sick with worry

Dancemom09 Member Posts: 6

I'm 38 yrs old and went to the doctor for lower back pain and intermittent pain in the pelvic area.  The doctor ordered a pelvic and abdominal ultrasound.  All symptoms pointed to the ovaries. Well, pelvic came back normal but showed an isoechoic lesion in the mid left kidney measuring 3cm and an isoechoic lesion in the left hepatic lobe measuring 4cm.  The raidioligust did note that the kidney lesion may represent an anatomic variance vs a solid renal mass. I have an MRI scheduled to get a better look.  My doctor said it could be nothing and she doesnt think this is anything serious to worry about.  Well, Dr. Google has told me otherwise.  Even reading this forum has me extremely scared,   I'm convinced this lower back pain has something to do with my kidney.  I guess I really don't know what I'm looking for here, maybe for someone to talk me off the ledge? It's consumed my life for the past 2 weeks and I feel like I'm going to lose it :(.  i haven't been feeling well but I'm not sure if that's due to stress.  I did have a blood test and all levels were normal.  Not sure if anything would be off if it were cancer.



  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well glad you found us. I can

    Well glad you found us. I can appreciate your fears, but rest assured you'll get through whatever "this is" and be okay. Just we don't like uncertainty and foreign things in our bodies. So I can appreciate your concerns.

    I came to this site first before I met with my Urologist. Turns out the members here were right, a MRI was a waste of time, as the Urologist/surgeon wants a CT scan. He pretty much knew it was Renal cancer, yet small enough, like yours, to only be stage one. The surgery corrected this and once the bugger was out, the cancer left too. 

    I had a cyst too, but he showed me the difference on the scan between the cyst and the neoplasm. 

    We'll be here for you all the way. Yes, most likely IF it is a mass, you'll have surgery. Hopefully you want a surgeon that does Laproscopic/robatic technique as its less invasive. Again being that your 'thing" is smal you'll be fine after surgery. There is no need for further treatment other than surgery if you are stage I.

    Ask any questions you need to. i have had several abdominal surgeries and prefer the Laproscopic if its possible. I am now 3 plus years NED (No Evidence of disease).

    Sending you calm, hope and healing...soon enough.

    You can also send me an email on this site for further information if you like. We'll be here for you hon.

    Hugs, Jan

  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member
    Hopefully the 3cm area on

    Hopefully the 3cm area on your kidney is something called a dromedary hump which is abnormal anatomical variant and very common at the mid left kidney. It also appears isoechoic whereas most renal masses don't. That being said, if it is 3cm it is highly curable with surgery so try not to panic. Definitely get your MRI so that the liver lesion can be evaluated also. 

  • Dancemom09
    Dancemom09 Member Posts: 6
    Thank you, ladies.  I feel

    Thank you, ladies.  I feel somewhat better.  I guess I wasn't as concerned about the liver as much because it seems like benign tumors or more common in the liver than the kidney.  

  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member

    Thank you, ladies.  I feel

    Thank you, ladies.  I feel somewhat better.  I guess I wasn't as concerned about the liver as much because it seems like benign tumors or more common in the liver than the kidney.  

    There are MANY benign masses

    There are MANY benign masses in the liver. I just meant be sure to follow-up to be sure. Basically, let's cross the bridge when and if we need to!

  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member
    The worst of your enemies Google

    and your fears....its ok to be  afraid we all when we diagnosed where shocked some of us cried cancer avisitor not welcomed relax wait for all the results it could be nothing  no need to panic 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Either way



    It is either nothig or a litte baby something that may need surgery to get rid of it for goodd. Sounds like what I went thru almost 15 years ago.




  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 973 Member
    edited May 2017 #8
    Welcome Dancemom

    Isn't it amazing how much anxiety comes from a google search? It will be difficult to take you of the "ledge" until you get some answers.  Until then, try to focus on the advice that others have given you.  By the way, when is the MRI scheduled for?  And, when is your follow-up with your doctor?  Hopefully it will come soon.  I pray you find peace while you wait.


  • Dancemom09
    Dancemom09 Member Posts: 6
    stub1969 said:

    Welcome Dancemom

    Isn't it amazing how much anxiety comes from a google search? It will be difficult to take you of the "ledge" until you get some answers.  Until then, try to focus on the advice that others have given you.  By the way, when is the MRI scheduled for?  And, when is your follow-up with your doctor?  Hopefully it will come soon.  I pray you find peace while you wait.


    I've been OBSESSED with

    I've been OBSESSED with google. The crazy thing is, I know i shouldnt be looking for answers there.  I'm glad I've find this forum.  My MRI is scheduled for Monday.  I don't have a follow up scheduled with my primary yet.  I guess she'll just call me with the results.  

  • Dancemom09
    Dancemom09 Member Posts: 6

    The pain in my lower back makes me feel ill.  I've just been blindsided by all of this.  I'm very active (my 8 year old keeps me on my toes), and this is something I'm having a very hard time with.  Thank you all for your support. 

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 620 Member
    edited May 2017 #11
    Hang in there Dancemom

    I know it is very hard to not research via Google, but it just gets too scary. Hope these abnormalities turn out to be nothing at all or at the worst a small one that is easily handled. Love and prayers to you

  • beemurguia
    beemurguia Member Posts: 57
    edited May 2017 #12
    Thank goodness for low back

    Thank goodness for low back pain which has lead to many of us having an "incidental finding"...yes the discovery of a mass or cancer....but your stress and anxiety are totally normal and we can all sypathize.  Take it one step at a time. See your Dr for results and an explanation.  I hope that the anomoly is not cancer but if it is the small size is sure to guarantee a full recovery.  My 7 cm mass which grew to 10 cm in 2 months seemed like childs play for my urologist.  He took out my right kidney 10 days was a gnarly mess getting it out but he just seemed certain and positive that he got it all out.  I mean 10 cm is like a baseball and he isnt concerned???? Ok....I will know more when I get my pathology report this Tuesday....So please breath and find comfort that a lession that size will have a much much better prognosis!  Keep us posted and we are here for you!


  • Abunai
    Abunai Member Posts: 173 Member

    Thank goodness for low back

    Thank goodness for low back pain which has lead to many of us having an "incidental finding"...yes the discovery of a mass or cancer....but your stress and anxiety are totally normal and we can all sypathize.  Take it one step at a time. See your Dr for results and an explanation.  I hope that the anomoly is not cancer but if it is the small size is sure to guarantee a full recovery.  My 7 cm mass which grew to 10 cm in 2 months seemed like childs play for my urologist.  He took out my right kidney 10 days was a gnarly mess getting it out but he just seemed certain and positive that he got it all out.  I mean 10 cm is like a baseball and he isnt concerned???? Ok....I will know more when I get my pathology report this Tuesday....So please breath and find comfort that a lession that size will have a much much better prognosis!  Keep us posted and we are here for you!


    Bee, If your urologist doesn't recomment it first, step up and ask for full body scans (CT or otherwise) to look for any metasteses in other areas.

    I wish you the best for Tuesday's pathology report. Push your docs until YOU feel certain and positive.

  • NicoleAless
    NicoleAless Member Posts: 10
    Dancemom09 - and others, living with fear

    Any word, Dancemom? I just received word today that I have a mass in my kidney. I have been having flank pain / back pain the last few weeks and was worried because both of my parents passed from RCC. It seems surreal that I could have this. I am much younger than both my parents were. My father lived another 20 years or so after initial diagniosis but my mom only about 10 years. My mom endured so much. I don't know yet if I have cancer, but I could tell my doctor is very concerned. He is sending me for an MRI this week, and I wonder why an MRI versus a CT? I will talk to him about it in the AM. I don't care either way, but I want the most thorough examination. I have a son about to go to college and a 15-year-old daughter. I want to see them grow, marry, etc. I praying that this is some kind of mistake, but the pain is what my mom felt, and now with the mass. I can't sleep and am worried about money and work, etc. Sending best thoughts your way. Keep in touch.

  • Dancemom09
    Dancemom09 Member Posts: 6

    Dancemom09 - and others, living with fear

    Any word, Dancemom? I just received word today that I have a mass in my kidney. I have been having flank pain / back pain the last few weeks and was worried because both of my parents passed from RCC. It seems surreal that I could have this. I am much younger than both my parents were. My father lived another 20 years or so after initial diagniosis but my mom only about 10 years. My mom endured so much. I don't know yet if I have cancer, but I could tell my doctor is very concerned. He is sending me for an MRI this week, and I wonder why an MRI versus a CT? I will talk to him about it in the AM. I don't care either way, but I want the most thorough examination. I have a son about to go to college and a 15-year-old daughter. I want to see them grow, marry, etc. I praying that this is some kind of mistake, but the pain is what my mom felt, and now with the mass. I can't sleep and am worried about money and work, etc. Sending best thoughts your way. Keep in touch.

    MRI today

    Hi Nicole, my MRI is scheduled this morning. They say I could possibly have results today.  I feel like I haven't slept in days. Right now, my daughter is wrapped around me, asleep and like you, all I can think about is seeing her grow up. I'm terrified. Ive been so concerned with the lesion in my kidney, it hit me last night that the lesion in my liver could be related.  What if I have kidney cancer and it's spread to my liver? Am I completely screwed then?

    How big is the mass they found in you? I'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best.

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    Hi Nicole and DanceMom

    It's really impossible to not be afraid, but talking things over with people here was very helpful for me when I first joined.  For most of us things are not as bad as they first seem.

    You can talk about anything here.  

    I'm glad to meet you but also sorry that you have to be here... (That is such an odd feeling, like... Welcome but I wish you weren't here.)


  • NicoleAless
    NicoleAless Member Posts: 10

    MRI today

    Hi Nicole, my MRI is scheduled this morning. They say I could possibly have results today.  I feel like I haven't slept in days. Right now, my daughter is wrapped around me, asleep and like you, all I can think about is seeing her grow up. I'm terrified. Ive been so concerned with the lesion in my kidney, it hit me last night that the lesion in my liver could be related.  What if I have kidney cancer and it's spread to my liver? Am I completely screwed then?

    How big is the mass they found in you? I'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best.


    Thinking of you Dancemom! I am at work today (teaching--kids have a way of getting you to forget your troubles for a bit), the rain is falling, and my pain seems to be pulsing today. I think we have to hope that as Steve says:  "Things are not as bad a they seem."  I do not know yet how big this is, or what it is, but I am certain my doctor is very worried since he ordered an MRI for Wednesday. I am praying I will know things ASAP. This just seemed to start out of nowhere. However, maybe not, maybe it has been there for a while, and now I am just feeling the symptoms. Monday is the 17th anniversary of when my mom was diagnosed (she lived with it for 10 years after diagnosis, and I was fortunate to have her until 40; I will take that right now!) I am thinking she is looking out for me right now. I have to get to my son's graduation on the 14th and that is pressing right now. It's all about my kids now, just as it is for you. We have to be strong for them. It's what we do as mothers. Let me know how it goes. We will help each other through this. --Nicole

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    I'm so sorry you're going

    I'm so sorry you're going through all this anxiety. Any results from the MRI? I really doubt a 3 cm growth on your kidney would have gone anywhere else so I don't think the liver issue is related. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  • Dancemom09
    Dancemom09 Member Posts: 6
    Good news

    I received the MRI results back, no malignant tumors!  The tumor in my liver is a focal nodular hyperplasia.  Benign and probably developed from the use of oral contraceptives.  The spot on my kidney is a dromedary hump, just like Kat had mentioned..  I have a follow up to discuss the pain im experiencing in my back.  So these lesions were incidental findings that ended up being nothing. I'm so relieved.  I was so stressed that I developed hives all over my neck and chest.  Cancer is a scary f#%!?| thing and I hope I never have to go through this again.  Thank you for all your comments and support.  This forum is a really amazing place. 

  • NicoleAless
    NicoleAless Member Posts: 10

    Good news

    I received the MRI results back, no malignant tumors!  The tumor in my liver is a focal nodular hyperplasia.  Benign and probably developed from the use of oral contraceptives.  The spot on my kidney is a dromedary hump, just like Kat had mentioned..  I have a follow up to discuss the pain im experiencing in my back.  So these lesions were incidental findings that ended up being nothing. I'm so relieved.  I was so stressed that I developed hives all over my neck and chest.  Cancer is a scary f#%!?| thing and I hope I never have to go through this again.  Thank you for all your comments and support.  This forum is a really amazing place. 


    So grateful for your news. I have mine on Wednesday. One day at a time:-)


  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member
    edited May 2017 #21

    so happy  for  you great go party have fun and don't come back hereLaughingLaughingLaughing