Just checking in

Well Monday was three weeks post op.  This healing up is for the birds still in quiet a bit of pain which isn't fun.  The past couple of days I am not sure what's wrong with me but I have been wearing my heart on my sleeve.  You would think I had a hysterectomy and was hormonal all over again.  Not quiet sure what's going on unless I held it together June 18 till August 11th and now it's all seeping out.  I told myself yesterday oh tomorrow will be better.  Well I'll tell myself that again today.  Went to my primary but haven't had a follow up with my surgeon yet.  My creatin levels were a little high when I left the hospital so she checked me,  she said they are a little better, but she said I was dry so I'm trying to drink more water.  I kinda feel like a burden because my husband is tired and he has grumbled here and there.  Just don't want him thinking I've lost my mind when I cry at the drop of the hat.  Thanks for listening!



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Nobody said it is a picnic



    Barring any complications the worst is over. Definate improvement for the next  3 weeks.



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Nobody said it is a picnic



    Barring any complications the worst is over. Definate improvement for the next  3 weeks.




    This is something that comes up regularly. No one ever wants to be diagnosed with cancer. Kidney cancer was always a death sentence. We deal with the anxiety, surgery and recovery. Tremendous emotional stress. But at some point, something has to give. I think everyone goes through some sort of breakdown. What did we do to deserve this? Was it my fault? Am I going to die anyway? Maybe we are just so damn thankful. But it gets to us. Depression. Crying. Sense of hopelessness. Let it out. It is bad energy. Don't think you are weak. We have all been there too.

    You would be surprised to find out how many people seek counseling or require anti depressives at this point. If you need help keeping it together, talk to your doctor. It all comes with the territory. This is so much more than having a tooth pulled. You are doing great. It is just not quite over yet.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    foxhd said:


    This is something that comes up regularly. No one ever wants to be diagnosed with cancer. Kidney cancer was always a death sentence. We deal with the anxiety, surgery and recovery. Tremendous emotional stress. But at some point, something has to give. I think everyone goes through some sort of breakdown. What did we do to deserve this? Was it my fault? Am I going to die anyway? Maybe we are just so damn thankful. But it gets to us. Depression. Crying. Sense of hopelessness. Let it out. It is bad energy. Don't think you are weak. We have all been there too.

    You would be surprised to find out how many people seek counseling or require anti depressives at this point. If you need help keeping it together, talk to your doctor. It all comes with the territory. This is so much more than having a tooth pulled. You are doing great. It is just not quite over yet.

    As usual, Foxhd has summed it

    As usual, Foxhd has summed it up perfectly. Could not agree more. Hang in there. It will get better.

  • Melliebean
    Melliebean Member Posts: 53
    foxhd said:


    This is something that comes up regularly. No one ever wants to be diagnosed with cancer. Kidney cancer was always a death sentence. We deal with the anxiety, surgery and recovery. Tremendous emotional stress. But at some point, something has to give. I think everyone goes through some sort of breakdown. What did we do to deserve this? Was it my fault? Am I going to die anyway? Maybe we are just so damn thankful. But it gets to us. Depression. Crying. Sense of hopelessness. Let it out. It is bad energy. Don't think you are weak. We have all been there too.

    You would be surprised to find out how many people seek counseling or require anti depressives at this point. If you need help keeping it together, talk to your doctor. It all comes with the territory. This is so much more than having a tooth pulled. You are doing great. It is just not quite over yet.


    I'm already on some anxiety med and right before I left the hospital it was upped a little.  I think Labor Day just did me in.  I realized I spent all summer dealimg with this.  I buried my head in the sand somewhat.  I know I came and asked questions and such.  But every night I was like ok god this is more than I can handle in my head and I gave it to him rather than getting upset. I'd have friends and family well if you need to talk...I'd be what's there to talk about gotta get this bugger out of me.  I realized summers gone and we hadn't done anything we normally do and it got to me.  But summer will come again next year.  Hopefully after this week I'll pull it back together.  Thanks for understanding I knew you guys would.  I'm officially a survivor now!

  • Phredswife
    Phredswife Member Posts: 162


    I'm already on some anxiety med and right before I left the hospital it was upped a little.  I think Labor Day just did me in.  I realized I spent all summer dealimg with this.  I buried my head in the sand somewhat.  I know I came and asked questions and such.  But every night I was like ok god this is more than I can handle in my head and I gave it to him rather than getting upset. I'd have friends and family well if you need to talk...I'd be what's there to talk about gotta get this bugger out of me.  I realized summers gone and we hadn't done anything we normally do and it got to me.  But summer will come again next year.  Hopefully after this week I'll pull it back together.  Thanks for understanding I knew you guys would.  I'm officially a survivor now!

    Hi Mellie. Good to hear from

    Hi Mellie. Good to hear from you. You have just been through a whole lot more than most of your friends and family have probably dealt with over the summer. Give yourself a break. Its hard to deal with all this and normal family stuff too. Your hubby is still probably shell shocked by it all too so be kind to each other. Its going to take some time but eventually you are going to start to feel a bit better. Good things take time. Be patient with yourself..... Hugs Melissa xoxo

     I have to admit it was February when Greg had his nephrectomy and I'm still losing it a bit LOL.Smile

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Keep your chin up

    Hi Mel,

    You have just been through so much....diagnosis, waiting for surgery date and anticipation of the surgery....it is normal to feel the "let down" afterwards. If you were like me, you had been focussing on the surgery so much that you didn't think much about the "after" part. You have been through so much in such a little bit of time. Be kind to yourself. You are doing great!!

    Big Hugs,


  • thaxter
    thaxter Member Posts: 124
    One year anniversary of radical open nephrectomy next week

    I had my operation last 9/13 (a Friday the 13th).  Sept and October were pretty rough, but the last year has been so much better than the year before my cancer was discovered when I was anemic, losing weight, no energy and couldn't eat.  So I barely remember the recovery period now.

  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284

    And a champion!  You are right, summer will come again and you will be able to enjoy it to the fullest.  Now just enjoy autumn and every glorious morning.


    i had mine in March and still have some very dark times, but they are fewer and fewer.  It does get better

    Hugs to you