Scanxiety and questions

Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member

my husband is getting CT scans of chest and abdomen later today and the anxiety is here; it has been 11 months since the last ones.

he has been having MRIs of the spine; last one showed a spot that had been on his baseline but only now lit up. He is scheduled for radiation.

he has not had mets anywhere other than spine (up to now) and his oncologist thinks that generally the mets remain in the bones but of course, this disease is unpredictable 

so, my question to those with mets in areas other than spine, did you have any hint, symptom before the scans showed the mets?

my husband has been feeling great, regaining the weight and staying very active; he has had no pain except the laminectomy he had in 2013. 

Would really appreciate your thoughts even though I have not been as involved lately.



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hi Sarah!
    I have missed you

    Hi Sarah!

    I have missed you here, and hope that you are just too busy enjoying life!!

    I don't have any info to offer, but just wanted to say I have been thinking about you and wishing you all the best for your husband's next scan. Please post how the scans go.




  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Hi Sarah!
    I have missed you

    Hi Sarah!

    I have missed you here, and hope that you are just too busy enjoying life!!

    I don't have any info to offer, but just wanted to say I have been thinking about you and wishing you all the best for your husband's next scan. Please post how the scans go.






    thanks for your post; we have been well except for the anxiety of the last week. He had the MRI and I drove out in pouring rain at night to get the report which was actually a good report.

    Now, wailying on the CT scans has me totally frazzled; so much that I actually suggested to my husband that skipping them was a good idea. Is that beyond selfish?

    other than that, we have been in Hawaii for 2 weeks, working (only me) and enjoying our granddaughters. We are flying up to Oregon next weekend to visit our Grandson.

    Husband ill be having radiation for 5 days when we return 

    And, you, the lovebird?


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Srashedb said:



    thanks for your post; we have been well except for the anxiety of the last week. He had the MRI and I drove out in pouring rain at night to get the report which was actually a good report.

    Now, wailying on the CT scans has me totally frazzled; so much that I actually suggested to my husband that skipping them was a good idea. Is that beyond selfish?

    other than that, we have been in Hawaii for 2 weeks, working (only me) and enjoying our granddaughters. We are flying up to Oregon next weekend to visit our Grandson.

    Husband ill be having radiation for 5 days when we return 

    And, you, the lovebird?


    Hi Sarah,
    I don't think that

    Hi Sarah,

    I don't think that was "beyond selfish" of you to ask to skip the CT scan....that just tells me how much fear and anxiety you are going through. That breaks my heart. You call me the lovebird, but I can feel your love for your husband radiating through your words. I pray that all goes well, as you two certainly deserve it. I am so happy you are spending your time in Hawaii and with your family.

    Miss you, friend.

    Big hugs,
