phase III sunitinib study for stage 3 kidney cancers - any experience?
Has anybody had experience with the clinical trial for sunitinib and sorefaneb? What was your staging and what helped you decide to join or not join the study? The side effects from the drugs seem to be very severe and these are possibly very toxic to the body. I was staged with pT3a tumor because my small kidney cancer…
Bosniak 3 confusion
Hi everyone, I have recently been diagnosed with a 5cm tumour on my left kidney, classified as a Bosniak 2-3. Everything I've read so far suggests that this in an "indeterminate" lesion but my specialist has referred me for a radical lap nephrectomy. He says that partials are difficult to do- I will be operated on by a…
Kidney Cancer Advice
My husband came down with a bad stomach bug last week which we found out was Salmanella, we believe from the egg recall that is in the news. Anyway, he was hospitalized for 4 days with it, but the really bad news is that when he was in the ER they did a CT scan of his abdomen and found a tumor on his kidney. It was…
3.2 Solid Mass on kidney was benign Leiomyoma
I have been told that it is rare but after going through the fright of incidentally finding out that I had a 3.2 solid mass on my left kidney and having a partial nephrectomy I was told in the recovery room that it was BENIGN ! It was a leiomyoma on my kidney. Unbelievable...! Just wanted to share so that people know that…
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Hi everyone,Iam desperately seeking advice as I have no one to turn to who understands our problem.Ifeel as though I have been on a roller coaster ride the past six weeks. I will try and make my story short. Seven weeks ago I had a nephrectomy for kidney cancer as well as a neck lymph node removal.I was first told that the…
In the early stage of kidney cancer, there are often no symptoms. Kidney tumors can become very large before causing symptoms. When symptoms do occur, the most common one is blood in the urine (hematuria). There is generally no pain during urination. Other common symptoms include mass or lump in the abdomen and back pain…
35 year old recovering from nephreureterectomy have questions
I am a 35 year old male that is now 2 weeks into recovery from nephreureterectomy. It was thought that I had TCC from the scope that the urologist took of my kidney, but they have analyzed my tumor and told me that I am the 8th case of primary thyroid-like follicular cancer of the kidney. There is one case study on this…
prior symptom - polycythemia vera
Prior to being diagnosed with RCC by the rupture of a primary tumor, I was diagnosed with idiopathic polycythemia vera. It turns out that my primary tumor was making an erythropoietin loke substance that functioned in the same manner but was not specific enough to be picked up on the lab assay. I was wondering if anyone…
new cancer pt
Hi just found out about 3 weeks ago I had a mass on my right kidney about 5cm due for surgery on July 16,2010 a little nervous but know everything will be fine. My surgery will be where they move my 11th and 12th rib to remove the kidney. Anyone else have this type of surgery? Would like more info. Thanks
Kidney Cancer Warriors
Hello Everyone ~ My husband Allen was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma Stage IV, Furman IV in October 2006. Together with other kidney cancer warriors, we have created a great blog full of stories told by kidney cancer warriors sharing their personal journey in their own words. The blog also contains valuable…
Newly diagnosed kidney cancer.
Hi, my name is Judy. I have recently been diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma and underwent a nephrectomy last week. I also had a metastatic neck lymph node removed. I am due to see an Oncologist neck week and am petrified that she is going to suggest Chemotherapy.All the research I have done on RCC indicates that…
stageIV kidney cancer without treatment
I had my right kidney removed in 2002. In 2009 2 spots were found on the lungs and 2 spots in the thyroid. because there were four areas involved surgery was out. sutent was discussed and i have a bottle on hold but was told not to use it yet. now we are just watching it to see how fast it is growing. i am just sitting…
Ten years out and still looking over my choulder... any advice?
Hi all, I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself to the board. I was diagnosed with Stage II renal cell carcinoma in June of 2000 at the age of 37, had a right radical nephrectomy (kidney, adrenal gland, lymph nodes) and so far everything seems to be 'okay' except that now I've got a few cysts on my left kidney and…
New to the Family
Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with RCC in Aug 2009 when I was 39. I am now 40 and nearing my 1 year mark. In Aug 09, I had a 7cm tumor in my kidney and had my rt kidney removed-stage 2 clear cell. I have been going in for CAT scans every 3 months since then. Before the surgery they did a scan of my lungs and found a…
Do I have cancer?
Hi All, I just joined and I feel like maybe I shouldn't have. 4 weeks ago I went in to the ER with stomach pain and had to have my appendix removed. While I was there the PA told me that they found a spot on my kidney. When I asked her what she meant by spot she said...it could be nothing, it could be cancer, I wouldn't…
Newly diagnosed...please help
I'm a 41 year old female, relatively healthy exept for being overweight and (in the last year) taking high blood pressure meds. I've just been diagnosed with RCC: 2.5cm in the upper lobe of my right kidney. They showed me on a CT...it sort of looks like a golf ball half in/half out of the top of my kidney. It was just…
Renal cell again
I had left kidney removed in 2006 with large rcc mass, also lost speen, damaged during the surgery. Just had a marble size spot removed from right lung, a recurrance of the rcc. I will see an oncologist in a few days to learn more. I have so many questions and fears. What should I ask the doctor when I go? I had no…
I am so afraid....
Hi everyone my name is Jacqueline and it has been a week now that my small family is living in a nightmare. After taking my father to the doctor due to a car accident he had a few months back he has had Cat Scans of his back left and right and blood test left and right and now the doctor tells us he has a large amounts of…
I had a radical nephrectomy March 25, 2010, with great recovery , completely confined to kidney. Pathology showed chromophobe subtype of RCC which is less aggressive form. Only negative was size of tumor, 14cm. I was told my likelihood not having a recurrence in 5 years is 83%. My oncologist suggested ASSURE trial. I am…
metastasized papillary kidney cancer in lymph glands
If there anyone who has survived this without taking treatment drugs? And if so, for how long?
Papillary RCC treated w/RFA
Six years ago a 1 cm tumor was found incidently by CT, for another reason, in my left kidney. Doctors at the University of Michigan recommended a watchful wait after my having additional CT's at three, six, nine and 12 months. I continued with annual scans and would have gone to every other year THIS year if the thing…
Accidentally found 2cm RCC approx 3 wks ago - scared and have alot of questions
I am a 38 year old female with two small children. I was having difficulty urinating about 3 weeks ago. I was sent to have an abdomen ultrasound by my primary care doc. They found gallstones and what looked to be a renal mass. So she sent me back for an MRI with and without contrast. They found a 2 x 1.8 cm mass suspicious…
Bone Mets
I have heard some people say they have "bone mets". What is this exactly?
Lap Radical Nephrectomy - What should I expect post-op?
I am 39 years old and I was recently diagnosed with a T1 Renal Tumor. I am scheduled for a laparoscopic radical nephrectomy the end of April. I have found multiple blogs about open nephrectomies but not many from people who have undergone a lap procedure. Can anyone give me some information about what to expect…
Top Notch Cancer Center Near Tampa/Clearwater
I am new to this site. My mother was advised by her family doctor that she has kidney cancer. Can anyone recommend a cancer center/oncologist that specializes in this type of cancer?
cyrogenic surgery for kidney cancer
Has anyone had cyrogenic surgery for kidney cancer and survived. Can anyone tell me whether there were any complications.
cyrogenic surgery for kidney cancer
Has anyone had cyrogenic surgery for kidney cancer and survived. Can anyone tell me whether there were any complications.
cyrogenic surgery for kidney cancer
Has anyone had cyrogenic surgery for kidney cancer and survived. Can anyone tell me whether there were any complications.
My mother, with Stage 4 RCC, got put on Avastin this week. I haven't heard of anyone discussing this drug. Has anyone tried Avastin? She is 74 with Type 2 diabetes. I am not sure she can handle Sutent's side effects. Also, what are bone mets? I am trying to educate myself about the disease and treatments so I can help her.…