need feedback on da Vinci surgical system out comes real experience vs 8" incision so invasive pros
Has any one had the da Vinci Surgical System procedure used for kidney tumor removal? It is the "GOLD STANDARD treatment" for kidney cancer, less invasive, less down time 2-3 days in hospital, less blood loss, more percise tumor removal and kidney reconstruction, excellent chance in preserving the kidney and low rate of…
Back in the House
I like to rap and the fact that I'm now at home recovering makes me happy. So, my update will be in this form. Backbeat please.... To all my peeps on the KC board, I made it through surgery thanks to the Lord I arrived safe at home today after 3 The pain is manageable and I'm glad I can pee The bloating continues, still…
"Listen to your body" can be dangerous advice.
It's almost always very good advice when your body tells you to back off and, if you're smart, you will. It's NOT good advice though, sometimes, when it tells you you're invulnerable and on top of the world. That's when the comment by ibinmsp on the "Getting tired" thread comes into play: "Congratulations! BUT - remember…
"Listen to your body" can be dangerous advice.
It's almost always very good advice when your body tells you to back off and, if you're smart, you will. It's NOT good advice though, sometimes, when it tells you you're invulnerable and on top of the world. That's when the comment by ibinmsp on the "Getting tired" thread comes into play: "Congratulations! BUT - remember…
I went for all my new labwork ordered by my nephrologist. Eight tubes of blood later and a urine sample, I'm anxiously awaiting the results. There were things checked off on my order that I never knew existed, but the phlebotomist said she probably wants to get a baseline of everything the first time. Another wait and see…
Fatigue and paranoid fears
Not trying to sound like a whiner since I was one of the fortunate ones to have my kidney cancer discovered in an early stage and also having the tumor in my bladder to be small and of a low grade,but with that said I would to comment on this lingering fatigue.Had my right kidney removed 10/11 and went back to work on…
New member "on board"--thanks for being there
Hi everyone- My name is Scott. I'm 40 and I was diagnosed with stage RCC in my left kidney two days ago. I was having abdominal pain and the resulting CT scan showed a 4.5cm cyst on my left kidney. Biopsy followed and now I'm joining the club. I can't tell you how helpful reading the posts have been--I'm so happy this…
Here We Go
Just wanted to thank everyone for your amazing support over the last few weeks. I feel like I've known you for a long time. Heading out to the hospital filled with anxiety and hope. I look forward to giving you an update in a few days. Be well and God Bless each of you, Scott
Getting tired
Had my left kidney removed Nov 16th (Open surgery). It was a textbook procedure. Home in two days. Back at work in less than three weeks. Even started running and going to the gym again (light stuff). I thought I had this thing beat completely. I started getting tired last week. I have since stopped all activity besides…
New member of survivor club
Hi Everyone, I had my open partial nephrectomy on the afternoon of December 6th. My Doc removed a 5.4 cm tumor and 25% of my right kidney. He had to do an open procedure because he said the mass was large and deep in the kidney. Things are going very well one week after the surgery. I'm feeling better every day, walking a…
It has been a wild ride.I see it as a blessing because I have met some life long friends and a great line of Docs.I am back 2 work feeling 100%better then before.I work out of my home (In-Home Daycare)no time off in that job (; mine was stage 1 grade 2. Size 3 .5 cm and in Oct it was a 2.5 cm.
My father has been on Torisel since May for advanced Renal Cell. Besides the usual side effects... fatigue, anemia, loss of appetite. It looks like there could be some shrinkage in the liver where the tumor has spread. and dr said also looks like no new growth- We'll find out maybe tomorrow. Has anyone else tried this drug…
my moms cancer
so my mom is in a lot of pain and cannot walk anymore and they had her go through MRI and a CT scan which showed that she had a tumor a size of a golf ball on her kidney and not only that she also has a growth on her bone which how they put it "the tumor is attacking the bone" she is scheduled to see a eurologist and be…
I got my CT scan results back today and my cancer has come back. I have a tumor 3 X 4cm in the area where my left kidney was. Has anyone else had this happen and what did you do next? I am considering going to Cleveland Clinic this time around. I saw a urologist last year for my nephrectomy and have been seeing my GP for…
new to group
Hi All: I just found out Thursday I have cancer in the right kidney. I had a catscan for kidney stones 6 months ago and my urologist was suspicious, so I waited six months and had another one done which revealed two lesions. I was in such shock when I talked to the doctor that I forgot to ask any good questions. AS he hung…
Surgery tomorrow
Well, after waiting over a month, tomorrow I get the little monster removed. Still positive, still surrounded with peace. Actually looking forward to some time where I don't have work deadlines, etc., to deal with..... A round of golf on Sunday must have relieved some underlying tension, because I have felt better the last…
Right Kidney Removal - Cancer
I had my right kidney removed February 14th this year (2011) due to kidney cancer (Stage 3). It took me along time to recover from the operation but I was back at work within 4 weeks. Walking (gradually more ever day or 2) helped me alot and keeping my water intake up as well. I had a large bulge appear about 3-4 months…
Kidney Cancer, treatment options and the return of Hope!!!
Folks: I posted this post on the ACOR.org site and wanted to post it here as an update and to talk a little about a new tool in my arsenal against this disease. Having posted a few times and reading the posts from others, I wanted to share a message of hope with those either still here or just getting here and reading…
My Mother Recently had her Right Kidney Remove
Merry Christmas to each of you. It has been very enlightening to read some of your posts. My mother had surgery Dec 13th to remove her right kidney, adrenal gland and a couple of lymph-nodes. She had pain in her right side Dec. 8th, went to the Doctor and they did an Ultra Sound and CT Scan Dec. 9th and confirmed she had a…
Waxing poetic for Christmas...
Post Surgery and Awaiting Chemotherapy
Hello Everyone: So I had my surgery on November 28th and d/c on December 6th. Open abdominal surgery-8.5 hours. I had transitional cell carcinoma of the right ureter and right kidney. Due to my Lynch Syndrome (Muir Torre Syndrome)and the subsequent potential risk to the other kidney, the surgeon hoped to save the kidney.…
After Kidney Cancer
I am new to this but want to say in advance God bless you all! I am 35 years old and I had my left kidney removed June of 2010 from RCC. I had to have a open nephrectomy. My incision did not heal on the inside so I have a 14 inch hernia.. Has anyone else had these complications? I have seen 4 surgeons and they all have…
Anemia after surgery
It's been over four months (Oct 8) since my radical nephrectomy of my left kidney and though I went back to work full time after seven weeks off, I don't have the energy I used to. I get winded very easily, fatigue is more common than before, my fingernails and toenails are splitting and breaking and I was told at my first…
hors d'oeuvres
Since I am going to whine a bit, I thought I would offer some cheese and crackers to go along with it. I read all of the amazing recoveries, marathons, mountain climbing and ocean swimming going on and I need to know if there are others lurking in the shadows that are still not the same as pr-surgery? It's been over a year…
Just joined the club
Hi All, Wife and I were having a stay-cation at a local motel on 12/4/11. We were just relaxing and enjoying the hotel amenities. We spent some time in the hot tub and I had the jets pounding my lower back. A few hours later I had blood in my urine. I freaked out a bit,but remembered that had happened once as a child when…
Kidney Mass - RCC?
I am 48 yrs old dad with two beautiful young daughters, and had a sudden right low back dull pain and pressure 3 days ago. Went to the ER, and found there is 6cm kidney mass from CT. "There appears be hemorrhage in the upper portion of the mass". I asked being transferred to another hospital for a second opinion. Had a…
Merry Christmas
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy Healthy New Year. I pray for each and every one of us, and I want to thank everyone for all the support I've gotten here these last 6 months. God Bless Katie
My Mother Recently had her Right Kidney Remove
Merry Christmas to each of you. It has been very enlightening to read some of your posts. My mother had surgery Dec 13th to remove her right kidney, adrenal gland and a couple of lymph-nodes. She had pain in her right side Dec. 8th, went to the Doctor and they did an Ultra Sound and CT Scan Dec. 9th and confirmed she had a…
I need to vent
I need to vent. Please excuse me. I pay $1,100 a month for my health insurance (not mine and my wife’s but just mine) because, as you might think, I am considered a high risk. My wife and I were paying $1,000 a month for both of us while on Cobra. (She is now on Medicare.) But the insurance company (an HMO) was forced to…
Tis the season...
As the Christmas spirit will be flowing over the holidays I would like to share an experience with you all, about drinking and driving. As you may know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with the authorities on our way home from the odd social session over the years, myself included. A couple of nights ago, I…