Here goes another NED
Hello everyone! Husband finally got his ultrasound done, 5,5 years after surgery. It is NED! Chest x-ray was last November for unrelated reason, all clear, so need to repeat it at the moment. I am so glad for him and all those other NEDs reported recently. But to be honest, I am the happiest for Amy Jo, who is…
I was Ned today
Had my scans done and I was Ned
Stage 4/Renal Cell Carcinoma
On January 23rd was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metistatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. It re occurred from after a 2013 partial Nephrectomy of my left kidney. I have had an initial meeting with an oncologist and she has ordered a MRI and referred me to a specialist for Clinical Trial referral. My cancer is Clear Cell and it does not…
2.5 year check-up - NED!
Hi all - it's been awhile. Happy summer! Quick update from me...met with my urologic oncologist this week for my 2.5 year test results/check-up. Renal ultrasound, chest x-ray both NED! Bloodwork and kidney function all normal! The best results possible. Doing well personally...completing virtual HIIT workouts at home,…
Good news
I met with the PA on Dr. Chow's team yesterday and she let me know everything looked great with my scans. What a blessing to hear those words. Jazz brought up a powerful point in a previous thread when Bryn told us about her upcoming surgeries. It's an awkward situation sharing the NED news, but also being sensitive and…
Scan results - sort of
Hi Everyone, I see that the site will be down tonight and really hope they don't lose content again. Had CT and chest Xray Friday. Seems like it's always right before the weekend. Radiologists notes came through mychart, but I don't see the doc until tomorrow morning in a video appointment. So there were a few notes about…
Bosniak Type 3 mass
Within the past week, MRI with and without contrast showed Bosniak Type 3 with nodular enhancing component, looks suspicious. Of course primary doctor on vacation. Got call from NP who is referring me to a urologist. Has anyone had or heard of this. I've done the internet research, but guess I'm looking for someone with…
Solitary kidney with stones and cyst
Hello all. I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this. I was born with one kidney and I have stage 3b kidney disease. I have had a cyst on the remaining kidney that continues to grow. It is now 7.8cm. I have an appt with a urologist in a few weeks, but since I only have one kidney, what would be my options? Any…
First folow-up after partial Neph.
I just got the results from my first post partial nephrectomy (January 2020) MRI and all is well. Coupled with finding out a couple weeks ago that ,at 33 months post prostatectomy, I am still showing undetectible PSA I'm feeling pretty good. (Until the next tests are due )
New member. Right kidney removed 2 weeks ago.
I just had my right kidney removed two weeks ago. I have a six inch incision and three small incisions. Test results came back positive for cancer but all margins were clear. I only stayed one night in hospital after surgery. I went home reluctantly but I passed all requirements to leave. For the most part I am doing well…
4 year scan - tomorrow.
And I hate it. But, im still here.
Stanford Cancer Survivorship Program
Well, I had my four year appointment Today. It was a video appointment and it was with a nurse practitioner. Because everything had gone so smoothly with the surgery, the only follow-up I've ever done with 5he surgeon was at six months. The rest have been physician's assistants or, like today, a nurse practitioner. As I…
Anybody going through depression even though scans show no new growth no problems. Husband is in denial of cured. Anybody else having this from spouse.
Just had surgery for kidney cancer
Hi i had part of my kidney taken out I thought I had stage one come to find out I have stage 3 I'm worried sick about it my tumor was 4.1 centimeter I read something it don't sound good I'm being scan every three month it seams like forever I just need to talk to someone thanks
CT Scan Results
I had my annual CT scan yesterday. First in, first out. I even had the same tech as last year and we remembered each other. He did just as good of a job and, surprisingly, the results were posted on Stanford's health portal already, 24 hours later. Another year of NED. This was my fourth anniversary scan. Last year, they…
What do Mets to the back feel like?
Hey guys, I have scans coming up in the next couple of weeks so I'll find out for sure then but wanted to ask something here. I have been having some machines/stiffness in my midback and lower back when I get up in the mornings. The mid back is more recent (last few months) and maybe 2-3 times over the last several months…
Kidney Cancer remission
How many patients stay in remission for five years
Scan Time
Well, I'm at the four year mark from surgery. I have a video appointment with the Physician's assistant in two weeks. My CT is on Wednesday. This past Tuesday, I had a blood test and a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray was clean. I scored a 1.02 on creatinine and 73 on eGFR, which is right in line with last year. My blood sugar…
new to forum
Good Morning, I am new to this forum and this specific type of cancer. Here's the story. My boyfriend of almost a year now has his first teleconference (because of covid-19) tomorrow with 2 doctors from mass. general. He has had CT scans of his kidneys, torso, and all the or scans to get to this point. They found a large…
This is a cruddy time...
to be dealing with cancer. If you are new to this venture, I'm sorry. If you have been around the block a few time, I'm sorry. If you've been a survivor, HooRay. It seems like many of us don't check the board as often; but hopefully we can respond if you are a newbie. Keep up the good cheer, have a stiff upper lip, and…
Just an update
Hello everyone, hopefully you all are healthy COVID-wise! Had a crazy last couple of months. I work for an airline, and we are terribly hit by a virus and struggling to survive :-( Also had a bit of cancer scare myself - one my mole started changing rapidly and concerned doc performed a biopsy. Thankfully it came out…
Problems with largest incision after Partial Nephrectomy (Laproscopic)
Hi, I'm new here and am currently in my 2nd week of recovery after having had a partial nephrectomy. The surgery was performed on February 11th, and I must say, this was by far THE MOST EXCRUCIATING PAIN I have EVER been in. The pain was so awful that I actually thought that I might be dying. The doctors insisted that this…
Mets to brain
So...I just got results back from ct scan and brain MRI . I had 2 tumors remove in November and my December scans were clean. Today my Oncologist told me the ct scan was clean, but there were small white spots on my brain. He didn't feel that they were a result of metastasis . He wants another MRI in a month. Anybody have…
NED (in the time of COVID-19)
When I scheduled these scans six months ago, never in a million years would I have imagined that it'd be in the middle of a worldwide pandemic with social distancing and self-quarantining. The handful of people in the waiting room were super upbeat and chatty. I think being self-quarantined has made them all punchy for…
Had partial open nephrectomy 6 months ago and still have swelling and intermittent pain
Some background: 16 years ago I was diagnosed with a 12cm tumor in my kidney. At the time I had no health insurance and not able to get any (due to being a diabetic, pre-existing condition), was depressed from the loss of a child a year before and basically thought well this is it for me, so I decided to do nothing and…
SO- now that my BF's kidney is removed we battle the question of what to eat? I have been looking up super foods and what to eat, what to avoid however, I'ld like to know what everyone's oppinion is and suggestions and or recipes? I made a super broth for him and slowly adding fresh carrots, chicken, etc. This morning he…
Tele-Med conference
The Covid-19 has forced new procedures on the local clinics. Our county in Oregon has, thus far, had no positive tests. But Drs' have changed how they deal with things like an Oncology check. Last week, I was screened between the the entry doors before being admitted for labs. Today was my follow up by computer to my cell…
Hello Iceman, how are you?
Hello Iceman, how is your recovery from the condition and surgery? I hope all is well with you and your family under the pandemic!
Mets to brain
Hello All, New to site. Just wanted to let you know my situation . Had my left kidney removed April 2017. In October 2019 it metastasized to my brain. Had two tumors removed successfully by an excellent neurosurgeon. My last MRI and cut scan were clean. That was around Xmas. Next scans will take place late April. Moved to…