better.

He was out of bed, standing and sitting, in recovery, and drinking water. Also gave his pain a 5, even after moving himself out of the bed, standing, in a chair, then back in the bed.  Didn't want the pain meds offered until his dose time came again, participating in conversations I was having with the nurses.

So now the only thing left are the small mets in his lungs and a couple of larger ones in his aorta.  We're going to start the Sutent in four to six weeks, depending on his recovery from the surgery.

I hope everyone has a good night and a good tomorrow; I need to go decompress a bit before bed. Other than a nap, I've been up since 3:17 this morning.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Good riddence



    He can do without that bum kidney. Now lets take care of the rest of the business as soon as the bowl games are over.




  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Good riddence



    He can do without that bum kidney. Now lets take care of the rest of the business as soon as the bowl games are over.




    I had never

    considered chronic diarrhea a bowl game. It stopped being fun at a roll of Charmin a day. Cakelady, it sounds like your husband is doing exceptional. Keep the faith.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    foxhd said:

    I had never

    considered chronic diarrhea a bowl game. It stopped being fun at a roll of Charmin a day. Cakelady, it sounds like your husband is doing exceptional. Keep the faith.

    The Cotton Bowl

    Unlike fox I was thinking of a softer type of Cotton (bowl)  where Michigan State plays Alabama New Year's Eve. Go State.






  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    icemantoo said:

    The Cotton Bowl

    Unlike fox I was thinking of a softer type of Cotton (bowl)  where Michigan State plays Alabama New Year's Eve. Go State.






    Glad your hubby is doing

    Glad your hubby is doing better...and YOU too!

    On to recovery now~

    BTW: I used a lumbar wrap over my abdomen following several surgeries. It was okay'd be my surgeons too.

    It helped hold in the healing, sore muscles esp when getting uP and moving about.

    I would put dry ice packs  inside the wrap near the incisions to help with the swelling and it did!

    I rarely needed opiates as the ice did the trick!

    Keep us informed as to how he and you are doing anytime!

    Healing hugs,  Jan

  • nancybuck
    nancybuck Member Posts: 117
    Happy The Kidney is GONE

    Now you two can concentrate on having a Happy New Year. I am so happy that John is doing so well following his surgery.Not needing the pain meds is awesome.  Now it is time for you to take a breather and get some well needed rest. You are going to have to take care of your Mr. for a while once he is discharged. Happy New Year to you guys and all of our kidney cancer friends.

    Regards from a fellow New Orleanian!




  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    That sounds like a very

    That sounds like a very successful surgery! So happy to hear this news!

    Now on to recovery -and it sounds like your husband is well on his way. Don't forget to take care of yourself too! You are doing great!!



  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member


    I chuckled a little at your headline "THE KIDNEY IS OUT" because I know exactly what that feels like.  GET IT OUT!!!  NOW!!!  (I say that in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, for some reason).

    - Jay

  • cakelady
    cakelady Member Posts: 63
    Y'all are so funny!

    Bowl games, TP, and AHNOOOOLD.  Yes, it will be a good new year.  We won't be partying with friends of ours like every year, but I'll take it.


    He's doing exceptionally well, according to the nurses. and the attending.  He was up walking the ward when I got there today, ate a little food, drank a lot of water, had all of the wires and bells and whistles removed.  No bleeding or swelling, no uncontrolled pain, so they're talking about letting him come home tomorrow.

    I slept like a brick last night, and even though he woke me up early and it was only about five hours, it was solid, coma-sleep, so I'm good.

    He also talked to the head of something, maybe surgery, about the first doctor.  That dude is reeeeeally in his craw.  Turns out he's some low-level noob who actually quotes from 'the book', whatever book that is. He was told that clinically, the information the guy gave him was correct... for a 70-year old man.  WTF?  I have words.  So many words.

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

     I am glad the surgery went well, hopefully the recovery goes fast and he is up and around real soon. Remember to take care of the remaining kidney and he will be just fine.



  • skathleen
    skathleen Member Posts: 9
    So happy for both of you

    Cakelady, I couldn't be happier for the two of you.  The advice that Jan gave about the lumbar wrap is priceless.  When I was having problems returning to work and sitting, she made that suggestion.  I wish I had used it sooner because it makes a HUGE difference.

    Be patient with both your husband and yourself during the recovery.  I was all gung ho when I got home but found out that my body had different plans.  Recovery was slow and where many people mention six weeks being a turnaround point, mine was at seven.  I'm sure the stress of returning back to work after four weeks and getting ready for my children coming home for Christmas did not help.

    Reading your good news has made my day right.  Please keep us updated on how both of you are doing.


  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    skathleen said:

    So happy for both of you

    Cakelady, I couldn't be happier for the two of you.  The advice that Jan gave about the lumbar wrap is priceless.  When I was having problems returning to work and sitting, she made that suggestion.  I wish I had used it sooner because it makes a HUGE difference.

    Be patient with both your husband and yourself during the recovery.  I was all gung ho when I got home but found out that my body had different plans.  Recovery was slow and where many people mention six weeks being a turnaround point, mine was at seven.  I'm sure the stress of returning back to work after four weeks and getting ready for my children coming home for Christmas did not help.

    Reading your good news has made my day right.  Please keep us updated on how both of you are doing.


    So glad to read your good news Cakelady!

    Everything sound very positive and your husband seems to be doing a great recovery!  Happy New Year and may the good news continue!

  • cakelady
    cakelady Member Posts: 63
    marosa said:

    So glad to read your good news Cakelady!

    Everything sound very positive and your husband seems to be doing a great recovery!  Happy New Year and may the good news continue!

    Thank you so much.

    It was so bittersweet today when I heard him tell a lifelong friend on the phone that he finally feels like he has hope, because he should never have been put in a position to feel like he had none before.  He's still digesting everything because later in the day, he said he hopes all of this is not for nothing, but it was so great to hear him say earlier about having hope.  I think he finally has the first doctor out of his system enough to move past what he was told.

    He's doing much better today.  We called his doc yesterday because the pain in his back has been pretty bad.  Turns out the tumor had not intruded into his muscle but it was adhered to its membrane, so after they removed it, they did some clean-up work by way of scraping.  So I guess it's like having a brush-burn inside, and we all know how miserable the little things are- like papercuts are the worst!

    I truly and wholeheartedly hope you all get good news and scans and visits from uncle NED in 2016.  May we all live to the fullest and take every bit of life and squeeze it for all it's worth.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    cakelady said:

    Thank you so much.

    It was so bittersweet today when I heard him tell a lifelong friend on the phone that he finally feels like he has hope, because he should never have been put in a position to feel like he had none before.  He's still digesting everything because later in the day, he said he hopes all of this is not for nothing, but it was so great to hear him say earlier about having hope.  I think he finally has the first doctor out of his system enough to move past what he was told.

    He's doing much better today.  We called his doc yesterday because the pain in his back has been pretty bad.  Turns out the tumor had not intruded into his muscle but it was adhered to its membrane, so after they removed it, they did some clean-up work by way of scraping.  So I guess it's like having a brush-burn inside, and we all know how miserable the little things are- like papercuts are the worst!

    I truly and wholeheartedly hope you all get good news and scans and visits from uncle NED in 2016.  May we all live to the fullest and take every bit of life and squeeze it for all it's worth.

    OMGosh, your last post

    OMGosh, your last post brought tears to my eyes~ Glad he has some hope and healing to look forward to~

    But that muscle issue sound horrible. Does icing it even reach that area?

    I will pray for his relief and continued HOPE!

    I thank God you are in his life my dear!!

    Healing hugs,  Jan

  • cheatinlil
    cheatinlil Member Posts: 197 Member
    cakelady said:

    Thank you so much.

    It was so bittersweet today when I heard him tell a lifelong friend on the phone that he finally feels like he has hope, because he should never have been put in a position to feel like he had none before.  He's still digesting everything because later in the day, he said he hopes all of this is not for nothing, but it was so great to hear him say earlier about having hope.  I think he finally has the first doctor out of his system enough to move past what he was told.

    He's doing much better today.  We called his doc yesterday because the pain in his back has been pretty bad.  Turns out the tumor had not intruded into his muscle but it was adhered to its membrane, so after they removed it, they did some clean-up work by way of scraping.  So I guess it's like having a brush-burn inside, and we all know how miserable the little things are- like papercuts are the worst!

    I truly and wholeheartedly hope you all get good news and scans and visits from uncle NED in 2016.  May we all live to the fullest and take every bit of life and squeeze it for all it's worth.

    God bless you cakelady,

    God bless you cakelady,

    From one caregiver to another: cheers to NED 2016! Hugs :)

  • Pandabear1011
    Pandabear1011 Member Posts: 123 Member
    Hi, Cakelady

    I know y'all are so happy to have that kidney out! I remember that feeling. It sounds like your Hubby is a trooper. Sending good healing vibes y'alls way. Hugs from Panda in Texas

  • cakelady
    cakelady Member Posts: 63
    welp... now what?

    We just got off the phone with the surgeon.  She got the path back, confirming it's clear cell but she said it has sarcomoid features and that it's aggressive, so I don't know how that changes anything.  Does it mean it's just more aggressive?  She said we're still planning on the same treatment plan, but did acknowledge that she wants a biopsy of his lungs because the adrenal and lymph nodes taken during surgery were not affected.

    She said the lungs are the first place rcc likes to go, so she feels it's still rcc there but wants the biopsy to be sure.

    Any input?

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    cakelady said:

    welp... now what?

    We just got off the phone with the surgeon.  She got the path back, confirming it's clear cell but she said it has sarcomoid features and that it's aggressive, so I don't know how that changes anything.  Does it mean it's just more aggressive?  She said we're still planning on the same treatment plan, but did acknowledge that she wants a biopsy of his lungs because the adrenal and lymph nodes taken during surgery were not affected.

    She said the lungs are the first place rcc likes to go, so she feels it's still rcc there but wants the biopsy to be sure.

    Any input?

    Just want to offer you and

    Just want to offer you and your hubby HUGS and Healing vibes!

    I cannot tell you several folks I know who got bad news intially

    are still here, improving all the time..don't let this bring you down.

    We're here for you along the way....HUGS, more HUGS,

    Warmly, Jan

  • cakelady
    cakelady Member Posts: 63
    Jan4you said:

    Just want to offer you and

    Just want to offer you and your hubby HUGS and Healing vibes!

    I cannot tell you several folks I know who got bad news intially

    are still here, improving all the time..don't let this bring you down.

    We're here for you along the way....HUGS, more HUGS,

    Warmly, Jan

    Thank you, Jan!

    A little down, not out.  

    I told him it's not in his brain, bones, didn't show in the nodes, adrenal, liver, vena cava... so, we get a biopsy and make 100% sure it's rcc in his lungs.  He painted cars for a lot of years, not always wearing the proper equipment.  We all feel so invincible until we don't.  He's not giving up, neither am I.  He's a project now, LOL!

    If it is that in his lungs, we fight.  And we research and we fight and we come here and read success stories and lean on each other and we fight some more. Laying down and dying just isn't an option.  None of us get out of this life alive, but no sense giving up the time you are given.

  • Pandabear1011
    Pandabear1011 Member Posts: 123 Member

    Hi, Cakelady...Yes. Sarcomatoid features are considered aggressive on top of whatever grade his tumor was(Grade 1-4). You might consider joining SmartPatients(if you haven't already). They are very knowledgeable over there and might be of some help to you. .....Panda

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member


    Hi, Cakelady...Yes. Sarcomatoid features are considered aggressive on top of whatever grade his tumor was(Grade 1-4). You might consider joining SmartPatients(if you haven't already). They are very knowledgeable over there and might be of some help to you. .....Panda

    Cakelady I love your

    Cakelady I love your attitude. With that you're bound to beat this thing right into the ground!