Latest scan Ned!!
New Here
Hi everyone! I discovered this forum in search of how long it takes for cardio ability to return after a nephrectomy. On July 11, 2019 my entire left kidney was removed. Before that I was in great shape for a 57 yr old female. (No symptoms of cancer...discovered accidently) I started doing my weight and cardio workouts…
haven't been here in a while. Lots of life changes going on. Starting a new job next week and have been working on transitioning out of the old job. Happy to share with you all that my latest round of scans 9 months post surgery are NED! Doc is switching me to ultrasounds and chest x ray every 6 months instead of cat…
spleen removal
Hi Its been awhile since I posted. My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in 2014. At first it was described as advanced and aggressive. He responded well to treatment and later was given a prognosis of 5 years. That was 5 years ago. He is still doing great for the most part. He has not worked in 4 years but he is…
Recently diagnosed with rare Kidney Cancer
Hi I'm new to this, my name is Kate and I'm 25. I was having blood in my pee and some bloating/eating issues so I went to my family doctor where I found out I had a cyst on my ovary and while doing further tests for that they found a mass on my right kidney. I was then recommended to our state hospital where my doctor…
Follow-up scans
Hi everyone, I just had my first follow-up visit with my doctor. Regarding follow-up scans, he asks me to do an ultrasound + chest X-ray every 6 months. This seems different from most posts I read here with frequent CT scans. Probably my doctor wants to avoid too much radiation and toxic dye on young patients? I wonder…
Sooner than later
My Prostate surgery for November 12 has been moved up to September 30. Yikes, 1 week to go. icemantoo
It's been a while..
Hey guys! Its been a while since I have been on this board. I was diagnosed in August 2017 with a 4.5 CM and had a partial Right Nephrectomy in September 2017. CCRCC Stage 1 Grade 2. Fast forward to last Thursday at my scans a small cyst that was being monitored for 2 years took up the dye. It seems there is a small 2.0 or…
Hello everyone
Hi everyone, wishing you all the best and hoping you are doing well. Im sorry I don't visit or post as I once used to but ever snce my husband was diagnosed last March, we have been in a rollercoaster and just trying to live as normal a life as possible and everything related to "C" has taken so much space for us that at…
2 years now...great news!
This week is my 2 year cancerversary-partial neph-stage 3. I had my scan yesterday and I'm still NED! It's a huge relief to make it to year 2 with no reoccurance. My doctor was thrilled and announced everything was clean the minute he walked in the room. He know's how awful the waiting and anticipation can be. Normally, I…
Kidney Mass-- Frustrations and Questions
Hi everyone, I'm a 57-year old male and new to this board. My doctor found a small mass (2cm) in my right kidney about six months ago by accident (no symptoms) that is suspected to be Renal Carcinoma. I was set to have an ablation done a couple of weeks after that discovery, but my insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield of…
How sweet it is...
Haven't been here in a while. Busy with work and, quite frankly, that has been great. Had my follow up scans past Monday. Results in. No evidence of metastatic disease. Today's a glorious day. I'm going to take it off. Spend it playing Apex Legends and chilling out. I'm happy. Still feel that I need to be vigilant and…
Might be back
It's been quite awhile since I checked in. I had a nephrectomy for rcc over seven years ago. A month or so ago, I was feeling fatigued and had the Dr order blood work which showed my homoglobin down at 8, so she ordered a CT scan as well as upper and lower GI checks. The CT scan came back showing possibly some masses in…
Genetic Testing Results
I just heard from my doctor about my genetic testing results. Here they are: "extended cancer panel including 83 cancer genes was normal, no pathogenic variants were confirmed." This is good news...of sorts. I went the genetic testing route as a way to find the "why" of my cancer diagnosis. I'm still left wondering. I've…
Newly diagnosed, questions about surgery
Hello to everyone, I was newly diagnosed with RCC, at a relatively young age (20s). Being a "never-sick" guy, I was initally very shocked and depressed, but now I have come out from the shadow and will fight it with a positive attitude. I am glad to find such a supporting forum at CSN for kidney cancer, and hopefully I…
Im new to board
hello all. I have stage 4 kidney cancer kidney Which has spread to other areas. im currently on immunotherapy opdivo every two weeks. I know im not alone but i feel so alone. I have no pain just very very tired. Just wanted to share.
Message about Fox
Hello everybody. I've written this message several times then deleted it each time trying to find the right words.....trying to wrap my head around it.....trying to hold back my emotions. I simply can't do it, so I pass on the words from his wife. "I am not sure that I am posting this in the right place but wanted to…
Just checking in
Hi Everyone, I'm not as faithful at posting as many of you - thanks for your presence. For anyone in Ireland - I'm enjoying your country for a bit: Dublin, Glendalough, now Fanore in County Clare. Everyone is so hospitible, and I always feel my healthiest best self here. Take care All -
Not exactly anticipated outcome of my partial nephrectomy
I want to share a story of my robotic partial nephrectomy surgery that was performed at Stanford on Tuesday two weeks ago. I was supposed to get rid of a solid mass and drain the fluid of a simple cyst adjacent to it, since CT/MRI/US scans before the surgery indicated there was a small exophytic solid lesion in posterior…
Post-op: avoid incisional hernia or flank bulge
Hello everyone, Thank you so much for all the encouragement and advices when I was so anxious about the surgery. After surgery one of my major concerns is incisional hernia or flank bulge. I have an open partial nephrectomy. Compared to laparoscopic one, does open surgery have higher risk of incisional hernia? What are the…
Rt. Flank bulge / Hernia (?) following robotic nephrectomy
My surgeon seemed surprised that I had the 15cm by 6 cm rt. flank bulge AFTER SURGERY. They opened me up for removal after not being able to get it out through laproscope. He originally said "the swelling would go down"... It hasn't and the hernia specialist said the muscle nerves have been cut... and a screen wouldn't…
CT Scan results not so good
Hi Everyone, I took a long break from all things medical. As much as I could. I was so happy to go off the Chemo med, Cabometyx, that I'd taken for 15 months with great, stable results. Then creatinine levels got too high, so we decided to go off it. Fast forward 4 short months, and now I am in progression already. NOT…
Confusing scans
Hi- i has an u/s for gall bladder issues that also ended up showing a complex hypodense lesion with exogenic minimally shadowing center in the subcortical right upper pole. It measured 2.5 cm in right kidney. i then was sent for a ct scan but in the meantime had my gallbladder removed. The ct scan (with contrast) says…
One year ago
Last September 18, I said farewell to Sidney the kidney and his nasty hitch-hiker. Good riddance!
5 years Ned officially told I'm done with the scans
Had my 5 year scan back in February. Was told I'm all done no more scans , no more follow up. I'm now normal and only need to see my Doc once a year for my annual c/up. Doesn't seem like I'm normal. I don't feel normal. At least mentally. Cancer is very difficult to deal with mentally and emotionally. But I do feel better…
MRI contrast two days in a row?
I'm heading to the Mayo Clinic in two weeks for them to evaluate my approx. 6cm cystic mass on my left kidney, which has recently grown. I originally thought i had a kidney infection, so I had an ultrasound, which showed the growth of the kidney mass, AND a solid mass in my pelvis, which appears to be new. I was originally…
Just sharing
My wife (64) had her right kidney removed at the end of August, scans had indicated a 3.9 cm mass in the enter of the kidney and the rest of the kidney didn't look great. We received the pathology report a couple of weeks ago: RCC with a 6.2 cm mass, stage 2 focally extended to renal sinus and renal vein, ureteral margins…
Tiny 4mm lesion in kidney, yet glowed on PET scan
Hi all, I am actually visiting from the head and neck and lung cancer forums. I have been diagnosed with stage IIIb squamous cell lung cancer with occult primary (they cannot find a primary tumor in my lung). I have a total of four oncologists (two at Moffitt cancer center and two locally) concur in this diagnosis. I am…
Bone mestastasis question
Husband haas stage 4 to bone. On immunotherapy for 1 year.checkmate. Latest scan shows good results. But, 8 th rib shows activity. He complains of pain everywhere and is saying, he has had enough of pain. His pain medicine is only ibuprofen. What do you do for pain? What can i do to help?
Chemo -My dad's 2nd Dose of 1st round did not go well
Looking to see if this is how chemo feels like? Background: My dad is 59, fit for his age and has had I think 7 surgeries including 3 back operations and can take some amount of pain. Story: Today was his 2nd dose (last wk was 7 hrs and today was supposed to be 2 or 3) and he said it was "sheer torture". He said burning in…