Newbie here 45 from Oz
Hi everyone. Ive just had the news that I too have cancer of the kidney and it's malignant. it was over the phone due to COVID which wasn't the best.. the tumour is on the edge of my kidney and measure 12mm so pretty small. Obviously I'm really scared and it was a bit of a shock as I'm pretty healthy with no cancer in my…
RGCC - Group (Research Genomic Cancer Center)
Quesion for the group: Has anyone heard of RGCC - Group? <Content removed by CSN Support Team> I have just started researching them. I have two tumors RCC in my pancreas, my doctors have given me two choices, one is major surgery to remove pancreas, spleen, gallbadder and part of stomach, other is to start immunotherapy.…
Ablation vs removal
i am back again after three years, I had a small tumor in my kidney and had an ablation which appeared successful. My yearly MRI showed the tumor had returned; as before it is less than an inch in size. Another ablation a month ago was unsuccessful. The radiology department, after reviewing the MRI, has stated the tumor is…
Checked ou of hospital
Hey everyone I have checked out of hospital. Operation went perfectly , zero complications and excellent margins. The pain isn't too bad. The catheter was definitely the worst bit, but even that wasn't that bad. Waiting on histopathology. Fingers crossed that its benign but I know that unlikely. Anyway its nice to be tumor…
Just got my results
Hey guys, Just thought I'd let you know that I just saw my surgeon and got my results. No evidence of malignancy. The tumour is incredibly rare and the histopathology was something they hadn't really seen before. They are calling it a Hamartoma or unusual segmental dyspepsia. Its so rare that they are sending it to John…
Got a question to ask
I get scan every three months my next scans are the first of October Iam having a little pain in my kidney my wife says it's in my mind it happen the last time just before my scans and it was nothing I went in for early ultrasound and my surgeon said I was fine do you think I need to call surgeon again or do you think it's…
I am new here
Hello My name is Sean. After a CT scan for an unrelated issue they discovered a 1.7cm growth in my kidney, all other organs fine including lymph nodes and veins. Possible RCC or oncocytoma. Waiting to see a specialist. This has definitely been the toughest week of my life to date and I cannot help but think that I am in…
Here we go again
Well I hate to post this, but it looks like my left kidney wants in on the action now. Back in 2015 I had a right partial nephrectomy, remove two tumors removed from my right kidney kept most of my kidney. Now let’s fast-forward to 2018, a 5mm spot was found on my left kidney. In 2019 it had grown to 8mm. Now in 2020 it…
Here we go again...
So I can't postpone this anymore. I'm going in for the follow up CT on Friday. I had moved it as much as I could because of COVID. But I can't keep moving it anymore. It's time to get in the tube. Frankly, I'm more concerned about COVID than the CT and its results. Although I went to the facility and they appear to have…
Chadswick Bosman( Black Panther)
I was so sad to learn of Chadswick Bosman (Black Panther) passing of colon cancer at 43. He was such a strong man performinng many movies during treatment. Such a great loss. It also made me start to think again about getting a colonoscopy. I am 44 and wonder if its time to have one. I ask my Oncologist last year she didnt…
6 years NED today
Hi all, it's been a while Today is my sixth year cancer free anniversary, old buddies remember it was a huge 10 cm tumor. Six years past and here I am, NED, NED, NED STAY VIGILANT AND POSITIVE
Catching Up with Good News
Hi guys I have been away for sometime now. I had alot going on in my personal life. One can only handle so much. I was diagnosed 2/18. Had my kidney removed 3/18. Shortly after my cancer metastasized to lungs liver lymp nodes and spine. Causing me to have compression fractures at L spine and T spine. Along with 2 blood…
Heading Home
Hey guys Just had my kidney drainage line pulled out (worse than the catheter coming out). If I remain stable then I am heading home tomorrow and will get my histopathology results on Wednesday. Thanks for all your support guys. It held me in times of great stress . I hope I can put this dark time behind and use this…
NED Thank God
Report came back IMPRESSION: Status post partial nephrectomy changes of the left kidney. No definite evidence of local residual/recurrent neoplasm. Thank God!
Surgery tomorrow morning
Hi all, I have robotic partial nephrectomy tomorrow morning at 930am. Feeling really nervous. Hoping desperately that the growth isn't bigger than it seems on CT and fearful of going under for surgery. Thanks for all your support and I will see you on the other side.
How sweet the sound...
When they call and tell you NED! A year and change ago from my neph. And I had to move the scans to the right b/c of COVID. Today's a damned good day! To all of you new here, hang in there. Trust your docs and be hopeful even when the night's dark. This is a great community. NED! OH HELL YEAH!!!!
Newly diagnosed Stage IV
My husband had an emergency Nephrectomy in 2018 to remove a 22 cm tumor along with his right kidney and adrenal glands. The pathology report showed the tumor had rhabdoid and sarcomatoid qualities, which meant it was aggressive. There was a positve margin on the vena cava. After his surgery, he's been having abdominal and…
"Good Thought Exchange" date and time....
What started off as an idea to celebrate NED status for the 2016 group has evolved into what I'd like to call a "Good Thoughts Exchange". Let's plan on Saturday, July 11 at 6 pm central time to toast, send good thoughts, eat a pizza (Jazz--a great way to remember Fox), send a prayer--whatever you like. My hope is that each…
Now I am really confused
What a roller coaster ride im taking and I have yet to be treated. I believed I had stage 4 renal cell carcinoma and then it was stage 3. Now they dont know what kind of cancer i have as the biopsy came back inconclusive. They were putting me on Sutent and then they told me not to take it. They believe I may…
First scans next week
Im a little worried about my first scans every pain I feel I think did it come back.i know god is watching down on me I got to believe everything will be ok.
Robotic partial nephrectomy
Hi all Quick update - I am booked in for a robotic partial nephrectomy on Saturday week. Glad I got in quick. My surgeon is a rock star and made me feel really comfortable. Ive got great support from my family and i am really grateful that I found this forum. I guess im really worried that the tumour will be malignant and…
If it ain't one thing
So I am now at 7 years since neph. and it's time to see my doc for annual check up. At the beginning of this month I sent in my orders for CT scan w/o contrast. Called today for status and told that order has been refused and sent back to doc as insurance protocol only allows CT for the first 3 years. Strange they should…
Can I beat this as I was downgraded to Stage 3
Ok you Salty Dogs in Kidney Cancer world...I got a little good news today. I had changed my Oncologist and met with him today. My tumor is 8CM by 5 CM in the right kidney and there is only cancer in the the surrounding lymphnodes. I start Sutent tomorrow and should have kidney removed in a few months as I am trying to get…
Cyst question
I had a 2.5cm tumor removed in 2017. also a 4mm simple cyst since the beginning of my journey. this year the images showed it to be 6mm And classified as stable. i asked my doctor and she said it's most likely the was the ct scans were cut. My question is, is it normal for a simple cyst to grow or should I be concerned?…
Chromophobe RCC.
Apologies to my many friends in this site who were always here when I needed them. i have been absent for a while. Sorry life busy with parents, children and a few close deaths along the way Not to mention having what I though was covid in Jan, was suffering for six weeks was never in hospital I warned everyone at the time…
3 years scaniety
It been a long time since I posted. I still read along. Glad to see so many are doing well, and sad about the losses. I just had my three year scans. Waiting on the results until tuesday is rough. Good karma and prayers are welcome. Does your doctor post the results on your online health chart before the apooitment or wait…
My Sweetie reminded me that today is my four year surgiversary. Usually I am laser focused on the date, but actually forgot this time. I guess that's good. I certainly feel better today than four years ago. So for this day: extra dancing with wild abandon, and even more gratitude than usual. Take care -
Complex Renal Cyst Help please.
Okay, so we found out I have Prostate Cancer .. that's on going, 2/b honest. But during this process, "suddenly" and MRI I am told I have: JULY 23, 2020 3. Several Complex Renal Cysts. Now as of April 19, 2020 I only had ( at that time ) 1 Simple Renal Cyst. No followup needed. So obviously something changed in just a a…
Urinating blood clots when does this stop
I started urinating blood with clots a couple months before I was diagnosed with stage 4 RCC. It goes away after a few days and returns every 2 weeks or so or whenever I do something physical or lifting heavy objects. I believe this is caused by the tumor growing and needing space but thats just a guess. My question is…
Starting my battle with Stage 4 RCC and need info please
My name is Tommy and I Have Stage 4 RCC that has spread to the lymphnodes. I am here to ask for advice on what meds should be prescribed as I am being treated by the VA and I am not too confident. Back in Jan. 2020 they noticed I had a 2cm mass/ cyst in my right kidney and they wanted to monitor it and check on it in 9…