Renal mass ...New here to this group
Hi I'm new here but very no nervous about findings on a CT scan I had done in the er .. a 5 cm renal mass was found along with enlarged lymph nodes my concern is 6 month prior this tumor was 2.6cm I don't see a doctor until next week but I'm worried because I have a lump in my side and back ...Have night sweats fatigue and…
I am just heading out to an appointment, but got notice of this news...I had to reach out to everyone here and say something. I cannot believe that we have received news of the passing of two very special friends here on CSN. This reminds me of when Djinnie and Neil passed...their losses were close in date, and we greatly…
New to the Site - what next?
Hi little about me, 36 when we found my cancer in 2013 quite by accident during some medical testing. i had a stage 1 grade 3, completelty encapsualed tumor that was removed with a partial nephrectomy with good margins. foe the next three years we never missed a scheduled scan and up until september of 16 all indications…
Two Days Post-surgery
Its two days post-surgery and I want to share my story. Back in October 2016 I had bad lower left side cramps. My doctor sent me for a CT scan to confirm diverticulitis and to make sure I did not have a blockage. This CT scan found a 11 mm solid, enhancing mass in the lower pole of the right kidney represents a Bosniak 4…
Post op digestion issues
Had open partial nephrectomy on April 7. Man did I have hallucinations fr morphine. I swear I lived thru many different lives while in Hosp. Besides the usual, most urgent is gas, constipation nausea. Any suggestions? This afternoon I almost had family call 911. The cramps finally stopped but now afraid to eat. I am…
HD IL2 started with my husband
This past week my husband went in to receive is first round of HD IL2. There were to be 14 possible dosages........unfortunately, he was only to receive 4 out of the 14. He is very disappointed and I am trying to be positive. This has been a difficult weekend for the both of us because I really do not know what to say or…
Surgery tomorrow
My Surgery is tomorrow afternoon. I was given Diagnosis on St Patricks Day and the Kidney is being removed on Easter Monday..kind of ironic in a Divine Intervention way. The Sciattica pain from the Herniated Disc which led to Diagnosis has lessened through PT..I can now sleep a few hours in bed before going to recliner.…
Question.....after surgery were you given a specific diet or list of stuff to avoid?
I won the Lottery!!
2017-04-17 My wife keeps hoping that one day we will win the lottery (money). However, my wife and I both feel we won the lottery with the early and unexpected detection of the renal mass. While fighting with a nasty case pneumonia in March a chest scan revealed a mass about 6 cm in size. However, my wife and I both feel…
I'm back
Had a couple on non RCC incidents and wounf up in the hoapital and rehah. Hope to get back icing down the newbies in the next few days, Icemantoo
Indiana University Cancer Center
Has anyone ever heard of or had any interaction with IU Health Melvin & Bren Simon Cancer Center? I have an appoitnment there in 2 weeks because I wanted a second opinion on my records and case and was told these guys are some of the best in the area. I expect they will be fine, just curious if anyone else had any…
lifetime of fun
I have access to my medical records through the "My Chart" online system. It eliminates the need of getting copies of everything as it is available on line. However, something truely mind boggling became apparent. I can not always remember all my treatments, results of tests, chronological order of my care, and more. Part…
High Blood Pressure?
Just wanted to know if anyone else with rcc had their blood pressure go very high. My BP has spiked since rcc was discovered on my right kidney. My surgery is not until 28 April. Don't want to have a coronery waiting for my surgery. GATOR
How Long Is Your Scar/Incision for those with Open Nephrectomys
I see in the literature that there is a newer mini-flank incision of 3-4 inches but I believe mine will be about 7 when I have the surgery on April 6. Anyone get the mini-flank version?
Diet Soda
I'm curious as to how many of us under 50 who've been diagnosed with some form of renal cell carcinoma (mine was chromophobe renal cell carcinoma) were moderate/heavy diet soda drinkers?
dying from cancer
Recent deaths hurt me. A few members have been here longer than me. But I'm sort of the last dinosaur. I started as the "Poster Boy" for potential to beat rcc. I have seen death and survived. Now it is like being in the final four. Scheduled to play against UConn. I manage to find ways to postpone the series but it is…
An incidental finding=RCC
I just found out that I have RCC. I originally hurt my lower back by lifting a heavy object. I began to experience pain in my abdomen, mainly left side of abdomen to the rib cage. Although the pain was along the left side the CT scan did not show muscle tear or any anomoly in that area but a 7cm size tumor at my right…
Hello, I can report Uncle NED's visit to my husband today! Abdominal ultrasound - all clear. Chest x-ray was done in December 2016 (due to suspicion of pneumonia), also clear. We are very-very lucky. I am relieved, however, it is not an overwhelming joy as it usually is. Guess it is because of Mark and Footstomper. Almost…
Hello, Haven't seen Footstomper for a while. His profile says he was last active on 03MAR. Have anybody heard anything, how is he doing? Alla
Post Op follow up
Well we go to our Post op follow up with the surgeon who did my wife's partial robotic today. Yesterday was 5 weeks. I'm assuming that he will release her to resume normal activities and go over the Path report ( which we've already had a physician look at it) but I want to hear his take on it to confirm the good news and…
2 weeks post surgery
Today we went and my husband had his staples removed, all 56 of them! He is healing well and I am so blessed to have him with me! He looks better than before surgert, he has an appetite again and he has a smile! We will see his surgeon on May 4th for pathology report and such! A bit worried but so thankful he is alive and…
My Turn
Well Tuesday is my turn. I am having a Robotic partial right side. I want to thank all of you who have shared your journey with us. They have helped answer lots of questions and taken a little of the fear "of the unknown" away. I think I know a little better what to expect. Still having lots of emotions but I will get thru…
The Continuing Adventures of a Lab Rat.
Clinical Trial - Calithera’s glutaminase inhibitor, CB-839 in combination with Everolimus (Afinitor) at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia. I was previously enrolled in a clinical trial with Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) and Incyte’s INCB24360 for the past year and a half. Unfortunately, in June I started to show progression and it…
Question about after surgery pains
Happy Sunday everyone! So this may be a little TMI but I am just curious if this happened to anyone else. I noticed about 2-3 days after my partial nephrectomy that my pubic bone area and into my groing area it feels bruised. I honestly didn't think to much about it because I figured it may of been a nerve or something to…
Mark, (mrou50) wife wrote to me.
Mark's last topic was "Hey Cabo, you win" written on Feb 22, with his last response to that post on Feb 23rd. He was going to stop CABO, even though it was working as he was so miserable. Remember? Well a few moments ago, his wife just wrote to me to announce that he passed away. She wanted me to tell FoxHD and the rest of…
Eight Week Update
I got blood test results back today from eight weeks after surgery. Units are Australian. I'm not sure who's system we copy. Probably UK or Europe. Urea 8.1 mmol/L (3.0 - 8.5) Creatinine 109 umol/L (60 - 140) eGFR 66 mL/min (over 59) Haemoglobin 132 g/L (135 - 180) The Hb is the only result that is (just) outside the…
Just got the news that I start the clinica trial at MGH 4/6/17 with Varliumab and Nivoulmab. Every other Thursday. Looking forward to starting this journey.
About a year ago, I made my first post, and lots of you answered questions for me. My husband had been diagnosed with kidney cancer, with a 13 cm tumor around his left kidney, and several nodules on his lungs. We tried so hard to get a doctor in St. Louis at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. We heard they did miraculous things for…
Surgeon's History of Surgeries
Is there a website that shows what type and how many surgeries a surgeon has peformed?
Good news about a local friend
Another of those trips to a PC for something else. No clear Dx so was referred to a Urologist. He ordered a CT, called her the next day and said I'll see you in surgery in a week. She had an encapsulated, baseball size tumor on her kidney. Had surgery on 3/23 and I saw her at her PC"S office yesterday, out and about. I…