Tomorrow is the big day

daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

I have to be at the hospital at 5;30 am tomorrow morning for hopefully a partial that may turn into a radical because of the location.  I'm getting very nervous, which I am sure all of you know about.  This is going to be my "new normal".  I just need to learn to go with it.  Do what needs to be done and get on with it like the rest of you all have been doing. I have found comfort in reading everyones posts and know that there is a pile of great information on this site.  Just wanted to thank you all and let you know how much you have helped me, even if I wasn't posting a lot.  When I am scared I just back away.  Jjust my way of coping. Hope to be back acting like normal real soon. Wink






  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Dont worry

    These guys are experts and do these ops all the time. Your job is to turn up, have a nap and do what your told. Sweet dreams. I was visited by Helena Bonham Carter and Kiera Knightly during my operation. Very pleasant.

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

    Dont worry

    These guys are experts and do these ops all the time. Your job is to turn up, have a nap and do what your told. Sweet dreams. I was visited by Helena Bonham Carter and Kiera Knightly during my operation. Very pleasant.


    You have the absolute best sense of humor!!

    Made me smile!  Good job!! Need it right about now :)


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    daisybud said:


    You have the absolute best sense of humor!!

    Made me smile!  Good job!! Need it right about now :)


    Sleeping in



    Lucky you. I had to be at the hospital at 5:00 am. The first thing they do is shave the hair off your stomach and chest. It goes downhill from there. I got nephed a lucky 13 and 1/2 years ago and without it I wouln't be here today. I wish I could say that it was painless, but I would be laughed off this board.



  • The night before my sugery, I

    The night before my sugery, I took a ferry to NYC where my surgery was scheduled.  My wife and I stayed in a hotel near the hospital.  Walked around NYC.  That kept my mind off what was to come.  The morning of the surgery was surreal.  Pre-op room faced out to Presbyterian Hospital where I was born and had a major abdominal surgery as a newborn--which was probably what led to my diagnosis.  I said to my wife that I felt like I was going back to the womb.  Walked down to the surgery room.  It looked like a space ship.  More surreal--anesthesiolgist was a chatty young man--he asked me about my line of work---I tell him--we immediately figure out his first cousin works for me in my office.  We laughed-------- that was my last memory before waking up in recovery.  It was all good. 

    Get a good night sleep.  You will be fine. Good luck.

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

    The night before my sugery, I

    The night before my sugery, I took a ferry to NYC where my surgery was scheduled.  My wife and I stayed in a hotel near the hospital.  Walked around NYC.  That kept my mind off what was to come.  The morning of the surgery was surreal.  Pre-op room faced out to Presbyterian Hospital where I was born and had a major abdominal surgery as a newborn--which was probably what led to my diagnosis.  I said to my wife that I felt like I was going back to the womb.  Walked down to the surgery room.  It looked like a space ship.  More surreal--anesthesiolgist was a chatty young man--he asked me about my line of work---I tell him--we immediately figure out his first cousin works for me in my office.  We laughed-------- that was my last memory before waking up in recovery.  It was all good. 

    Get a good night sleep.  You will be fine. Good luck.


    I don't think I will be sleeping at all tonight!  Have to leave my house at 4;30am.  I will post again soon,


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    This is going to be one of

    This is going to be one of the most terrifying experiences for you but it's their daily job, they are expert and they all detail information about it, so don't worry and take it easy,it has pain but it feels great to know that tumor is hopefuly out for good.

    May you have a successfull surgery and uneventful recovery




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    foroughsh said:

    This is going to be one of

    This is going to be one of the most terrifying experiences for you but it's their daily job, they are expert and they all detail information about it, so don't worry and take it easy,it has pain but it feels great to know that tumor is hopefuly out for good.

    May you have a successfull surgery and uneventful recovery




    Kim, wishing you the best. By

    Kim, wishing you the best. By the time you see this post you'll be long past the surgery. May your recovery be as easy (relatively speaking) as mine. Don't be afraid to use the pain killers; that's what they're for. And get out of bed and walk as soon as possible.

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    Hope all is well

    I know by the time you read this you will be home resting and hopefully watching Netflix or HBO Go or something of that nature.  Cool

    I've been praying for you and I hope all is going well.  You will feel a lot better knowing that thing, that's inside of you, is out!


  • moonjell
    moonjell Member Posts: 18
    big day

    Best of luck. I will follow in your footsteps soon. prayers for full and as painless as possible recovery.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    moonjell said:

    big day

    Best of luck. I will follow in your footsteps soon. prayers for full and as painless as possible recovery.

    Kim, first, I was not shaved

    Kim, first, I was not shaved at all! I doubt you will.

    You get to go sleepy bye...and will be asked to sit on side of bed

    and eventually get up to walk a bit, or just stand. Its to prevent clots forming.

    I also highly recommend getting a velcro, lumbar wrap. It helps hold up those sore

    abdominal muscles as they heal. AND I used dry ice packs and placed it inside the wrap

    but not against the skin. It really helped with swelling and so LESS pain meds.

    Not sure if you have had any surgeries, but they will pump up your abdomen with this gas

    so the surgeon can see, BUT it gets trapped, esp around the shoulder as its trying to find its'way out.

    This gas is not inside your colon/stomach so most gas aides do not work. MOVEMENT gets rid of it

    and it could last a few days. It was my worst pain, but who cares, the CANCER is out!

    Hope you only need a partial. Hope you are having robatic, laproscopic incisions...quicker healing.

    You can only walk for the 1st month, no other exercise EVEN if you feel better. Just WALK!

    Don't rush your recovery as everything inside needs TO HEAL!

    Let us know how you are doing and I'll say a prayer for your surgeon.

    Sending you healing hugs,


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    moonjell said:

    big day

    Best of luck. I will follow in your footsteps soon. prayers for full and as painless as possible recovery.

    You all must have forgotten the truly fun part,

    which was the colon purge in a bottle, along with don't eat or drink anything. I didn't have to be at the hospital until noon, and it was nearly 4 in the afternoon before they took me to surgery.  At least I spent about 2 hours from 2-4 in la-la land.

    And I have always laughed when a nurse comes in 2 days after surgery and asks if there has been a bowel movement.  With what, I say.  Purge, starve, and give me liquids, and maybe if you provide a magic wand, I'll be able to comply.

    Relax while you can; they'll have you up and walking and just "tooting" around the halls.

    Good luck and hugs.


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    donna_lee said:

    You all must have forgotten the truly fun part,

    which was the colon purge in a bottle, along with don't eat or drink anything. I didn't have to be at the hospital until noon, and it was nearly 4 in the afternoon before they took me to surgery.  At least I spent about 2 hours from 2-4 in la-la land.

    And I have always laughed when a nurse comes in 2 days after surgery and asks if there has been a bowel movement.  With what, I say.  Purge, starve, and give me liquids, and maybe if you provide a magic wand, I'll be able to comply.

    Relax while you can; they'll have you up and walking and just "tooting" around the halls.

    Good luck and hugs.


    Praying for you Kim

    Even though I'm sure you are post-op by now.  Rest easy, hopefully they were able to get in, get out with the strangled little **** in tow and you'll never have to revisit this adventure.  Oops, I'm sorry.....although laughter is definitely the best medicine, you probably won't appreciate a laugh right now.   You'll soon be on the road again but for now, do what they tell you and let your body heal.

    God Bless,


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Everything will be fine.

    You can do this! You're in good hands. Be gentle on yourself.



  • Baw41
    Baw41 Member Posts: 8
    Good luck

    I'm sending my prayers and wishing the best of luck with your surgery. 


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Baw41 said:

    Good luck

    I'm sending my prayers and wishing the best of luck with your surgery. 


    Good luck, Kim! Hoping it all

    Good luck, Kim! Hoping it all goes smoothly and you are posting in no time!! Sending good vibes your way!!



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Good luck, Kim! Hoping it all

    Good luck, Kim! Hoping it all goes smoothly and you are posting in no time!! Sending good vibes your way!!



    I think Janis Joplin said,

    "Take another little piece of my kidney now baby..."

    Kim, already one day healthier. Just think, in a month you'll be like ...30 days recovered. Call it a battle scar or beauty mark. It is a badge of honor. Your orientation is nearly complete. Your beanie is in the mail.

  • lcsvb
    lcsvb Member Posts: 41 Member
    Kim got the robotic partial successfully!

    Hi guys, Kim let me know that she ended up getting the tumor out with a robotic partial yesterday as she hoped. She is nauseous and tired but is now cancer free! Today marks my 1 month since my partial robotic and I vividly remember how yucky that first day feels. I am sure she will comment here once she is mobile and feeling more like herself. Isn't it nice to beat the RCC???

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    lcsvb said:

    Kim got the robotic partial successfully!

    Hi guys, Kim let me know that she ended up getting the tumor out with a robotic partial yesterday as she hoped. She is nauseous and tired but is now cancer free! Today marks my 1 month since my partial robotic and I vividly remember how yucky that first day feels. I am sure she will comment here once she is mobile and feeling more like herself. Isn't it nice to beat the RCC???

    Just in time



    Your neph was just in time to show off with that new bikini this summer.




  • lcsvb
    lcsvb Member Posts: 41 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Just in time



    Your neph was just in time to show off with that new bikini this summer.




    LOL Icemantoo!

    The several robotic scars will look great with the bikini!

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    lcsvb said:

    LOL Icemantoo!

    The several robotic scars will look great with the bikini!

    Show them proudly!!

    I refer to them as my extra belly buttons....Tongue Out