Bloating/gas pain 5 weeks post open nephrectomy
I was able to manage the constipation and had a good bowel movements the last 2 days.......but this morning after a good poop my stomach hurts similar to having a gas pain or being bloated.........Constipation and bloating are 2 different thing right? The problem is after this morning I couldn't drink or eat again anymore…
CT Scan results
Hello all, I just want to report that I got an "all clear" result from my scan. Very happy news. The lesion on my liver was stable. I was stage 3 grade 2 when I had my 13 cm tumor removed via nephrectomy last December. The doctor said he wants to start monitoring me by ultrasound now. I argued a bit with him (I know that…
It's Official
It was clear cell. Stage T1a. Furman grade 2. Margins are clear. I'm 2 weeks post a radical nephrectomy and feeling great. Back to work light duty on Monday. I'm one lucky gal. Scans in a year. One more post op appointment in 6 weeks. This whole thing has been crazy. Time to move forward.
University of Michigan or west Michigan area
Does anyone see a RCC oncologist at University of Michigan or somewhere in west Michigan? Thanks Cindy
CT results now what?
I have been a snowbird for the last 3 years and found out I had cancer while in Florida. I had a partial robotic nephrectomy in March while still in Florida. We aren't going to Florida this winter so I had my 6 month scan done here in Michigan and got the written results today. The results show 6 less then 5mm nonspecific…
Sutent to Afinitor?
diagnosed with stage 4 RCC. Started with sutent and after 2 rounds ct was done and kidney tumor stayed the same and mets in t11 and t12 remained the same but tumor in t4 grew slightly. Doc now starting afinitor? Any thoughts???
Trial Update
Well had my 12 week scan and got bad news. New site is present which puts me out of the trial. It is a node in the chest and is about 2 cm in size. The other 2 nodes that had shrunk have grown back to their original size. The thyroid is still smaller then when I started as are whatwas found on my right lung. Someo fthe…
Scan done, news not good.
I received the results of my bone scan yesterday and the news wasn't good. Along with the hip bone met that I was aware of they also found two ribs and the femur invloved also. It sounds like this will preclude any surgery to the tumor in my kidney or the removal of the hip met. The doctor I spoke to at UCLA where I am…
3weeks post surgery
hi all its been a few weeks since I posted. Feeling good although my incision areas are very painful is that normal have others experienceEd this as well.? I have lost 11 lbs since my surgery. Not complaining was trying to lose some weight
New here and worrying. pls help
Hi everybody, I'm leah, female and I'm 29.years old. I've been having flank pain and under the ribs pain, tiredness and monthly pain by my pelvic not like cramp pain but more of like when sitting down pressure goes up on the lower abdomen to the top abdomen under my rib. My creatinine is 0.5 and my urine is clear. It was…
mass on kidney and lesion on spleen
My husband was just told he had a small mass on his left kidney. 2.5 cm in size. The urologist says it has all indications of being cancer and that a partial robotic nephrectomy is best option. After the urologist saw the MRI he told us that there is a small lesion on my husband's spleen. The dr now wants him to see a…
Very confused! Went in to ER today for unrelated pain had CT shows possible mass.
I went to ER today for ovarian pain. They did contrast CT and just happened to find possible mass on left lower kidney. I am very confused by the possible mass part. They did urine test it was fine but they said this texture on my kidney may be mass or could be infection. They put me on antibiotics and wants to rescan in 3…
New here but concerned
I had a radical Nephrectomy a year ago. I always had discomfort on my left side and a bump just under my rib cage. Anyone have any comment on this?
Update GSR
Hi All..! Yes I have been a tad quiet here.. sorry. Things are mostly OK.. no complaints. Had a Cyberknife procedure early August for Met on Spine. The Cyberknife in turn caused major pain for about 6 weeks and it did get better. Still some pain, but I can deal with it. Next about 2 weeks ago had pain in right foot, I…
renal cell cancer
I found out I had kidney cancer on a ct that was done for something else.they say it was caught early.since my left kidney was removed in feb. 2003.I am still in pain i am also numb in the area can anyone post info about the recovery?
To those Newly Diagnosed - Pay Attention
Hello - I have posted here before, but I am hoping that those newly diagnosed will learn from my experience. I have learned that I did not handle things well. Live and learn. I found out a year ago that I had RCC. My tumor was small and my doctor assured me it was no big deal at all. Almost like it was not even a real…
Relevance of negative margins in a full nephrectomy
Hi everyone, I was just wondering something: When a full nephrectomy occurs, what determines "positive" or "negative" margins? Perhaps I just don't understand the concept, but how is this determined if the entire kidney is removed? And, what, if any, is the benefit of "negative margins" on a radical neprectoamy if the…
NCCN Guidelines for Follow Ups after a Partial/Radical Nephrectomy for Stage 1-3
We've had a number of posts/questions about what is appropriate followup after a partial/radical nephrectomy for Stage 1-3 RCC. You may access the National Comprehensive Cancer Guidelines yourself as a patient/survivor. If you go to the website, it will appear as if the site is for physicians only. However, if you go…
stage 4 mestatic renal cell cancer
i was diagonose with stage 4 renal cell dec 2011 had kidney removed jan 2012 started chemo with sutent 1 week ago i have it in both lungs they are sayin numerous nimerous numerous cells have it in the lymp nodes live and small cell tissue they say i have around 1 year or so but has anyone beat this cancer at this stage of…
Up coming CT SCan concerns
I'm going in for my one year check-up and CT-Scan. Someone told me the contrasting agent is not good if you only have one kidney. Anyone lnow if that's correct??
RE: New to group
Hi! I'm new to the group - 63yr old female who had a left nephrectomy on July 26, 2014. My cancer was found through a chest ct scan. Had a chest xray and saw some nodules in right lung. I had some left back pain which I later learned was muscle pain - so really no symptoms to confirm kidney caner. After ct of chest , they…
Crazy Question
I have an open radical on 8-11 and I still have a lot of numbness in my stomach which I understand is normal. But is it normal to always feel hungry and never full even after eating a full meal?
Continued Pain and Infections 1 year Partial Nephrectomy
Hello, I am really hoping that someone can please offer any assistance. I had a partial nephrectomy (laproscopic) almost a year ago for clear renal cell in my left kidney. I had a 3cm tumor. I have had pain ever since the surgery. It is a constant dull ache in my side and back. I have also had 3 kidney infections where the…
Total hip replacement surgery scheduled
when it's not raining, it's hailing! I have surgery scheduled for 2 weeks from today for left hip replacement. I'm ready to change family dr and oncologist! Had another ultrasound run on my thyroid (fairly large nodule on left and another showing up three weeks later on the right.) Inconclusive needle biopsy with the…
Hi all. Surgery was completed Thursday and I came home yesterday. Doing well. Taking Tylenol for pain with some occasional oxy. I'm finding it hard to eat. Small amounts seem to work best. They attempted the partial, but once they got in there they had to convert to a complete radical. The tumor was pressing on the…
posting this from my phone so please bear with me ifthere are a lot of errors ☺. I have a friend who has battled bowrlrl cancer. They now have found 2 brain ttumors. They are going to perform the surgery but I asked her about thw cyberknife and she never heard of it. I know a few of you have had that pricwdure done. Any…
Scan today.
Today was my 3 1/2 year post nephrectomy scan. Good news. A couple little things remain stable. Who could've imagined this 3 years ago? So, ALWAYS GET ANOTHER OPINION!! Amazing since I've had no drug or surgical therapy since Il-2 a year ago. I do get monthly zometa to keep my bones strong. However, this isn't the end of…
Well, Thursday is approaching. My hopefully partial is scheduled. All the testing is completed. I'm healthy as a horse except for the cancer. Anxiety is starting to set in. I had my annual mammogram a couple of weeks ago and low and behold there was something there. Funny thing is that it really didn't freak me out that…
Hernia after Surgery
I had a partial Nephrectomy back in Dec. 2009 since then I have had a bulge(swelling)on my right side where the surgery was done. At first I thought it was normal part of the process. Today I saw my Urologist and he said it was a Hernia. He explained although not common, because of the loose muscle due to the surgery it…
Muscle Soreness Nephrectomy Side
Apologies if this has been discussed before. I haven't seen it. Each time I get even a slight cough (much worse if I have a serious cough) I get really sore on the side my nephrectomy was on. Not at all on the other side. I'm 2 years out from my nephrectomy. I would have thought that the muscles would all be healed up by…