So while the MRI radiologist thinks my 2.9 cm mass is a large cyst in my left kidney, my doctor wants me to have several doctors confirming this, which is why I like my doctor. I got the MRI film after the procedure and sent it to my mom's oncologist, a top kidney oncologist. There are cystic renal cell carcinomas too. I…
New here! Looking for some clarity.
I am a 38 yo female. I have always had bladder and kidney problems from a young age. Had kidney stones a time or two and way to many to count uti infections. last fall I had 6 uti infections in 4 months or possibly just one that never went away. My primary dr sent me to a urologist to make sure there wasn't something going…
sick with worry
I'm 38 yrs old and went to the doctor for lower back pain and intermittent pain in the pelvic area. The doctor ordered a pelvic and abdominal ultrasound. All symptoms pointed to the ovaries. Well, pelvic came back normal but showed an isoechoic lesion in the mid left kidney measuring 3cm and an isoechoic lesion in the left…
Recent scan results
Update on my son-in-law John (stage IV, grade 4, 60% sarcomatoid features, dx last summer). After a week of SBRT last month on the tracheal/aorta tumor and probably six months so far on Opdivo he had another set of scans last week and met with the Onc on Friday. We're happy to report that the chest tumor has shrunk by half…
Recently Diagnosed?
I stumbled across this board by chance while searching the web for information about kidney masses. About two week ago I was feeling perfectly fine, but I started peeing blood. After being poked and prodded by doctors, I was scheduled to have a CT scan. The next day, two weeks after I started peeing blood, the doctor sat…
Cramping with votrient
Everyday seems to being something different with votrient . Being on it for a little over a month. I've been experiencing cramping followed by diarrhea, sorry to be so forward with this. Is that a normal side effect? It seems to happen every other day. Also my gums feel very sore. My moods are very irrational, I feel like…
Friendly Reminder
I want to take this opportunity to welcome all the new members that have joined us the past couple months. In order for members to give advice it helps having a good understanding of your journey. At the top of the page you will see.... "Click here" to create or update your member "About Me" page. Follow those instructions…
Delayed Response?
My husband had his left kidney removed along with a 13cm tumor and 27 cancerous lymph nodes in November 2016. He has remaining mets in some neck lymph nodes and chest area lymph nodes, he is Stage 4 (5% sarcomotoid). He started a trial at UT Southwestern that incorporated 5 doses of SBRT on one lymph node and four doses of…
In so much pain
I am in so much pain, this has literally been a very bad week. Doctor prescribed tramadol 50 mg 4 x a day, it's not working , I called today and I was told to try Percocet, which also doesn't work. My original oncologist called me this evening because I emailed him my scary catscan from the other day . He is glad I am…
Pre-Surgery (Nephrectomy) recommendations
I'm 10 days post right kidney removal. I can not believe how well I feel today compared to a week ago. My surgery was supposed to last 2-3 hours and it turned out to be a little gnarly. My right kidney with a 10cm mass had developed its own vascular system. It was tangled in a web of veins and arteries which turned out to…
One Year
Saturday was one year since I lost my kidney, since cancer entered my life. It's been a heck of a year. I've learned alot, about life, about myself, about others. Cried alot, laughed alot. Lost friends, gained friends. It's weird that someone will quit being your friend, because you have cancer. As far as I know, I'm NED,…
Question about NED...
I had kidney cancer last summer and caught it early. I had to have an MRI on back today because it's hurting really Bad. I think it's from lifting kids at work. The top of my report says IMPRESSION: 1. No definite evidence of metastatic disease. mine never spread and I'm confused why it didn't just say no evidence of…
Cabo week two
Well week two is complete, and I have decided this is no fun!!! I've been nauseous, constipated, feel like I got ran over by a truck and my taste buds are shot. Not to mention I really have no appetite. Thankfully my side effects just really started this week and I was able to go to my daughters college graduation. That…
Am I Jumping the Gun?
A few days ago I had an MRI ordered by my pain management doc. I have experienced severe lower back pain for a number of years due to a combat injury (IED) and have gone through numerous Prolotherapy, RFA and Epidural injection treatments. The pain has not diminished. So, the doc ordered an MRI to determine his next…
A Dinner with my favorite Uncle, Uncle Ned (sorry Uncle Jimmy and Marc)
Five years from diagnosis, the nerves between the CT scan and the results continue. I hate that. But, then, I get a visit from my Uncle, NED. We go out to dinner with my family, but I pick up the check. NED has been here for 4 years; Hopefully, he comes again in November. Then, I will only see hime once a year. How did I…
NED but !
I had the report of my CT scan today and every things normal only in the report I found this... if any one have any idea or had the same please explain It says: mildly enlarged spleen ! Other than that every thing perfect
Today is my day to join the ranks of Nephrectomy!
Please accept my apologies. I have been MIA. This day seemed to never arrive and then it hit me two weeks ago...I found myself lost in thought and then as of last weWek was a frantic mess cooking, cleaning, making to do lists for my family to follow and so they can keep my two boys on target with school and after school…
feeling overwhelmed
Hello...I'm thankful I found this discussion board. It's a reminder that I'm not going through this journey alone. I was diagnosed with RCC in April 2014. I had a partial nephractemy with no treatment. My RCC has recently returned to a lymph node in my chest. My oncologist is suggesting that I do high dose IL-2. He's been…
Sensible fingers
Hi all, I've started the combination of Pembrolizumab + Axitinib recently (my first treatment, via clinical trial KEYNOTE 426, 4th cycle started on monday), and managed side-effects well so far. Recenlty though, the top of my fingers (near the nails) became really sensible - that's painful when I do buttons or manipulate…
I'm ashamed of myself
Too many recent deaths. They impact me for the obvious reasons. It isn't fair and it will not be. One person dies and another lives. Same dx. and treatment. I'll never be ned, but I've always been a partial responder to treatments, so as long as new options become available, I may be ok. There is some survivors guilt but…
just wanted to say, that's an awesome jacket.
Night sweats post-op anyone?
Hi, I am now 4 weeks post-op and things are slowly returning to normal. I am now back at work part time and "normal" life is resuming. Pain is 90% gone, so i am off pain medicine since 1 week. The thing bothering me are those heavy night sweats. I was blaming it on pain drugs, but it keeps happening even without it. Anyone…
Just wondering if anyone has heard how she is doing.
Clear cell RCC 1.2 cm
Hello, Just looking for some clarification. My initial MRI reports showed that I had a Bosniak 2f cyst that was 1.2 cm. Really none of the urologist were in a hurry to take it out, they wanted to watch it. We watched it for almost 2 years until I finally told them to remove it. The pathology did not say anything about a…
Happy Mothers Day to all!!
I am wishing a Happy Mother's Day to all early. If you are a Survivor or Caregiver know that we love you, even if we don't say it enough. Enjoy the Day.
Hi, i am a new silent member of this group. My husband ,37 yr old ,got diagnosed with RCC just a day after we got to know that we r expecting our third baby. Fast forward he has his open radical nephrectomy on 11th of April and they removed his left kidney . We received his pathology report which says clear cell carcinoma…
Stereotactic radiation highly effective for kidney cancer
Read this a few days ago and it seems pretty good for advanced patients. Especially when I read this https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/05/170502113808.htm "... According to Dr. Hannan, the new study shows that patients with metastatic kidney cancer can be treated with stereotactic radiation therapy with the goal…
Before Google
Fifteen years ago this Spring I peed blood after doing some yard work. My GP sent me to a Urologist who after doing an exam ordered a CT scan which I didn't think anything of. My GP said I probably just broke a blood vessel. I didn't ask and the Uro didn't offer any opinions as to what it could be. I just thought it was a…
Kevin, (WhatIsLife) has passed..
I rarely post, but I feel I owe my dear friend, Kevin, the respect by coming here to announce he passed March 31st in his sleep. Kevin 54yo, was immensely supported by many of you and it meant to the world to him. He had no partner, family, children, just his two cats. His only remaining friend worked out of the USA. He…
Surgery Scheduled
Well, up until I was 50 years old, I had never had surgery in my life. Now I'm scheduled, May 4th, for my third major surgery in 7 months. I had a radical nephrectomy in September of last year, a laminectomy in October to debulk a spinal tumor and give me back control of the lower half of my body, now I need major hip…