surgery date scheduled for Thursday morning

candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
Well I just got the date for my surgery. It will be next Thursday the 9th of June. I will be glad to get it over with but do not look forward to the recovery time. I will be having open style surgery. I have been told that the cut can be from 6 to 14 inces long. that is a big cut of an old man. I have seen the support from this site help me so much and will do what I can to pass on good thoughts to all who are looking at the same thing I am.
thanks for the support.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Welcome to the club

    Best wishes on your surgery. The scars are like a fish story. They grow every year.

  • DarrylPe
    DarrylPe Member Posts: 75
    Over soon
    I had my right kidney removed in April and the wait before surgery was driving me crazy all the what ifs. I be thinking and praying for you if its alright. Hang in there and good luck keep us posted.

  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
    DarrylPe said:

    Over soon
    I had my right kidney removed in April and the wait before surgery was driving me crazy all the what ifs. I be thinking and praying for you if its alright. Hang in there and good luck keep us posted.


    Just waiting
    Thanks Darryl I have been re reading your posts about your surgery, so i know you went thru the same thing I am now. The waiting is the worse part of it I think. This will be my second go at RCC, the first one was a piece of cake. it was done with cryoablation on a small tumor about 2 cm, then this one showed up as the other one died off. This one is about the same size but the doctor wants to do this one by open surgery. I guess so he can eyeball the kidney to check for more or something. It will be a partial I hope but he will have to make that determination when he gets in there. He has been a good urologist sergeon and talks to me about what to expect.
    I want to tell you everyone on the board how much help and encouragement you have been to me. A place like this helps us all express our concerns to others that have had the same experiences, and helps relieve some of the flustrations we have. Thanks again and I will keep posting as soon as I can after the surgery.
  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Welcome to the club

    Best wishes on your surgery. The scars are like a fish story. They grow every year.


    That is so true,,, It may not be anyway near that large, but you havent seen my surgeons hands HA HA I am really in hopes that it will be as small as possible. but I am not going to worry about it, it will heal. Thanks for you thoughts
  • ejneary
    ejneary Member Posts: 64
    candoredo said:

    Just waiting
    Thanks Darryl I have been re reading your posts about your surgery, so i know you went thru the same thing I am now. The waiting is the worse part of it I think. This will be my second go at RCC, the first one was a piece of cake. it was done with cryoablation on a small tumor about 2 cm, then this one showed up as the other one died off. This one is about the same size but the doctor wants to do this one by open surgery. I guess so he can eyeball the kidney to check for more or something. It will be a partial I hope but he will have to make that determination when he gets in there. He has been a good urologist sergeon and talks to me about what to expect.
    I want to tell you everyone on the board how much help and encouragement you have been to me. A place like this helps us all express our concerns to others that have had the same experiences, and helps relieve some of the flustrations we have. Thanks again and I will keep posting as soon as I can after the surgery.

    Surgery is no walk in the part but the amazing thing these days is that anesthesia is so powerful and targeted that they make you very comfortable. Between epidurals, general and post operative doses, you should have no to minimal pain. Once you are released, you will be on a cocktail that should work very well for you.

    Of course, there will be some pain and discomfort but that will fade with time. My most irritating complaint is the tightness in my incision even aft 1.5 years. Coughing and sneezing always make it worse.

    Good luck with your surgery and remember to keep up the fight!

  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
    ejneary said:

    Surgery is no walk in the part but the amazing thing these days is that anesthesia is so powerful and targeted that they make you very comfortable. Between epidurals, general and post operative doses, you should have no to minimal pain. Once you are released, you will be on a cocktail that should work very well for you.

    Of course, there will be some pain and discomfort but that will fade with time. My most irritating complaint is the tightness in my incision even aft 1.5 years. Coughing and sneezing always make it worse.

    Good luck with your surgery and remember to keep up the fight!


    Thanks John I know that the pain meds are great at taking care of the pain levels. I am sorry that you are still having some pain from your surgery after 1.5 years along. I hope you get that resolved soon. MY concern is because I am also a diabetic and know that healing takes longer with that. The relief that this cancer will be gone soon is my main concern. So I am looking forward to having it over with I can endure the pain for a while to know I dont have that monster inside me any longer. Thanks for all the encouragment. Good luck with your pain levels.
  • Jamie1.3cm
    Jamie1.3cm Member Posts: 188
    candoredo said:

    Thanks John I know that the pain meds are great at taking care of the pain levels. I am sorry that you are still having some pain from your surgery after 1.5 years along. I hope you get that resolved soon. MY concern is because I am also a diabetic and know that healing takes longer with that. The relief that this cancer will be gone soon is my main concern. So I am looking forward to having it over with I can endure the pain for a while to know I dont have that monster inside me any longer. Thanks for all the encouragment. Good luck with your pain levels.

    Best wishes, Cando
    good luck with the surgery. I know what you mean about just getting it over with so that the healing can begin. I, too, am a slow healer because of one of the meds I have to take for something else. It sucks, but we do eventually heal.

    I hope you stock-piled some comfort foods at home for when you leave the hospital. Might as well enjoy your recovery!
  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member

    Best wishes, Cando
    good luck with the surgery. I know what you mean about just getting it over with so that the healing can begin. I, too, am a slow healer because of one of the meds I have to take for something else. It sucks, but we do eventually heal.

    I hope you stock-piled some comfort foods at home for when you leave the hospital. Might as well enjoy your recovery!

    Best wishes
    Thank you Jamie, I go today to stock pile the goodies, This will be the last thing I do before I go to the hospital. I have my room set up and ready for me too. I am planning on making myself as comfortable as possible. Getting up and down is my main concern for home but I will figure that out real fast, I dont like pain, "IT HURTS ME" Thanks for the good wishes .
  • jona187
    jona187 Member Posts: 71
    candoredo said:

    Best wishes
    Thank you Jamie, I go today to stock pile the goodies, This will be the last thing I do before I go to the hospital. I have my room set up and ready for me too. I am planning on making myself as comfortable as possible. Getting up and down is my main concern for home but I will figure that out real fast, I dont like pain, "IT HURTS ME" Thanks for the good wishes .

    Good luck and speedy
    Good luck and speedy recovery

    Try to walk after the surgery, it's important :) but don't over do it
  • suzika
    suzika Member Posts: 12
    Good luck today! It will be
    Good luck today! It will be a pain to heal, but, it gets better. Also, remember the line "Chicks dig scars!"
  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
    Today is the day
    I am just now ready to leave for the hospital. Thank you each and everyone for you thoughts. I will be home by saturday I hope, so as soon as I can I will give you a report on the events of today. Each of You enjoy your day, and again thanks for your support.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    candoredo said:

    Today is the day
    I am just now ready to leave for the hospital. Thank you each and everyone for you thoughts. I will be home by saturday I hope, so as soon as I can I will give you a report on the events of today. Each of You enjoy your day, and again thanks for your support.



    That wasn't so bad, was it? Wait a few days before you answer that question. Welcome to the club. Best wishes for a full and complete recovery.

  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
    just got home.
    I just arrived back home from the hospital, surgery went well was hollering to go home from the time they took me off the OR Table until they sent me home today. I was no picnic there and I am sure it is not going to be much of one at home either. but I have made up my mind to follow the doctros orders. I was making laps around the nurses station by yesterday morning, a regular speed demon step ouch step ouch. Not really so bad. incission was 11 inches long. and lots of staples. but the pain levels were well controlled after surgery. I had a pain pump which I didnt use too much afer recovery rooom. The nurses tried to encourage me to use it more. but if I didnt need it I would not use it. sorry for the gorey details. I kept the nurses laughing at me most of the time singing all the moon songs I could think of . Even told them to go get their boyfriends and have a romantic enening with the moon bing full tonighht. HA HA HA HA I hope that anyone who goes thru this can feel certain that if you do what you are told you will heal KEEP your chin up and stay positive. I hope that eveyone has as good a result as I did.
    Thanks for you support.
  • ejneary
    ejneary Member Posts: 64
    candoredo said:

    just got home.
    I just arrived back home from the hospital, surgery went well was hollering to go home from the time they took me off the OR Table until they sent me home today. I was no picnic there and I am sure it is not going to be much of one at home either. but I have made up my mind to follow the doctros orders. I was making laps around the nurses station by yesterday morning, a regular speed demon step ouch step ouch. Not really so bad. incission was 11 inches long. and lots of staples. but the pain levels were well controlled after surgery. I had a pain pump which I didnt use too much afer recovery rooom. The nurses tried to encourage me to use it more. but if I didnt need it I would not use it. sorry for the gorey details. I kept the nurses laughing at me most of the time singing all the moon songs I could think of . Even told them to go get their boyfriends and have a romantic enening with the moon bing full tonighht. HA HA HA HA I hope that anyone who goes thru this can feel certain that if you do what you are told you will heal KEEP your chin up and stay positive. I hope that eveyone has as good a result as I did.
    Thanks for you support.

    That's funny!!!
    I woke up in recovery so happy to be "Waking up" that I started singing the Folger's song "The best part of waking up, is Folger's in your cup". Then I asked them to wheel me across the street to the hamburger joint because I was SO hungry!

    Wait and see how things go at home. You will be in some amount of pain for a while. Make sure to rest when your body says rest. Stay on top of the pain with meds. DO NOT wait until you need them or it is too late. Take them as directed for at least 3 - 4 weeks then see if you can start to pull back on them. Withdrawl wasn't too bad for me from the pain meds but stabbing pain was when I tried to stop the meds too soon.

    Make sure to get into see your oncologist in that period of time. If they haven't referred you yet, insist on it. They are the ones who will be watching you longer term.

    Take Care!!!

  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
    ejneary said:

    That's funny!!!
    I woke up in recovery so happy to be "Waking up" that I started singing the Folger's song "The best part of waking up, is Folger's in your cup". Then I asked them to wheel me across the street to the hamburger joint because I was SO hungry!

    Wait and see how things go at home. You will be in some amount of pain for a while. Make sure to rest when your body says rest. Stay on top of the pain with meds. DO NOT wait until you need them or it is too late. Take them as directed for at least 3 - 4 weeks then see if you can start to pull back on them. Withdrawl wasn't too bad for me from the pain meds but stabbing pain was when I tried to stop the meds too soon.

    Make sure to get into see your oncologist in that period of time. If they haven't referred you yet, insist on it. They are the ones who will be watching you longer term.

    Take Care!!!


    thanks John
    Thanks for the advice. I have found it is easier for me to sleep in my lounge chair and easier for me to get into and out of now. Surgery was Thursday morning and I was released Saturday morning. The residents at the hospital just could not believe I was walking the same day as the surgery and was cracking jokes at the staff by Friday morning. they said most people are in luppy land until the second day. I was put on regular diet by Friday morning. so was not hungry at all. but when I woke up in recovery I was asking for food too. even fussing cause they would not let me have anything but ice. That sure is filling. Had the best nurses in the world which made me so much better on healing so good so fast. And made me have a better attitude, here at home I have to watch I get so impatient, it is the pain meds that make me like that, so I hate to take them. but believe me I am doing everything the doctor has said I sure dont want to go back in. My best advice to anyone who has open incision surgery get a lift chair it works wonders. Thanks for the support
  • DarrylPe
    DarrylPe Member Posts: 75
    candoredo said:

    thanks John
    Thanks for the advice. I have found it is easier for me to sleep in my lounge chair and easier for me to get into and out of now. Surgery was Thursday morning and I was released Saturday morning. The residents at the hospital just could not believe I was walking the same day as the surgery and was cracking jokes at the staff by Friday morning. they said most people are in luppy land until the second day. I was put on regular diet by Friday morning. so was not hungry at all. but when I woke up in recovery I was asking for food too. even fussing cause they would not let me have anything but ice. That sure is filling. Had the best nurses in the world which made me so much better on healing so good so fast. And made me have a better attitude, here at home I have to watch I get so impatient, it is the pain meds that make me like that, so I hate to take them. but believe me I am doing everything the doctor has said I sure dont want to go back in. My best advice to anyone who has open incision surgery get a lift chair it works wonders. Thanks for the support

    Good for you
    Glad that your home and healing and all went well. Sound like you doing the right things I would only add listen to your body rest when you have to. Easy does it. Heal well God bless.

  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
    one week post surgery
    Today is day seven after surgery. Pain levels are low, I am still very easily tired. I cant do all I wish to do. The body knows what it will let you do, the brain says you can do anything sometimes, SO LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. With the open incision I had (12 inches long) they spread the 11 and 12 ribs and that is the most pain I have even now. To anyone who is going to have this type surgery I reccomend you get a lounge chair for the first few day home, you will have an easier time of getting up and laying down. I felt very fortunate to have a lift chair for arthritis in the house and it worked great. As of today I can get in and out of bed with little to no pain level increase. I guess each of us find our own way of dealing with the daily ups and downs. I have had a good journey albeit a painful one sometimes. I do not know if anyone else has had the experience of not being hungry, but I did and as a diabetic I had to force myself to eat to maintain my sugar levels. Sometimes it was hard to eat, all I wanted was liquid food.
    Please keep strong, hold on to your faith, and keep smiling, these things will pass and you will heal. The support of the people on this site have given me strength and encouragement. They have answered many of my question I had befor surgery and helped me to over come the comming home things too. To each of you I say a big Thank you.
  • DarrylPe
    DarrylPe Member Posts: 75
    candoredo said:

    one week post surgery
    Today is day seven after surgery. Pain levels are low, I am still very easily tired. I cant do all I wish to do. The body knows what it will let you do, the brain says you can do anything sometimes, SO LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. With the open incision I had (12 inches long) they spread the 11 and 12 ribs and that is the most pain I have even now. To anyone who is going to have this type surgery I reccomend you get a lounge chair for the first few day home, you will have an easier time of getting up and laying down. I felt very fortunate to have a lift chair for arthritis in the house and it worked great. As of today I can get in and out of bed with little to no pain level increase. I guess each of us find our own way of dealing with the daily ups and downs. I have had a good journey albeit a painful one sometimes. I do not know if anyone else has had the experience of not being hungry, but I did and as a diabetic I had to force myself to eat to maintain my sugar levels. Sometimes it was hard to eat, all I wanted was liquid food.
    Please keep strong, hold on to your faith, and keep smiling, these things will pass and you will heal. The support of the people on this site have given me strength and encouragement. They have answered many of my question I had befor surgery and helped me to over come the comming home things too. To each of you I say a big Thank you.

    Same experience
    Hi. I had the same feeling after my surgery. I couldn't even look at food including my favorites. I did manage soup and bread for the first week and alot of water. my doctor said that it was normal and my hunger would come back gradually so don't worry . Best wishes God bless . Keep posting it's good for your health too.

  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
    10 days post operation
    Well Happy Father's day to all Fathers. It has been 10 days since my surgery. I have little pain but mostly discomfort. I was wondering if anyone had probelms with the staples they used instead of stitches? They seem to be loose and irritating, has anyone else had that problem? I am still wearing the binder to lay down makes it easier to get up and down from the bed. they seem to be pulled by the movement of the binder. ifyou have a solution let me know.
    everything else is on schedule I think. still not eating much at a time and food doesnt even smell good to me. Being diabetic I have to eat or my sugar will get too low, so I am eating mostly fruit and liquids. So far the worse part of the ordeal has been the not knowing before the surgery, and waiting for the surgery. Good luck to all who have to go thru this family support is very important.
    Thanks to all for your support and good thoughts.
  • candoredo
    candoredo Member Posts: 44 Member
    candoredo said:

    10 days post operation
    Well Happy Father's day to all Fathers. It has been 10 days since my surgery. I have little pain but mostly discomfort. I was wondering if anyone had probelms with the staples they used instead of stitches? They seem to be loose and irritating, has anyone else had that problem? I am still wearing the binder to lay down makes it easier to get up and down from the bed. they seem to be pulled by the movement of the binder. ifyou have a solution let me know.
    everything else is on schedule I think. still not eating much at a time and food doesnt even smell good to me. Being diabetic I have to eat or my sugar will get too low, so I am eating mostly fruit and liquids. So far the worse part of the ordeal has been the not knowing before the surgery, and waiting for the surgery. Good luck to all who have to go thru this family support is very important.
    Thanks to all for your support and good thoughts.

    staples out today
    well I got the staples out today all 40 + of them. only had about 6 that were grown in and hurt, when they were out I felt so good. got the path report today too all was good tumor was totally encapsulated and was removed. I was told that I would be able to drive again in a week, so no more sneaking off to have a hot fudge sundae. being able to drive again will be like setting a caged bird free. my desire for food is still low and am really having to watch my Blood Glucose levels they have fallen to bad lows over the last few weeks. I am hopeing that everyone has as quick and easy time with recovery as I have had so far. this site has given me strength that has helped me get to this point, without your support and good thoughts i am sure it would of been much worse.
    Thank you all so much
