Chadswick Bosman( Black Panther)

Angiebby75 Member Posts: 208 Member
edited August 2020 in Kidney Cancer #1

I was so sad to learn of Chadswick Bosman (Black Panther) passing of colon cancer at 43.  He was such a strong man performinng many movies during treatment. Such a great loss. It also made me start to think again about getting a colonoscopy. I am 44 and wonder if its time to have one. I ask my Oncologist last year she didnt feel I needed to get one. My granfather passed from colon cancer.  I just had my annual scans and results last week. Which were NED THANK GOD . My bowels have changed since my nephrectomy in 2017 which concerned me. My question is can a CT scan see the colon to detect colon cancer.  I know it mentions the bowls on the CT scan but I wonder if I should request a Colonscopy again. Have many of you had colonscopies as a part of your inital scans.


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    colonoscopy is the best test

    colonoscopy is the best test to check for colon cancer. A ct will show something there but then they'll refer you for a colonoscopy. I have them every couple of years since having colon cancer.

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    Agree on colonoscopy.  It's a

    Agree on colonoscopy.  It's a pain in the butt (pun intended), but it's the best way 5o identify any potential problems and, in the event some pre-cancerous lesions arespotted, they can ber3moved immediately.