PRCC- no! Metanephric Adenoma
After undergoing an open partial nephrectomy 5wks ago for RCC, my results have just come back from pathology, and the tumour was found to be benign! Praise God- I can hardly believe it.. It has been identified as a Metanephric Adenoma, believed to be the benign adult equivalent of Wilm's Tumour as both develop from…
After a little cajolling, I have convinced the CSN that there is a need for a discussion for military cancer survivors. The purpose of this discussion is to give military folks a safe place to go and ask questions about treatment, administrative issues, performance evaluations, etc. that are unique to military cancer…
Struggling with questions and 2 cancers at the same time
Roughly 3 weeks ago I found out that I have a large cancerous tumor at the opening to my cervix. The gynecological oncologist says that it is uterine cancer and I was scheduled for a hysterectomy and removal of my ovaries and tubes. I had a CT scan to study the tumor and at that time they found a mass in my right kidney. I…
44 year old female with RCC
I was diagnosed on September 23rd, 2010 with RCC. I had a CAT scan a few months earlier for an unrelated illness and that's when they discovered the tumor on my right kidney. It was small a 1x4cm so I am thankful everyday to the Lord that this was found as early as it was. I had surgery September 23rd for ablation and to…
my mothers kidney cancer
Hi everyone, I am a new member in here so thought Id introduce myself. My mother of 64 was recently diagnosed with kidney cancer in her right kidney. She had a nephrectomy on the 16th January and is now recovering, up till now all tests for other parts are clear and it hasnt spread. Although the doctors say shes had this…
Could cyst on appendix be related to Kidney Cancer?
Ok. I'm the first to admit that when it comes to medical issues I'm not very knowledgable. My mom had a kidney removed last year and she just had her 1 year follow up. She has been told she has a small cyst on her appendix. Is it possible it could be a cancer reoccurance or is it just a cyst and I'm worrying too much?…
For those of you interested the Cleveland Clinic sponsors A 4TH Angel Mentoring program where they will connect you with a person going through the same or similar stage you are going thru to discuss your concerns with. The cost is free and the information can be accessed from either the Cleveland Clinic or 4th Angel…
Spam again!
Is there anything we can do about this horrible company that sends spam email throughout the CSN site? The latest one is "sunOnoble" and is obviously the same company trying to flog generic cancer drugs on EVERY discussion board on CSN. It's so frustrating to be in the middle of a genuine discussion with a fellow survivor,…
robotic partial nephrectomy
I am awaiting a robotic partialnephrectomy for a 1 inch mass near in my upper pole near the renal pelvis and vein. had 2 opinions. Have not seen many posts on this Any one had this surgery and how did it go. Of course, they may have to take out the kideny depending on how things go. The decisions and wait are the worse.…
Please Help
Does anyone have or know of anyone with Transitional Cell Carcinoma,I was recently diagnosed with TCC of the kidney with spread to neck lymph nodes.I had a nephrectomy and one node was removed,the others are still very small.I really need some information to stay positive.
kidney cancer recovery
I had my left kidney removed 02/2010 due to cancer. I had the old school removal with a scar that is literally 22 - 24 inches long. The only problem I have is a very large bulge on my left side. Does anyone know of any exercises, surgery or anything else I can do to lessen and hopefully eliminate this bulge? My right side…
Newly diagnosed with kidney cancer
My husband, who is computer illiterate (haha), was just diagnosed with a tumor that is 13 x 12 x 7 cm in his left kidney. He had a kidney biopsy yesterday, and I was told that in all reality that this is cancer. He is scheduled this next Monday, 9/20, for left radical nephrectomy. I guess the just not knowing is the worst…
how do you sleep after surgery
can not seem to get comfortable sleeping. i have discomfort in my side and my incision is sore. it has been 10 days after surgery and 5 days home. does it get better?
How long does it take???
I had a radical nephrectomy three months ago and a clear cell carcinoma was removed. This was my second primary cancer in two years. I recovered slowly and returned to work this week. I had thought that my recovery was going well until this week. I am a special education teacher and I cannot get through a day. By 12…
Renal Cell Cancer
HI My husband is in stage 4 Renal Cell cancer. In Feb 2010 he had heart surgery. After a month having his surgery he started having back pain. We thought it was from the heart surgery. Come to find out 6 months later. He was told he had a tumer on his upper spine. Turns out its Renal cell Cancer, orgin the kidney. He…
Dad is recovering from kidney cancer surgery and needs advice on recovery
My dad had a partial kidney removed just before Christmas, 2009. The cancer was contained in the kidney and the surgery was a success; however, he is still having difficulty recovering. He is 72 years old, but in great shape. It has been 4 months now and he still has an intense burning around the incision, with swelling…
Had some borderline tests come back - metanephron numbers
I am a 22 year cancer survivor of non hodgkins lymphoma, had a couple of bouts of it ages ago and the good news is it's a cure bad news is I am left with alot of late effects from the treatments. About a month ago I asked to see an internal specialist because I was having weird symptoms and my GP gave me a referral. I went…
bone mets and Sutent
I am 10 weeks out of surgery for removal of right kidney, After bone scan, they have found tumor in lower spine. I see an oncologist tomorrow. Has anyone had luck with Sutent or one of the other treatments and bone mets?
DiVinci Surgery- partial
I had a right partial kidney removal using the DiVinci robotic equipment on Jan 20th. It reduced recovery time. My question is- The margins did not come out clear. The doctor said that he nicked the top of the tumor and then "back out the blade". He said that this caused the path report to come back margins unclear. It…
Looking for a top notch Cancer Treatment Facility
I was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor (kidney) in 2007. I had my right kidney removed and I now have a reoccurence in the chest and possibly lung area. I am looking for a cancer treatment center that would be the best for my case, as it is rather rare. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Cancer Drug Sutent
I have a 60 day supply 50mg of Sutent any ideas on where or how I can donate this drug??
Got the Final Word today
Had a visit with the second urologist for his take on everything. This appointment was so much clearer and I left with a better understanding of it all. First of all, I do not have a hyperdense cyst; I have a Bosniak Category II cyst, which has a 15-20% chance of being cancerous. The urologist explained to me that, right…
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma- Anyone Experiencing This or is a Survivor?
Hi, In 2007, my mom tried her hardest to find out the cause for her lower back pain and leg weakness, and after a long run-around and missed diagnosis by her Primary Care doctor, she finally was diagnosed by a urologist with Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma in her right kidney, which had been there for quite a while. As if…
Transitional Cell Carcinoma metastasis to lymph nodes
My Mom was diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma of the right kidney in June of 2008. She had her right kidney, ureter, adrenal gland and cuff of the bladder removed. The pathologist report said she had high grade TCC but that it was stage 1. Last month she had a CT that showed nodes in the pelvic area. She then had a…
The waiting goes on
Went to the urologist yesterday. Good news – there is only a 10% chance of cancer. Bad news – no explanation of how he came to that diagnosis, did not go over the CT scans with me, gave me two different types of cyst that I have, neither matching the percentage he gave me for chance of cancer, put out with answering our…
cancer treatment centers of america
anyone have experience with these hospitals
4 months on Assure Trial after surgery, found some cancer. Going to Houston
Did my 3 month scan after the trial start, think I was getting Sutent, found a 1.2 x 1.8 lesion on tissue where the kidney was and two "too small to biopsy" on the same lung. Biopsied the lesion was cancer. Dr wanted me to start IL2 on the 13th of Sept. Made a few calls and with some good fortune made contacts at MD…
Complex Cyst
I was just diagnosed with a 4.5 cm by 4.3 cm renal cyst on my right kidney. We do not know the category yet, but I do go in Wednesday for a Contrast CT, and meet with the urologist after that. I am quite terrified and panicked, and I am trying to understand what this means. I have looked at the different categories, and I…
Chemotherapy experiences
I am due to have chemotherapy next week Cisplatin and Gemcitabine. Would like to hear of others experiences with these drugs as I am not sure of what to expect.