Continued Pain and Infections 1 year Partial Nephrectomy
Hello, I am really hoping that someone can please offer any assistance. I had a partial nephrectomy (laproscopic) almost a year ago for clear renal cell in my left kidney. I had a 3cm tumor. I have had pain ever since the surgery. It is a constant dull ache in my side and back. I have also had 3 kidney infections where the…
Total hip replacement surgery scheduled
when it's not raining, it's hailing! I have surgery scheduled for 2 weeks from today for left hip replacement. I'm ready to change family dr and oncologist! Had another ultrasound run on my thyroid (fairly large nodule on left and another showing up three weeks later on the right.) Inconclusive needle biopsy with the…
Hi all. Surgery was completed Thursday and I came home yesterday. Doing well. Taking Tylenol for pain with some occasional oxy. I'm finding it hard to eat. Small amounts seem to work best. They attempted the partial, but once they got in there they had to convert to a complete radical. The tumor was pressing on the…
posting this from my phone so please bear with me ifthere are a lot of errors ☺. I have a friend who has battled bowrlrl cancer. They now have found 2 brain ttumors. They are going to perform the surgery but I asked her about thw cyberknife and she never heard of it. I know a few of you have had that pricwdure done. Any…
Scan today.
Today was my 3 1/2 year post nephrectomy scan. Good news. A couple little things remain stable. Who could've imagined this 3 years ago? So, ALWAYS GET ANOTHER OPINION!! Amazing since I've had no drug or surgical therapy since Il-2 a year ago. I do get monthly zometa to keep my bones strong. However, this isn't the end of…
Well, Thursday is approaching. My hopefully partial is scheduled. All the testing is completed. I'm healthy as a horse except for the cancer. Anxiety is starting to set in. I had my annual mammogram a couple of weeks ago and low and behold there was something there. Funny thing is that it really didn't freak me out that…
Hernia after Surgery
I had a partial Nephrectomy back in Dec. 2009 since then I have had a bulge(swelling)on my right side where the surgery was done. At first I thought it was normal part of the process. Today I saw my Urologist and he said it was a Hernia. He explained although not common, because of the loose muscle due to the surgery it…
Muscle Soreness Nephrectomy Side
Apologies if this has been discussed before. I haven't seen it. Each time I get even a slight cough (much worse if I have a serious cough) I get really sore on the side my nephrectomy was on. Not at all on the other side. I'm 2 years out from my nephrectomy. I would have thought that the muscles would all be healed up by…
Not sure what to think
I had a MRI for my back which stated that had a T2 hyperintense (≥7 cm) left renal lesion may represent upper pole parapelvic cysts. Consider correlation with ultrasound. Went Friday for my Ultrasound to follow up. Got these results today: R Kidney: A complete evaluation of the right kidney was performed. The kidney is…
Found my way back in...:)
A month or so ago we had a big time power surge here at the house that wiped out about half of our electrical toys...2 tvs, an a/c and unfortunately my computer. I thought I hada surge protector on it but it turns out is was just a six plug power strip. Anyhow, I got a new computer and a good surge protector but took me a…
One year MRI
Underwent a partial nephrectomy at the Moffitt Cancer Center last October. I was lucky: it was benign, an oncocytoma. MRI this week showed no negative findings on the operated right kidney. A small simple cyst was noted on the left kidney. Urologist plans to monitor it. Feeling good despite numerous medical procedures in…
C.T. shows white spots
A quick recap...partial nephrectomy Nov 7 2012. Have experience memory issues, cognitive issues, head aches/migranes since Feb 2012. My post op folliw-ups with urologist have been NED...but he only orders blood work and ultra sound of abdominal area. Gp sent me for CT scan last October re my complaints. Was told everything…
Waiting and Concerned
In 1990 I lost my left kidney to RCC, 2004 partial right kidney at UCLA, 2007 prostate cancer. This August the cancer had returned to what is left of my right kidney and spread to my hip bone. Until yesterday I was able to walk almost normally but now pain has set in and it is difficult to walk. Next Tuesday the "team" at…
Pathology results
Hi all, I'm back from my urologist appointment 5 week post up. He gave the Path results. Clear cell Stage Pt3a grade 2 renal vein involvement, clear margins He thinks he "got it all" and told I have 85% chances of the cancer not coming back. I take this as a good news. I will have follow up every 6 months for the next 5…
Extreme skin sensitivity across abdomen
I had an open partial right nephrectomy on September 4. My recovery has gone pretty smoothly and I will have my post-op visit with the surgeon next week. This past weekend we had to make a 7 hour drive to attend a family funeral and then a day later 7 hours to get back home. Initially I was mildly concerned the drive might…
(BBPD) Funny Bonz 2014
PTCSD anyone?
I've been thinking about this more and more. I diagnosed myself with PTCSD (Post Traumatic Cancer Stress Disorder) today. The symptoms? I have this nagging feeling my cancer has come back and it just won't go away. I think it's gone (and, in fact, I've stopped even thinking about IT), then I get a little pain in my neck…
Freaking out
Can anyone tell me if it is normal to freak out over a mamogram? Just a little background. I was diagnosis with renal cell carcinoma on August 1st and had a radical nephrectomy on August 11th. I was symptom free when the cancer was found and I have had a great recovery and returned back to work just a few days ago. I just…
2nd opinion on Cancer #1 tomorrow
This thyroid recurrence is still ongoing. It's been over 2 months since routine testing turned into panic, then into more waiting. I have 6 areas of cancer in neck/chest right now, and my ENT deemed it inoperable. He told me to just "deal with it" and get on with life. What a jerk! I left that appointment disheartened,…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If you received a message from rita44556 prompting you for money,…
Kidney Cyst and Upcoming Appointment - New Member
Hello everyone, and thank you in advance for reading my post - I'm sure it's going to be long. I work as a medical assistant for a Family Practice doctor, so when I came up with a whopper of a UTI they treated me with immediately with some strong antibiotics. I was running a fever as well as having red and white blood…
Kidney Pain
I have a question related to recent pain that I've started to feel in what I believe is my right kidney. I had a partial nephrectomy on my left kidney on May 8th (4 1/2 months ago) and had been recovering very well. Suddenly about 1 1/2 weeks ago I started having severe back pain on the opposite side of my surgery. I was…
Terminology and Acronyms
Being new here, I'm still trying to learn the terminology used. Such as NED? From context, I've obviously been able to deduce that it's a clear report, but what does the acronym stand for? Any other terms I will need? Thanks, Debbie
Borrowing trouble - need to be talked down!
Okay, I posted earlier about my cyst on my right kidney that is causing all kinds of issues. My husband just brought up an issue that I hadn't connected, but am now completely terrifying myself with. I have a long history of severe migraines, to the extent of hemiplegia and TIAs (minor strokes). About two months ago, I…
Tests - Waiting....
Like everyone here, I hate the few days between my CT's and seeing the Onc Dr., seems like forever. A new twist this morning when I went to the imaging center for my 6 month CT - Pelvis, Abdoman, Chest. The radiologist there. who has never read my scans, told me he wanted to do full-contrast 100ml, instead of 1/2 dose -…
Monitoring question
I am curious to compare with you all how you are all being monitored after your nephrectomy. My kidney was removed last December. It was stage 3, grade 2. I have had one scan done and have another coming up October 10th. In the first scan they noticed a lesion on the liver and because of that, are going to do a CT scan…
Recently Diagnosed
Hi everyone, I'm brand new to this board. I'm 33yrs old and a Mom to a 3yr old and 2month old currently recovering from a complete radical nephrectomy of my right kidney. I was diagnosed with Stage I T1b. I was told I'm completely cancer free now that the 5.5cm tumor has been removed. I simply need to follow up every 6…
Now What?
Yesterday my wife and I made the 400 mile round trip to UCLA for the biopsy on my hip. It wasn't fun but not bad at all. The doctor that did the biopsy said that until the tests are done on the tissue taken we will not know for sure what we have. That being said he did say that from what he saw on the CT and from previous…
New to group
Hi everyone, hope you are all well! I joined this group because I was just found out I have a 3.5 solid mass on my left kidney. I have been having what we thought was galbladder issues for over an year now. I am a 34 yr old stay at home mom with 3 young kids so I put off and put off till my husband made me go to dr. Thank…
I'm free of cancer, God healed my body Suspicious nodule in lung was valley fever..... I'll take that over cancer. His is so merciful and wonderful, prayers can do wonders. He's how I got through this all... to God be the glory