Complex Kidney Cyst
Hi I am new to this so please forgive me if I ask something crazy. I had an ultrasound done 3 months ago on my kidneys due to a 4.0 cm x 2.3 cm complext cyst being found. I was told to wait 3 months and have a repeat ultra sound and I did just in late August. The report shows the cyst is now 4.7 cm x 2.6 cm. I finally…
Hi everyone I have been lurking around this site since my diagnose september 2013. 35 yrs old male. radical nephrectomy in October 2013 pathology chromophobe rcc stage 2. 9 cm tumour I've had 2 scans all clear am due for scan in 2 weeks and scanxiety all over again just like the first time. jaay
Kidney Masses
Last year after watching my kidney mass change shape and then suddenly grow at a rapid pace I elected to have the mass removed. It was taken from the top of my left kidney and came back as not cancerous. They told me that I shouldn't have any more masses on my left kidney. One year later I had a ct for abdomen pain and…
Renal cell carcinoma(RCC)./Agent Orange
Lost both kidneys to RCC Right in 1998, left in 2008. still trying to get disability from the VA. Anyone know a good lawer I can call? left Vietnam in 1970. been denied three times already but I read that some of the vets are getting the diability please tell me are there special circumstances.
Newly Diagnosed, Scheduled for surgery at USC Keck Medical Center and scared as heck
Im 44 was diagnosed with RCC in left kidney which they are having to do a Radical Nephrectomy since it is close to 7cm in size and in the center confined to the kidney inner walls. They said a partial wasn't avaiable because it was to close to the renal artery. I just want to know what to expect other than the phamplet…
Nivolumab-Sutent Scan Update
I know I haven't posted in quite a while, but I did want to share some good news. I had a scan today and a spot that showed up in April (and triggered a Sutent re-start) is now gone. Scan showed no evidence of disease. hope it is Approved soon for all.
Scan time again on Thursday
Hopefully, they will show the lung nodules are still stable. Have been having fairly significant coughing spells with a funny honking sound that I've never had before...hurts, too. Hopefully they can tell me why my back and left hip are so sore, along with my right collar bone and shoulder blade. Then will have U/S on…
just had my Pre op appointment
Talked with the nurse educator she asked me what the dr said about staying out of work, i told her he said about 3 weeks. She told me that wasnt long enough, I am having a Robotic partial Nephrectomy of left Kidney, Does any one else know if I should be out of work longer than that> she said about 6 8 weeks i will start to…
Latest scan results
So I had two weeks of IL-2 in March and stability for several months. Finished another week of IL-2 on 8/3/2014 but the scan upon entering the hospital did show progression. Only got three doses during that week with creatinine of 5 and even 6. Yesterday (9/3/2014) I had another CT scan and another appt with the doc. My…
Feeling Good
Back from three plus months on the Oregon Coast. It must have been really good for me, as I feel good. Had good results for the MRI brain scan... nothing bad there .... and a Pet/CT scheduled for Sept 9th.... and I have no fear there either.... check out my new picture First ever Harley ride with my youngest son. Ron...…
swallen stomach
I had another question sorry things just keep popping in my head. trying to get a sense of it all.. My stomach feels and looks swallen.. every time i eat or drink something my stomach expands. and then hurts soon after i eat or drink. Does anyone know if this is also related to the kidney cancer? Thank you
Just checking in
Well Monday was three weeks post op. This healing up is for the birds still in quiet a bit of pain which isn't fun. The past couple of days I am not sure what's wrong with me but I have been wearing my heart on my sleeve. You would think I had a hysterectomy and was hormonal all over again. Not quiet sure what's going on…
Goes in for emergency gall bladder surgery. And oh by the way you have cancer in your kidney
So I just join the network and decided to post my story. I am currently 41 years of age and was recently told I have kidney cancer (by the ER doctor). Now before I get to that story I should back up a bit and start at teh beginning when this all started. At the age of 28 I was told I am a diabetic and was told I should…
Papillary kidney cancer metastasis to lungs and abdomen
Hello. Had right nephrectomy last January 2013 with an 11cm papillary tumor. Now after my ct scan they have found 3 nodules in my lungs and several in abdomen. I will a biopsy next week and my onco told me I might start with voltrient. May ya I ask if anyone has been in voltrient and if I can still manage to work while…
Lung scars vs nodules
What's the difference between them? Had my ct OF the lungs with color contrast a week ago, A month ago had a. X Ray, different doctor said lung scar. now, different Radiologist and doctor said it looks like a scar 2cm in size & now call it a suspicious nodule. But being I had kidney cancer I now have to have a lung biopsy…
2 weeks ... feeling dizzy
Just curious, been two weeks as of today since my surgery and I've been feeling extremely dizzy at times when I stand up.wonder if this is normal.other than that I'm feeling good. Have my follow up tomorrow I can ask the doc but has any one else felt this way after there surgery?
Chest/Indigestion/Heartburn Pain/Discomfort
Just wondering if anyone has had any of the above since surgery? I am a year and a half out and I am starting to have discomfort after I eat like an indigestion pain. Also certain foods are making me sweat a little especially hard cheeses!!! Anyone else experiencing anything like this? Eims x
MRI Friday
Hi All, Well its that time again for me, my MRI for my head is scheduled for Friday, August 22. It's funny but I still get scanixety over these tests. I can't believe that November will be one year since my brain surgery and the removal of the tumor. 2013 was such a rough year for me, and so far this year things are going…
Merry Christmas and Season's Greetings
I know that the big day is getting close. I wanted to get this message out while everyone has a minute before the craziness hits. I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Season's Greetings - hoping your holiday is filled with warm memories, laughter and love. May we all be blessed with good…
New Around Here
Hi - I came across this forum while google searching for information on 'suspicious' nodules. But let me back up a bit. July 17, 2013 I had a radical right nephrecomy in which a HUGE Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell was removed along with my kidney. I have a copy of the pathology report - it had over 30% central necrosis…
urologist appointment tomorrow
Hi all, Im trying to get all my questions ready for my Urologist tomorrow, I feel like i have so many questions. I just cant remember what I wanted to write down,.. I was wondering thou would my urologist recommend me to a oncourologist? or would he be the one that would be doing the surgery? or does he start out then…
Sutent donation
Hi everyone My dad underwent surgery and one of his kidney was removed due a large tumor attached to it. He is now on a drug called Sutent by Pfizer. This drug is extremely expensive. I came to know that this drug does not work for everyone and there are many people with tamperproof unused packages of Sutent and are…
Hi. I'm new here
I hade a partial nephrectomy to remove a cancerous cyst in my right kidney. Fortunately it was only 1 cm in diameter, and the doctors said that the inside was cancer the border of the cyst wasn't; so it didn't spread. I still will have to have bi-annual tests. My recovery is slow. I hade the robotic surgery and was told…
Exercise Suggestions
Hi, I'm over 6 weeks post op for an open partial nephrectomy and am still having pain/issues at my kidney site. Anyone have any suggestions as to what type of exercise would help ease the discomfort. I am unable to jog or do anything that causes any jarring and I miss cardio exercise. Thanks in advance!
just had my urology appointment
It was confirmed surgery Sept 11th going to be robotic partial nephrectomy will also take a small portion of my lymph node as well that is swallen. i was ok with this until i guess i got the confirmed dx and then lost it when booking for my surgery... I thought i was good... Guess not.
6 weeks post op (open partial nephrectomy) and still not feeling normal!
I was told by my urologist that by the 6th week after surgery I should be feeling pretty close to normal. Well I'm 6 weeks, 2 days after surgery and the pain I feel at the kidney site is still quite uncomfortable!
Guys please help, persistent constant pain after surgery 4 months
I hope someone here can advise me on next step to take as every doctor I have seen brushed me away. First I want to say my surgery was not for cancer but I had a ureteral blockage(narrowing) where it meets kidney, which was causing kidney to swell with urine and be painful. Before surgery my pain was on/off only after I…
sad and depressed.
Today is five days since I had my seven holes in my abdomen , large lymph node and kidney taken out. They only gave me pain meds for two days, so I'm really feeling the pain now. Thought I was doing well,woke up feeling depressed and anxious this morning. Last night I woke up having a full blown anxiety attack I'm usually…
Anxiety and Upcoming Scan
Two weeks from Wednesday I will have my 6 month chest/abdomen/pelvic CT and blood work. It's been 20 months since my nephrectomy. Was diagnosed as Stage 3 Grade 3. I entered into an adjuvant therapy trial for one year, which I completed in February. It was a 50/50 everolimus/placebo double-blind study. No treatement since…
HD IL2 Treatmeant Question
Can anyone tell me if waiting two weeks between HD IL2 treatments will have any negative effects on the treatment outcome? Everything I have read seems to state waiting only one week between every 5 days of treatment. Thanks