transitional cell cancer
My dad had his right kidney and ureter tube removed last week. Unfortunately, on his pathology report, it said that nine out of ten lymph nodes removed tested positive for cancer. His ct scan didnt show cancer in other parts of his body. We have yet met with an oncologist. We are from Alaska, and are presently in Seattle…
Kidney PNET
Does anyone know about Kidney PNET? I had radical left nephrectomy 5 weeks ago, recovery very slow and painful. Is this normal? What is prognosis if surgeon says he "got it all"? Thanks!
new patient
Hi, My husband just found out that he has a 1cm, tumor on the vein in his left kidney. apparently no where else. Do you scan the rest of the body after this? Do you remove the whole kidney? Do you do the laproscopy? or the big surgery in hopes of saving the kidney? What are the survival chances? Chances of re occurrence?
Had kidney cryo surgery & it was 98% successful. But still have other symptoms:
My son just had his cancer mass on the left kidney removed through CRYO procedure & they told him it went well. He does not have cancer in his bones or lymnoids.Yet he is still having problems with cronic constipation & a feeling of fullness after eating a few bites of solid foods & drink.And some pain. He has lost weight.…
Just venting - but -
I was at the grocery store the other day and at the checkout I was asked if I would contribute to the Prostate Cancer drive. At another place it was for breast cancer. Then colon cancer. I'm headed for my next set of scans for followup of metastic RCC and it was like my last nerve had been mashed! I said "when other…
New to this group
Hello, I'm kind of stuck. I'm hoping someone out there can help me with my questions. My father is 81 years old. He was diagnosed with RCC about 5 years ago. He told his family nothing and has done nothing about it. Two weeks ago, he was complaining of severe chest pains and was admitted into the hospital. He's been in/out…
question about post operation
I am hoping that all you wise members can help me with a couple of questions. I just had surgery on May 27th. I had a open partial nephrectomy. The tumor was a t1a clear cell renal cell carcinoma. I have a problem with epilepsy so I can not take pain meds. The docs did not even mention to ice. Would that not help? I have a…
Husband has had success with Sutent
My husband was diagnosed with Stage 3 RCC in 1/2009. Had right radical nephrectomy 2 weeks later. October 2009 diagnosed with mestastic RCC to the lungs. He has done 2 rounds of 50mg Sutent. Latest ct scan has showed: * Nodule in the left lower lobe is 3mm - it was 11mm. * Largest nodule measures 5x6mm - previously…
I've been coming to this site for a long time and I wonder how many of us are still here. I'd like to believe that many of us have found good doctors, treatments, surgical procedures that continue to give us hope and health. Seems like few are responding to posted messages and I wonder why. As for me? RCC (Stage 1)…
I am the carer for my husband, Redden Crisp. He is a kidney cancer survivor, Stage IV grade 3. He had a nephrectomy in 2004. He was clear until Nov 2009 when the rcc met to his lungs. 1 spot on each lung. He was lucky in that he was able to have surgery to remove the 2 spots. Currently no evidence of cancer. He just had…
Pet Scan Results
My doctor called me this morning on my way to work, had to pull over, he said the Pet scan showed nothing suspicious and looked good. He said that there was some iregularities in the neck area but he believes this is from the surgery and radiation.He said it was a darkening. He said that the rad doctor wants to do an MRI…
cryo Procedure/ kidney removal
On 5-1-2010 my 41 yr old son found out he has kidney cancer. Monday he goes in for either the cryo procedure or if they can not perform that, he will have his left kidney removed. We do not know to much about his recovery time & what he will be experiencing. He has a high blood reading from his pancreatis. Yet nothing is…
cryo Procedure/ kidney removal
On 5-1-2010 my 41 yr old son found out he has kidney cancer. Monday he goes in for either the cryo procedure or if they can not perform that, he will have his left kidney removed. We do not know to much about his recovery time & what he will be experiencing. He has a high blood reading from his pancreatis. Yet nothing is…
treatment choices
Tomorrow I will meet with an oncologist to discuss possible treatments for my kidney cancer. I had surgery Jan. 7 to remove a kidney and other tumors (this is Stage 4, I assume). Things went well, I was back on my feet in an amazingly short time. But now the cancer is showing signs of coming back, and I face a choice of 1)…
I'm new to this wholeeee thing!
hi everyone, i'm a 17 year old female from Redford, Michigan and was just diagnosed about a month ago with Wilm's tumor (the children's form of kidney cancer) I am said to be the oldest person ever to be seen with this certain type of cancer and my doctors were surprised we hadn't caught it before...basically what I am…
Cut into RCC tumor, spread cancer?
I was 35 years old when diagnosed and did not fit any of the criteria. My RCC type was Chromophobe, stage I. The tumor was 2.5cm and fully enclosed in the kidney. But, the doctor tried to do a partial nephrectomy and cut too close to the tumor. I had the full kidney removed but he used the same scapel to cut the rest of…
Recently Diagnosed with Stage II Kidney Cancer - Very Scared of the Surgery
I was recently diagnosed with Stage II Kidney Cancer. I have a tumor in the upper pole of my right kidney. I have seen two local urologists (in Northwest Suburbs, IL) and due to some varying opinion on additional tests needed to adequately plan for surgery, I have a third opinion scheduled for this Thursday (6/11) in…
Kidney cancer that spread to spine.. anyone experiance this??
Hello.. Recently, my dad was diagnosed with renal cancer that spread to his spine (3 spots), and lung. The docs are more concerned about the spots on his sign, and started him on radiation treatment, and got him accepted for a clinical drug trial. It was a shocker to us. He's a 60 year old that never had any major health…
work + disability
Hello, I had a nephrectomy for rcc last June, was stage 1. Six months later at my follow up ct, it was determined that I had more cancer and am now a stage 4. I am due to have surgery later this month for removal of lymph nodes and possible dissection of the vena cava. Then I will go on sutent.I work full time and my…
Assure Trial: Sutent/Nexavar users, I have a Question.
Had a radical neph on March 16, recovery has been super. Started on the Assure trial on April 20, and started feeling effects the last few days: Taste changes, heels hurt, not too spunky. I am 39, heavy set male, decent shape, big chested, but never with "boobs." Two more weeks of this and I'll be working at Hooters…
I'm a kidney cancer survivor. Currently Stage IV. Had lung mets removed last January. I work as a Registered Nurse at the UCLA neuropsychiatric hospital. Redden
complex cyst which is mildly enhanced in a 9 yr old girl
Our nine year old daughter has tuberous sclerosis complex (causes tumors to grow on the vital organs of the body-typically they are benign). She has had MRI scans for a couple of years now. Last year they discovered bilateral simple cysts (typical for tsc) but only 12 months later they found a tumor that tripled in size…
pain under breast
Hi I have pain on both side of my breast and under my breast for a few weeks and it is getting worse day by day so I am really worried if it is kidney cancer or lung infection and I also want to know if I should see lung specialist for this pain. And I also have severe cough for a few weeks and it is getting worse.
Kidney Cancer Konnection
Hi folks, My hubby Jeff, is a 14 year survivor of RCC, the past 7 as Stage 4 ... so there are some good news stories out there. He has developed and built a new web site for Kidney cancer that is very user friendly and is a patient/caregiver initiative, with the hope that it is in "plain" speak rather than medical speak.…
26 y.o. w/ 2.5cm X 2.5cm Kidney tumor, May 6 scheduled Divinchi Partial nephrectomy
I am a 26 year old male. I was sent for a CT scan for stomach pains. They found I had a fatty liver, Enlarged Spleen, Hernia, Enlarged portal vein, and worst of all a 2.5cm X 2.5 cm Tumor on my right kidney. The urologist said he is 80% sure it is renal cell carcenoma. I am scheduled May 6, 2010 for a robotic partial…
Ibuprophen and bad kidneys
I just wanted to ask any of you about your thoughts on using ibuprophen after being diagnosed with kidney cancer. I am having pain and thats what my General doctor has advised me to take. I am hearing that this is a bad idea? If I shouldn't take this what should I take? I am still waiting to talk to a specialist. Thanks…
spouse insensitity to your emotional needs
I have tried to get my wife to understand the emotional war I'm fighting. She doesn't understand how a simple hug, kiss can mean so much. I'm in a weight spiral where I can't retain weight. It's a dangerous situation. Yet I can't get love and affection at this grave time in my cancer. Depression is a nasty thing and robs…
Kidney removal and recovery
While having an MRI scan it was discovered purely by chance that I had 2 Tumors in my right kidney,I had the Kidney removed using key hole surgery. After leaving hospital after 3 nights I went home feeling okay. Unfortunately after 10days of feeling poorly one of my entry points burst as was infected, approx 100mils not…
loved one with kidney cancer- fatigue
My father found out in Feb 2010 that his kidney cancer has returned. He was first dianosed in March 2009, had one kidney removed and the cancer removed from his vena cava. He immediately went on a drug trial for targeted therapy, but the cancer came back. Now it is incurable and inoperable. He is on once a week Torisel and…
New to this site
Hello, I'm new here and I have been "lurking" as it were, over many cancer related sites, and decided to join this one.... A year ago today, I fell and broke my upper arm (Right Humorus) and I went to the ER..They took xrays and told me that I should contact an Orthopedic Surgeon ASAP because the xray showed a "pathologic…