Thank You seems Inadequate
I have just finished the Preliminary Surgery Scheduling and Insurance paperwork for Surgery April 17th for Left Kidney Removal. In my first Post I detailed the finding as Incidental to Herniated Disc. As I cannot do as much Physically as I would want because of Sciatttica pain. I have been reading past Forum Posts. The…
Struggling to get a grip...
Hi, I am writing on this forum in the hope to get some answers to my questions after I was told that have about 1 cm lump in my left kidney. I saw my GP for very frequent urination, 20-30 times /day in August- sept 2016. It was so bad that I was feeling nausea as soon as I had a little urine in my bladder. My urine was…
New Symptoms
Hi everyone, Hope you all are having an enjoyable evening. Me, kind of, LOL! So today 9 days post surgery I started peeing a little blood, nothing crazy, but also passing clots. I am not in pain, I am not feeling unusual and I called my doctor and they seem to be not concerend at this moment but told me to let them know if…
Pathology Report
So my doctor just called me and let me know that all margins were clear, however, the pathologist doesn't think it's a clear cell carcinoma and they want to send it off for additional testing. I thought he said transitional tromopho, (honestly I am not quite sure what he said now) or something about the chromosomes needing…
Flank Bulge
I've become very anxious about my open partial in 3 days after reading about this underreported condition called flank bulge. I'm even thinking of cancelling and talking to a few robotics surgeons first despite having all my pre-op testing and support team ready to go for surgery on Thursday. Don't mind the scar but a…
Almost 4 months post surgery
And got my first post-surgery scan. My urologist sent me to an oncologist for genetic testing to see if I have a syndrome which could be causing all of my issues- thryoid disease, pituitary tumor and the kidney cancer. I guess they wanted some answers since at 43 I am considered "young" for kidney cancer. My kids still…
living with 1 kidney
what are the repercussions of living with 1 kidney.. my husband will probably be having one removed as he has stage 3 and the tumor is 4" long.. We are still waiting on tests and xray results to come back to see if anything has spread.. His other kidney has slight damage from diabetes but otherwise is OK. We know eating…
Thank you all.........
The cancer forum gave me Mark's info so I could write to all of you. First of all I want to thank you all for your kind words. It's so tough to know that he is not here. I appreciate all of your support over the years. As I was reading the post, I cried too as Footstomper was the other person I was trying to get a hold of.…
9 days since surgery
well, I'm 9 days in and doing pretty well. I walked around the neighborhood this beautiful spring morning for almost an hour. There is just one place on my stomach giving me problems. There is an incision between the one by my belly button and the one on my right side where they took out my kidney. Maybe there is a muscle…
Anyone with similar overwhelming health situation
Just trying to get a handle on my husband's situation.. so overwhelming..I am going to list his situation below..can anyone relate or has same health conditions as this and had kidney removed: Age: 54 - never smoked, drank alcohol or done any recreational drugs type 2 diabetes - 25 years Arial fibilliation - has pacemaker…
Emotions and story - from the sidelines
I am not sure where to begin, but the past weeks have been a blur of emotions! Finding out that my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer was only the start of an emotional rollercoaster that I don't ever want to ride again! As my poor Rob was undergoing all testing I sat there helplessly watching the pain and fear in…
another ct scan please help.
Struggling to get a grip...
Hi, I am writing on this forum in the hope to get some answers to my questions after I was told that have about 1 cm lump in my left kidney. I saw my GP for very frequent urination, 20-30 times /day in August- sept 2016. It was so bad that I was feeling nausea as soon as I had a little urine in my bladder. My urine was…
our nightmare continues
Well, where do I start! Two weeks ago my husband was sent home from the hospital after receiving 6 pints of blood! His tumor is 16 cm large, thats all we were told! It is pushing his mailn arteries aside, pushing is intestines out of the way and pushing on his spine! We know it ihas not spread as of now! His urologist said…
Stage 3 kidney cancer with diabetes/afib
My husband was just diganosed yesterday with stage 3 kidney cancer - tumor is 4" long. He is 54 years old and also has diabetes and afib.. we are curently waiting for more test results to see if the cancer has spread. Because he has had diabetes for 20 years he already had a little kidney damage. The Dr said they will…
Medications post radical nephrectomy?
Hello all who have had a radical nephrectomy! Im scheduled for mine on 5/9/17...not soon enough! My doctor has not really had a discussion with me if any meds such as chemo or immuno therapy will be necessary after surgery. Im assuming that will be determined after the staging is complete. Have any of you had to follow up…
Just diagnosed
Hi all...just got back from the dr after being diagnosed with the dreaded "C" word. So my journey started in Oct 2016 with a ct scan to find the cause of blood in the urine. Drs couldn't tell anything definite with the ct, so I had an Mri done. The Mri showed an approx 2 cm mass but it was not dense and they said to wait…
Got Surgery Date
April 17th is the day. I remembered Calvin & Hobbes when he says I think nightime is dark so you can imagine your fears with less distractions. I am now laser focused. I have watched the Surgical Videos to get a better understanding of whats going to happen. There are over 80 Forum pages. They are filled with…
Nervous, surgery tomorrow afternoon
Hi everyone!! Hope you all are doing well! I am getting anxious for my robotic laparsocpic partial nephrectomy that is taking place tomorrow. Part of me is so scared, but another part is so damn excited to get this nasty little invader out of me. I know I am good hands and just praying for a smooth surgery and a speedy…
4 days since surgery - first post
i found this forum last month after diagnosis, looked around a little and got freaked out. Now that the surgery is over I feel so much better ano a little braver to read about everybody's stories. I had a radical nephrectomy on my right kidney Thursday. My surgeon used the DaVinci method so I have 8 incisions, but I am…
Who also has Skin Cancer...
I have to have a Basel Cell growth on my face taken off this week; how many other of us are also dealing with Skin Cancer as well?
HELP - Overwhelmed with Clinic Options
Two weeks ago tomorrow my husband was diagnosed with sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma. As a young wife and mother of a seven month old, we have been struggling hard to accept this news. From what we have been told it is a very aggressive form of kidney cancer that does not respond well to chemo or radiation. We spent the…
Have my first urologist appointment Monday have a3.8 cm nodule not a cyst.
Hernia Disc = Kidney Cancer- Incidental find
Hello to all. I am so glad I found This Forum on Google. I have read so many stories this weekend that has ease some anxiety. I had to join to ease the stress Where to start. I am a 56 yo Male in pretty good health or so I thought. I shoveled the snow in early February and had some back pain. Nothing out of the ordinary.…
Update on Son-in-Law
Next week John begins six weeks of radiation condensensed into five days using SBRT. He was accepted into the study because he has fewer than 3 mets and is young and healthy. (Reminder...he is 42 years old, stage IV, grade 4, 60% sarcomatoid RCC). For those not familiar with SBRT (Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy), it…
New CSN pictures in Spotlight
Congrats to Jan4you and domma_lee for havind their pitures in the CSN spotlight after others including APny and myself were rotated out. Icemantoo
Day 7 on votrient, only side effects are fatigue
Is this to good to be true???? Just fatigue??? I'm not complaining, but seems strange from everything I have read. I called my oncologist and he said they may still come or I'm very lucky. Luck? dont know what to think really . Anyone else have little or no side effects.
So much anxiety
Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. Since my diagnosis of Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma on Tuesday I have had so much anxiety. I am really trying hard to stay positive and strong, but I have these bouts of anxiety that just overcome me and leave me so fearful of what my life ahead is going to be like. I am only 33 years…
Clear Margins?
I have a question that I forgot to ask the doctor yesterday when we found out my husband's pathology results. There was one microscopic area where there were a few cells on the outer wall of the kidney in the fat, which makes it stage 3 automatically. However, he said that he removed all of the fat along with the kidney…
On Sutent , lost all taste
i am taking sunitinib (Sutent) and for the second time have lost all taste, sometimes a metal taste . I read on this forum that taking Lglutamine might help. I have been taking 5grams /day for 2 weeks to no avail. I'm not sure if the dosage is right or not. Anyone out there with this problem?