A curates egg
Got my scan results yesterday, and like the curates egg they were good in parts. Most of my mets are stable,but one enthusiast sod has increased by a third and is now 4cm, or the size of a thumb. I also need a hip replacement. The fact that thy want to replace my hip seems to indicate some faith in my longevity. Otherwise…
Ever get a song in your head?
and you can't get it out? This weekend I had another experience that we have all had. Some good intentioned person was asking me how I'm doing. During our conversation they uttered that incredibly stupid statement, "We all could die any minute. We could get hit by a bus today. Or maybe have a heart attack and die. We are…
Trial report
Hey all - It's been a while since I've posted on the forum. There has been a lot of life issues going on that had to be dealt with. Anyway as for how I am doing. I just completed a year on the MPDL3280a plus Avastin trial. For the first few months of the trial there were few side effects and those were easy to deal with.…
Nerve Damage/Muscle Loss following Surgery
Has anyone in this forum suffered with numbness, pain and/or muscle loss following their surgery for kidney cancer. Since my procedure in October I have been dealing with this and it is awful to say the least. I saw my urologic oncologist on Tuesday and he stated that sometimes nerves are accidentally severed during…
Sutent side effects schedule
John is being put on Sutent. I know there are side effects to be dealt with, but I'm trying to figure out if there's a general 'schedule' on which they happen after taking the drug. For example, does nausea happen, say two hours after? Diarrhea four hours after? I realize everyone is different, but if almost everyone who…
Inferior vena cava filling defects on CT
On my recent scan this was noted, 3 months after surgury and my being on votrient for 2 months. The are doing a sonogram to help determine if its a clot or possibly a new thrombus. feeding of direct access to the blood supply. Worries me because they removed a large thrombus from my IVC during my nepherectomy. Neither one…
Has anyone heard from Thaxter? Alexandra? What other regular posters are missing? Some people just quit but others disappear without warning. I don't like it.
is it linked?
My RCC was found in the spring 2012 and removed Nov 2012. At the time of diagnosis I was suffering from chronic intractable migraine. Migraines were better for a brief period but has been chronic and daily for over a year. I also have daily flank pain and pain in my spine. Could this be signs of a recurrence? Despite much…
New to kidney cancer biopsy Tuesday
Hi, someone just told me about this board, and suggested I stop by. 13 years ago my Dad was diagnosed with colon cancer, had a colon resection, then colonoscopies every year for 10, then doctor said he could wait 3 years. 3 years later, colon cancer was back, so he had another colon resection this summer. My Dad had a LOT…
1year scan results NED
Just got out of the urologist appointment to get the 1year scan results and everything looks fine!! NED The 3 pulmonary nodes(3mm, 3mm,7mm) are stable. Next scan in six months!! Wine and steak today, pizza and beer tomorrow!!!! ;-)
1 year
So, had follow up with Urologist yesterday and there is no evidence of cancer. So, yay! It's been one year and that is a huge relief as you all know. There are multiple cysts on my remaining kidney, one of which is pushing 5cm. The septation is thin and he wants to keep an eye on it. He doesn't see any reason why it would…
Family Affair continues
Hello everyone, I've been so swamped this month and have very little time to get on her but I still think of you all and feel very reassured to know that you all are here. I'm excited to say that any day now I will be a nana for the 4th time!! First granddaughter!!! My son has recovered nicely and was back to work two…
Changing from Sutent to Votrient ... Advice?
Original surgery in Feb 2013. I've been on Sutent since Oct 2014 when 5 mets showed up in my chest. The Sutent (plus radiation) effectively shrunk the mets until now. The old mets are either gone or stable, but one new one showed up in this week's PET scan. We're taking that as a signal that my cancer is becoming resistant…
Always get a second opinion.
The doctor said, "The good news is I can cure your headaches. The bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition that causes your testicles to press on your spine and the pressure creates one hell of a headache. The only way to relieve the pressure is to remove the testicles." I was shocked…
Anniversary and Scanxiety
My three year anniversary of my diagnosis and nephrectomy are fast approaching. I don't hang out here as much, mainly because my work has become increasingly demanding so I don't have time to browse and reply like I used to. Three years ago I spent Thanksgiving looking for a surgeon to remove my kidney after spending time…
My Story
Hi All, I've been occationally looking at this forum for the past two years, and I thought it was time to share my story for the benefit of others. I'll be succinct. I'm male, 55yrs, and have been physically active all my life. So, for the record: * 2012: Pee'd blood, kidney pain. Went to clinic, thought to be kidney…
Mom with stage 3a clear cell carcinoma, story.
Hi everyone, While i cannot say i myself have been diagnosed renal cell carcinoma, but the most important person in my life has been diagnosed with this, my mom. At first we had no idea, she presented with gross hematura, and within 2 days a large mass was shown by ct on her left kidney measuering 14 x 12 x 10. So quite a…
SCCA/UWMC (Seattle) Kidney Cancer Specialists
I am recently diagnosed with Stage 3 Kidney Cancer. I have been referred to specialists at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance/ University of Washington Medical Center. I am wondering anyone on the forum have been treated at SCCA/UWMC. I am just looking for some feedback on specialists used, things to watch out for, impressions…
Medical MJ
We haven't discussed this topic in a while. It's like keeping skeletons in the closet or having a strange uncle Stanley that no one talks about. I haven't talked about it much because I never wanted to jeopardize my status with my doctors, my care givers, and insurance. However, medical mj is available here in Ct. I have a…
Feelings of guilt
I'm starting to have guilty feelings about using this web resource. I honestly don't feel like I'm a survivor of anything. I didn't even really know I had cancer until after it was removed and I was "cured". The guilt goes even further than this, with my tumor being so small the real odds of me ever having to deal with…
Has anyone heard from Alexadra?
Hi, i know some of you here know Alex from the Ovary cancer boards. I have not heard from her in a long while. She last checked in online October 10th. I see that her facebook page has been taken down, although she has not been posting for a while anyway. Just kind of concerned for her. Prayers going out for all! xoo Ange
MRI of Head
My turn again, MRI for my brain is Monday, the 23 (I have graduated to every 6 months for the body, thatCT scan is in February). Why is it we can all feel so wonderful, then the scans/MRI get closer and every little thing starts to hurt or ache! I guess that is why we all call it scanxiety! Here's hoping Mr. NED has taken…
Scan results Votrient/Pazopanib 8 Weeks In
3 Months after my diagnosis/Nephorectemy and 8 weeks on Votrient/Pazopanib I had some shrinkage of my lung mets, not huge though. Last scan was Sept 21. Current Scan Oct 20. My largest nodes where 2.0x1.9cm and 1.0x1.0cm with numerous others throughout all lobes of my lungs. Shrinkage on these was 1.6x1.8cm and .9x.8cm…
Broken ribs.
Long time, no see! Hope you're all doing well. I had open heart surgery and a thoracotomy in July. Chest CT after thoracotomy to check for collaterol damage (fractured bones) that came back negative. Coughing end of Sept. and ribs started hurting bad (same side as thoracotomy). X-rays showed #6 rib broken. 3 weeks later,…
Malignant ALM
So i have in fact made it to the other side of my Partial Neph. I was in the hospital for 6 days and it's been 12 since my surgery. Even though this was a robotic partial it was by no means an easy recovery. But here I am among the living again. There were complications and the tumor was larger then originally thought…
Stage 2 to stage 4 in less than 10 months
Hello all. I have been away for a while and have come back to share information I had hoped not to share. A recent needle biopsy confirmed that my RCC has metasticized to my mediastinal lymph node. I have a couple of nodes on the lungs - 4 mm and 9 mm - that are "indeterminate", however, are most likely mets. This is a…
Thanksgiving is Turkey, a visit from Uncle NED and just watching (5 minutes ago) my grandson on center stage in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (he was one of the drummers in the Walled Lake Central High School Marching Band which followed Cirque de Soliel). Icemantoo
MSK Research on Nanoparticles in Targeted Therapy.
Since I had my surgery at MSK I receive their newsletter and the latest one had some very promising findings. While researching the ability to deliver nanoparticles to target lung cancer tumors, they found that while very few showed up in the lungs, many ended up in the proximal tube where RCC starts. So now they’re…
Bowel wake up after partial left nephrectomy done open method
Hello my name is Randy I'm currently in recovery mode at UW Hospital in Madison, WI after having a 2.8cm cancerous tumor removed from my left kidney on 11/24/2015. I was wondering how long it takes for the bowels to wake up. When I started flushing the bowels early Monday afternoon I never got to clear fluid. I went just…
Not Sure What to Think
I have a scan a week before Christmas last year two days before Christmas I found out that my cancer returned and that I was stage IV, my wife and kids and I made a decision to not let that ruin our holiday. I was in NED the last two scans. Starting two weeks ago I have begun coughing up blood and blood clots sometimes a…