10 days later!

daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

Hi everyone,

Its been ten days now and its getting better everyday.  I do have pains not even close to the surgery site.  Like my lower back is killing me from sitting.  The recliner is my best friend right now, but my body doesnt like it so much.  I did use ice.  That def helped me not just on surgery site but also because the tape they used tore my skin off and I had major boo boos!!!  Still have really heavy scabs and that just from the tape!  I know everyone is different but can anyone tell me how long they took the pain pills?  I have vicodin. Trying to only use at night so I can sleep on the darn uncomfortable chair.  Advil and tylenol during the day as needed.  I see Dr next Tuesday, so I guesss he will tell me about the surgery and explain path report to me and what going to happen from here.. Hope everyone is doing ok.







  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    Congradulations on making it thru Hell week, none the worse for ware. Where do you want us to send the beanie.



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    icemantoo said:




    Congradulations on making it thru Hell week, none the worse for ware. Where do you want us to send the beanie.



    Glad to hear you're getting

    Glad to hear you're getting better. Ouch about that tape ripping off your skin. Did they remove it? Mine was left on for quite a while until it started peeling off on its own and then removed. I had an open partial and took the pain killers they gave me (oxy with Tylenol) for about 10 days after coming home. First few days after surgery and coming home I took one every four hours, then one every six hours, then one just before bed so I didn't wake up from pain turning over or something. After about 10 days I just used Tylenol as needed which wasn't really often. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    APny said:

    Glad to hear you're getting

    Glad to hear you're getting better. Ouch about that tape ripping off your skin. Did they remove it? Mine was left on for quite a while until it started peeling off on its own and then removed. I had an open partial and took the pain killers they gave me (oxy with Tylenol) for about 10 days after coming home. First few days after surgery and coming home I took one every four hours, then one every six hours, then one just before bed so I didn't wake up from pain turning over or something. After about 10 days I just used Tylenol as needed which wasn't really often. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


    I got through two bottles of Vicodin slowly diminishing the amount. We're all different.

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member


    I got through two bottles of Vicodin slowly diminishing the amount. We're all different.

    Apny.   The skin just ripped

    Apny.   The skin just ripped off with the tape the used to cover lap insiscion cuts.  Dr took off before I left the hospital. I also had a partial. 

    Still can't lay flat pulls too much yet. Trying to only take Vicodin when advil isn't cutting it. 


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    daisybud said:

    Apny.   The skin just ripped

    Apny.   The skin just ripped off with the tape the used to cover lap insiscion cuts.  Dr took off before I left the hospital. I also had a partial. 

    Still can't lay flat pulls too much yet. Trying to only take Vicodin when advil isn't cutting it. 


    That's so strange that they

    That's so strange that they didn't leave it on for a while. I couldn't lay flat either. I got a wedge pillow and put others on top of it. And a long body pillow for the side where the incision was. It really helped. Maybe you could try that. As for the pills, they're there to help you. Dr. told me it's better to take them and be able to walk a lot then to suffer heroically without them and not take a step because of the pain. So it's not bad to use the when the other stuff isn't cutting it.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    APny said:

    That's so strange that they

    That's so strange that they didn't leave it on for a while. I couldn't lay flat either. I got a wedge pillow and put others on top of it. And a long body pillow for the side where the incision was. It really helped. Maybe you could try that. As for the pills, they're there to help you. Dr. told me it's better to take them and be able to walk a lot then to suffer heroically without them and not take a step because of the pain. So it's not bad to use the when the other stuff isn't cutting it.

    Well 10 days away from all

    Well 10 days away from all this..whew!

    When I had steri strips, I was told to just let them fall off, NOT to pull them off. hmm..

    Sorry that happened. Glad you were using ice, you can continue with ice too.

    I stopped Opiates after about 5 days, mostly because I wore that lumbar wrap and put

    the dry ice inside which really cut down my need for pain pills while supporting those sore abdomen.

    HOWEVER, every one is different. thanks for giving us an update!

    Sending you healing vibes,


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Well 10 days away from all

    Well 10 days away from all this..whew!

    When I had steri strips, I was told to just let them fall off, NOT to pull them off. hmm..

    Sorry that happened. Glad you were using ice, you can continue with ice too.

    I stopped Opiates after about 5 days, mostly because I wore that lumbar wrap and put

    the dry ice inside which really cut down my need for pain pills while supporting those sore abdomen.

    HOWEVER, every one is different. thanks for giving us an update!

    Sending you healing vibes,


    Welcome home

    Glad you have a recliner chair.  I used mine for about a week post discharge from hospital.  But still had to have a booster step (upside down soda bottle crate with a sheet of wood over it) so I could get onto the bed, since the abs didn't work too well in lifting my legs.  More pillows, too.

    Check with Dr on this, but I would suggest you stop the Advil, as it is a NSAID-Non steroidal anti inflamatory drug, which is processed in the kidneys as opposed to the liver.  Stick to acetaminaphen, which is processed in the liver.

    Determine if it is PAIN or ache and the location.  Remember that your abdominal area was pumped full of gas to enable them to work in there and that puts pressure on other organs as they are pushed out of the way.  It can make your entire abdominal/pelvic area very uncomfortable for a while.  And your small and large intestines are just coming back after an extened "trip out" on drugs.  They are probably saying, "what is that sh** doing here?, I just had a break from all that and was relaxing."  And yeah, the opiates can be constipating.  The sooner you wean yourself off them, the better.

    Too late to give consolation about the removal of the tape.  If it was steritape, it is supposed to wear off.  Dr. goofed.  If it was a surgical tape, maybe he thought you had a reaction to the adhesive (latex or ??) and didn't want to see you have any further reaction.  If it is still open or oozing, check with the dr.'s office.  Maybe just a light gauze pad held on with paper medical grade tape will kep it ooze from sticking to your clothes.

    Notice everyone has all these suggestions to make you go to the store and shop.  Body pillows, lumbar wraps, first aid supplies, etc.  Too bad we aren't closer to run errands for you.   And you can barely walk to the bathroom.  Go figure!

    The one thing you have is tincture of time, which is always available and doesn't take much to administer.  Hang in There.  It does get better.

    Hugs to ya,



  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    donna_lee said:

    Welcome home

    Glad you have a recliner chair.  I used mine for about a week post discharge from hospital.  But still had to have a booster step (upside down soda bottle crate with a sheet of wood over it) so I could get onto the bed, since the abs didn't work too well in lifting my legs.  More pillows, too.

    Check with Dr on this, but I would suggest you stop the Advil, as it is a NSAID-Non steroidal anti inflamatory drug, which is processed in the kidneys as opposed to the liver.  Stick to acetaminaphen, which is processed in the liver.

    Determine if it is PAIN or ache and the location.  Remember that your abdominal area was pumped full of gas to enable them to work in there and that puts pressure on other organs as they are pushed out of the way.  It can make your entire abdominal/pelvic area very uncomfortable for a while.  And your small and large intestines are just coming back after an extened "trip out" on drugs.  They are probably saying, "what is that sh** doing here?, I just had a break from all that and was relaxing."  And yeah, the opiates can be constipating.  The sooner you wean yourself off them, the better.

    Too late to give consolation about the removal of the tape.  If it was steritape, it is supposed to wear off.  Dr. goofed.  If it was a surgical tape, maybe he thought you had a reaction to the adhesive (latex or ??) and didn't want to see you have any further reaction.  If it is still open or oozing, check with the dr.'s office.  Maybe just a light gauze pad held on with paper medical grade tape will kep it ooze from sticking to your clothes.

    Notice everyone has all these suggestions to make you go to the store and shop.  Body pillows, lumbar wraps, first aid supplies, etc.  Too bad we aren't closer to run errands for you.   And you can barely walk to the bathroom.  Go figure!

    The one thing you have is tincture of time, which is always available and doesn't take much to administer.  Hang in There.  It does get better.

    Hugs to ya,



    Happy to hear from you

    and glad you're on the mend.  Sorry to hear about the tape thing.  As many others have said, I too had steri strips & was told to let them fall off when ready.....no toucha da tape.  Haha  

    eveyone's pain tolerance is different & since I don't care for some of the side effects of the meds I only took a pain pill once after getting home. I was in the hospital 2 days & was on minimal doses there. I truly didn't experience a lot of pain, discomfort yes, weakness....YES.  Hated feeling so weak. 

    Overall, sounds like the worst is behind you.  Yay!!


  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    hardo718 said:

    Happy to hear from you

    and glad you're on the mend.  Sorry to hear about the tape thing.  As many others have said, I too had steri strips & was told to let them fall off when ready.....no toucha da tape.  Haha  

    eveyone's pain tolerance is different & since I don't care for some of the side effects of the meds I only took a pain pill once after getting home. I was in the hospital 2 days & was on minimal doses there. I truly didn't experience a lot of pain, discomfort yes, weakness....YES.  Hated feeling so weak. 

    Overall, sounds like the worst is behind you.  Yay!!


    I had started to run a fever

    I had started to run a fever and when I called the on call dr he said rotate tylenol with advil.  I even said to him I didn't think I could take advil.  He said it was ok.  Thanks for letting me know that.  I will ask the surgeon on Tuesday at my 2 week visit.

     Is that normal for us now, no advil?? please let me know about that.

    I had a partial lap and the tape was not steri strips, I believe it was glued and then a 3x3 clear tape patch was applied over it.  It was suppose to be some kind of barrier for infection.  Thats what dr pulled off along with a lot of skin.  Still have heavy scabs. ugh

    Today only took 1/2 vicodin and 2 advil which I now know not to take.  Thanks for that info Donna.









  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    daisybud said:

    I had started to run a fever

    I had started to run a fever and when I called the on call dr he said rotate tylenol with advil.  I even said to him I didn't think I could take advil.  He said it was ok.  Thanks for letting me know that.  I will ask the surgeon on Tuesday at my 2 week visit.

     Is that normal for us now, no advil?? please let me know about that.

    I had a partial lap and the tape was not steri strips, I believe it was glued and then a 3x3 clear tape patch was applied over it.  It was suppose to be some kind of barrier for infection.  Thats what dr pulled off along with a lot of skin.  Still have heavy scabs. ugh

    Today only took 1/2 vicodin and 2 advil which I now know not to take.  Thanks for that info Donna.












    Advil is not kidney friendly and you are not supposed to use it. That being said, my Urologist and Nephrologist have oked it for short term use on several occasions. Sometimes a GP will just say no. Speak with your  doctor treating your kidney in this regard.




  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    icemantoo said:




    Advil is not kidney friendly and you are not supposed to use it. That being said, my Urologist and Nephrologist have oked it for short term use on several occasions. Sometimes a GP will just say no. Speak with your  doctor treating your kidney in this regard.





    A lot of times the fevers post-op are related to not drinking enough, make sure your intake is adequate.

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    hardo718 said:


    A lot of times the fevers post-op are related to not drinking enough, make sure your intake is adequate.

    Thanks guys. Uping the water

    Thanks guys. Uping the water intake and no advil. 

  • lcsvb
    lcsvb Member Posts: 41 Member
    daisybud said:

    Thanks guys. Uping the water

    Thanks guys. Uping the water intake and no advil. 

    My Surgeon recommended Advil

    I was instructed to go with Advil when weaned off the Vicodin. I had the partial 5 weeks ago and had Advil on the OK list upon discharge. I think if you never had kidney trouble, they allow it. I questioned it and they said they preferred Advil over Tylenol because the painkillers had Tylenol in them and concern was if alternating them then there may be too much Tylenol taken. Also, Daisybud and I have both kidneys so maybe less risky than those of you with one? Anyhow, so glad you are feling better! My Dermabond glue peeled off today and my "body peircing holes" are nicely healed. I still have the occasional stabs of abdominal pangs reminding me that I am still healing. Went to SeaWorld last weekend and today but pushed a wheelchair and used it when I felt the pangs. I needed the time outside away from the recliner! It will be nice to get out of the house to go to the Dr Kim! 

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    lcsvb said:

    My Surgeon recommended Advil

    I was instructed to go with Advil when weaned off the Vicodin. I had the partial 5 weeks ago and had Advil on the OK list upon discharge. I think if you never had kidney trouble, they allow it. I questioned it and they said they preferred Advil over Tylenol because the painkillers had Tylenol in them and concern was if alternating them then there may be too much Tylenol taken. Also, Daisybud and I have both kidneys so maybe less risky than those of you with one? Anyhow, so glad you are feling better! My Dermabond glue peeled off today and my "body peircing holes" are nicely healed. I still have the occasional stabs of abdominal pangs reminding me that I am still healing. Went to SeaWorld last weekend and today but pushed a wheelchair and used it when I felt the pangs. I needed the time outside away from the recliner! It will be nice to get out of the house to go to the Dr Kim! 

    Yeah cant wait to get out of

    Yeah cant wait to get out of the house!  I am going to ask about advil and if I can resume my 80mg asprin and a of course about the pathology report.  I haven't talked to him about it yet.  I am little worried about it.


  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member
    Wonderful you made it through

    Wonderful you made it through the first week . now should be getting better. i took perks for 2 days than went off the pain meds. my daughter who helped take care of me .insitisting I take the pills . the sight where i had the neph at itched for several mths . been almost 2 yrs now since my sugery ,i go back April 5 for chest xray and visit the dr. 

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    It's out!

    Welcome back,

    Happy to hear you are back and doing okay.  I am sorry to hear about the skin tear with the tape, you might list that as an allergy.  Some people are allergic to the adhesive used in some tapes that will actually irritate, and in some cases inflame, the skin making it more prone to tearing.

    I think I used the narcotic pain meds at night for about 2 or maybe even 3 weeks post-op.  I had my surgery in Oct and my abdominal muscles are still sore.  Feels like that I did a hundred crunches the day before.

    Sending good vibes and prayers to you for your visit on Tuesday!



  • corey50
    corey50 Member Posts: 111
    daisybud said:

    Yeah cant wait to get out of

    Yeah cant wait to get out of the house!  I am going to ask about advil and if I can resume my 80mg asprin and a of course about the pathology report.  I haven't talked to him about it yet.  I am little worried about it.


    Yeah cant wait to get out of the house!

    I don't blame you. I had a radical nephrectomy over 7 years ago. I took vicodin for about a week after surgery. I normally would never take anything that strong, but this is not one of those times to "tough it out". Take the meds,even if its just tylenol, on a regular basis so you're not waiting until you are in extreme pain and then it takes longer to get relief.. You should be able to reduce the dosage as time goes on. I only took the vicodin for a week because I had an allergic reaction to the surgical tape they used and I ended up with hives and welts completely covering my torso. At first they thought it might be the vicodin so told me to stop. That reaction was almost as bad as the pain from surgery. The pain and soreness will get better every day and then all of a sudden it will start to hurt again, that too is normal, everything is healing on the inside too. Just don't overdo it (nows the time to pawn off the housework and laundry LOL) also no driving for at least 6 weeks. and always check with your doc or the nurse on any concerns. I know I hated calling thinking I was a bother, but this your life and too bad if you're bothering them. As far as hurting all over, that does happen too. We are turned and twisted on the operating table and all that leads to soreness after. I would recommend a little walk everyday, just around your yard if you can. It helps clear the head besides keeping the blood flowing. I live near the beach and had my husband take me down there only a couple of days after I came home, as you said, just to get out of the house. Tylenol is absorbed thru the liver while Advil and motrin are filtered thru the kidneys. So those of us with kidney issues, or only one or half of one, should stick to Tylenol, but definitely check with your doctor on this too. Also, I had a small infection right at my surgery site on the scar and had to take antibiotics, please keep an eye on this wound you have from the tapes and let your doc know if you think its getting infected. Don't worry too much about the path report (easier said than done, right) it is what is and you'll find out soon enough, so try to put it out of your head until you meet with your doc. I wish you good health as you continue on your recovery. 

  • corey50
    corey50 Member Posts: 111
    medic1971 said:

    It's out!

    Welcome back,

    Happy to hear you are back and doing okay.  I am sorry to hear about the skin tear with the tape, you might list that as an allergy.  Some people are allergic to the adhesive used in some tapes that will actually irritate, and in some cases inflame, the skin making it more prone to tearing.

    I think I used the narcotic pain meds at night for about 2 or maybe even 3 weeks post-op.  I had my surgery in Oct and my abdominal muscles are still sore.  Feels like that I did a hundred crunches the day before.

    Sending good vibes and prayers to you for your visit on Tuesday!



    sorry about the double post

    Sorry guys, posted twice by accident. 

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    corey50 said:

    Yeah cant wait to get out of the house!

    I don't blame you. I had a radical nephrectomy over 7 years ago. I took vicodin for about a week after surgery. I normally would never take anything that strong, but this is not one of those times to "tough it out". Take the meds,even if its just tylenol, on a regular basis so you're not waiting until you are in extreme pain and then it takes longer to get relief.. You should be able to reduce the dosage as time goes on. I only took the vicodin for a week because I had an allergic reaction to the surgical tape they used and I ended up with hives and welts completely covering my torso. At first they thought it might be the vicodin so told me to stop. That reaction was almost as bad as the pain from surgery. The pain and soreness will get better every day and then all of a sudden it will start to hurt again, that too is normal, everything is healing on the inside too. Just don't overdo it (nows the time to pawn off the housework and laundry LOL) also no driving for at least 6 weeks. and always check with your doc or the nurse on any concerns. I know I hated calling thinking I was a bother, but this your life and too bad if you're bothering them. As far as hurting all over, that does happen too. We are turned and twisted on the operating table and all that leads to soreness after. I would recommend a little walk everyday, just around your yard if you can. It helps clear the head besides keeping the blood flowing. I live near the beach and had my husband take me down there only a couple of days after I came home, as you said, just to get out of the house. Tylenol is absorbed thru the liver while Advil and motrin are filtered thru the kidneys. So those of us with kidney issues, or only one or half of one, should stick to Tylenol, but definitely check with your doctor on this too. Also, I had a small infection right at my surgery site on the scar and had to take antibiotics, please keep an eye on this wound you have from the tapes and let your doc know if you think its getting infected. Don't worry too much about the path report (easier said than done, right) it is what is and you'll find out soon enough, so try to put it out of your head until you meet with your doc. I wish you good health as you continue on your recovery. 

    I will be going out for a

    I will be going out for a walk around the yard tomorrow..  The sores from the allergic reaction to tape are healing up and I go to dr on Tuesday.  Have questions to ask and discuss the path report.  I didn't need to take anything at all today so far.  We will see how the night goes. :]

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

    Wonderful you made it through

    Wonderful you made it through the first week . now should be getting better. i took perks for 2 days than went off the pain meds. my daughter who helped take care of me .insitisting I take the pills . the sight where i had the neph at itched for several mths . been almost 2 yrs now since my sugery ,i go back April 5 for chest xray and visit the dr. 

    Ree, good luck with your upcoming dr visit.