Any Updates on Chromophobe rcc treatment?

My wife is having Chromophobe rcc...  And need to know if opdivo  has effect  on it? ...  And what are the possible drugs that might work out with it

Does anybody has a clue on how to join clinical trial for Chromophobe Rcc




  • PK_Chicago
    PK_Chicago Member Posts: 58


    I am a chromophobe and have been on Odivo since October.  My January scans were "stable" so we are continuing.  Opdivo has been FDA approved for RCC treatment so a clinical trial may not be required.  So far so good - no side effects.


  • I am alive
    I am alive Member Posts: 315
    edited October 2016 #3
    PK_Chicago - u still on Opdivo???

    i came across this conversation and am wondering if any fellow chromophobes have had stability and/or decrease in tumors while on Opdivo/nivolumab??