kidney nerve blocks
Has anybody had a kidney block for persistent kidney pain? I am considering some procedure which will eliminate constant kidney pain I am experiencing after surgery. i have heard renal denervation but I am not sure how practical these things are and risks. If anybody had these or any alternate treatment for pain please…
National or International Kidney Cancer Charitable Organization?
Hi everyone, All these people doing the ALS ice bucket challengs got me thinking about maybe trying to help a medical research organization that I can actually relate to. I am already somewhat active in helping out the arts and a local humane society, but since I have recently been forced to care about kidney cancer, I…
RPLND - Retropertineal Lymph Node Dissection Surgery
I have been advised by my Dr that I need an RPLND and suggesting to have this within a month, by the end of July. I have not received the exact date, but advised within one month. I am having this done at UNC Lineberger Cancer Institute and my Dr advises he does approximately 30 of these a year and he will be utilizing…
Unexpected Just found out is RCC
On June 24, 2014 I went to ER to be treated for vertigo, naucea and headache. Just that. After a; negative result head scan, they did an abdominal scan... later, another with contrast.... they found a mass in my left kidney and a cyst on my right... I was admitted for more tests and labs for 5 days... They want to remove…
Happy Sunday
How is everyone doing today?
Article from NCI on chromophobe RCC:
It would seem this is very positive progress into understanding chromophobe RCC. http://www.cancer.gov/newscenter/newsfromnci/2014/TCGAkidneyChromophobe?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+ncinewsreleases+(NCI+News+Releases)
Chemo/radiation ?
I have a question? Do you know if you have kidney cancer and they remove all of or partial kidney and lymp nodes. is chemo /radiation involved? or is it they just remove them and call it a day?
Renal Mass
I had my 2nd CT scan of my Kidney I have a 1 cm renal lesion with enhnancing walls and internal septations suspicious for neoplasm. i have prominent left Para-aortic lymph node. i also have a 3.5 cm simple cyst. I have an appointment follow up with my urologist. next tuesday. I am exstremely nervous. I dont know what to…
Scans and visit to oncologist
my husband had his meeting with the oncologist; all scans "unchanged" and "unremarkable". as his onc put it "boring". Now, it will be 4-month follow-up and a bone density test has been scheduled to determine if he has osteoparosis or arthritis as the cause of degeneration. No signs of any progression and the oncologist is…
Original CT scan shows mass, US shows mass, CT scan with and without contrast does not show mass...
I was taken to the ER with upper neck and arm pain. While in the ER, a CT scan was done on my abdomen to check my lungs and heart. The scan came back with a mass on my kidney. I've been diagnosed with a Bosniak II cyst and a simple cyst previously so my GP and I both assumed it was one of them that showed up again. Since…
Upcoming surgery
I wanted to say that I have been reading the boards for a few weeks now in order to prepare me for my mothers surgery. Well the week is now upon me. I want to Thank everyone. Mom had been treated for NHL 4 years ago and the spot on her kidney had grown so here we go. She will be having an open partial, well if all goes…
Surgery 8-25-14
I'm scheduled for surgery Monday to remove my left kidney. I have two lesions and one "mass" that us growing into the kidney tissue. I'm still shell shocked I suppose. Didn't know anything was wrong - was in ICU in February for ischemic cholitis. The CT scans on my bowels showed a "mass" on my kidney so they ordered an…
Having beer or a drink now and then.
Hi Everyone: I am sure you all think I am crazy to even ask this question, but I did find on this forum that having a beer or drink does not hurt the one kidney as long as you still drink lots of water. Is this malarky?
Fox...the Poster Child
When entering this website, Fox is in the banner line of photos. Congrats, fella. You deserve it for all the crud you've been thru. And if it was just a randon draw for good looking guys, you still fit the bill. I'm thinking I've reached the 8 years since first Dx, and 5 since last occurrence. Saw the PC today. Most…
my husband is having his 3 month scans tomorrow; full body bone and chest scan with and without contrast. The contrast part is conditioned on his creatinine level so I have been pushing the drinking water. Todd, I know you are scheduled for Wednesday and I am hoping that both of you will have clean scans and that by the…
Remember when I was all freaked out because I thought two months was to long to wait for surgery. I just looked at the calender and realized now it is only two weeks out. Haven't heard a peep out of the doctors office. They said the hospital would call to schedule pre-op I am waiting to hear from them.
Renal cancer and osteoparosis
I have posted this to Smart Patients last week and my question may have gotten lost since no one responded. my husband was dx in July, 2013 with stage 4, clear cell carcinoma, grade 2. It is stage 4 because he had 2 spinal mets, one which was treated with laminectomy and the other with cyberknife. His last scans have been…
New cancer classification system shows promise as life-saver
Well...I'm back again.
Well, here I am again I haven't posted in over a year...I've done everything I could to push the anxiety out of my mind since my doctor gave me the "all clear" after my scan last July. The original mass was found in July of 2012 and was only 2.5 x 3-ish. The post surgical biopsy showed stage 1, grade 1 renal cell…
Update of mom's surgery
The doctor said it was routine however she did not react well to the anesthesia, that was expected. She is 72 and had issues with it before. She had an open partial, today she had a slight fever with a flush face however her hands were ice. She has been taking the nausea medicine along with something for heartburn which…
My last CT 2 weeks ago showed that it is probable that I have early pneumonitis which unfortunately is a side effect of Afinitor. Saw a respiratory specialist on Wednesday and have started a short course of prednisone. Naturally Afinitor has been stopped and not sure it is still on the table as it appears that I also have…
Have any of the males had any issues with their testicals post right partial nephrectomy. My right testical is drooping much lower than normal. It is not sore anymore. But was for a period post surgery. I have trouble drawing it up like my left one now. My urologist seemed to dismiss this as nothing a week after my…
Estimated GFR
I learned something new today. I went to get a consultation at a Nephrologist and I learned some interesting things that I thought I would pass on. I had some varying results in my blood creatine and GFR thorugh my Oncologist and my Urologist. They were using different labs and the results varied between 1.48 and 1.79 with…
I have been on 800 mg Votrient for the past 18 months and so far it’s working great. The only bothersome side effect is the diarrhea. I am taking Lomotil to help. And it has been working for the most part. I have noticed that when I eat beef the diarrhea is dramatically worse and more often. Chicken and pork I don’t have…
RCC with mets to lungs
Well, I have officially joined!! Mass R Nephrectomy in August 2011. It had punctured vena cava and i started to bleed out slowly, emergency surgery to remome R kidney with 7cm tumor. Tumor was not attached to vena cava but had punctured it, vascular sugeon (and Kidney cancer surgeon) removed kidney and stitched vena cava…
Post op recovery
Hi all, i am today 6 days post op partial neprectomy and its kicking my butt. Low level nausea and sickness are the ones doing the kicking and it's making me feel so low. On a brighter note ok have had no pain at all from the insision site or kidney. Did anyone else have this nausea and how long does it last? It also could…
"Oh Lord Now She has Cancer"
I'm 41 and I've been sick a good part of my life. My family is sick of me being sick so I can't be while around them. I've had 12 surgeries now (only 2 related to cancer) and am an 8 year renal cell carcinoma survivor with recurrence. I'm all out of supporters and it's been this way for a very long time. I have my 6mos…
3 Year Ultrasound Clear, Chromophobe
Hello Everyone, It has been some time since I've posted. I had a Partial nephrectomy (laproscopic Davinci robotic) 20July11, to remove a 3.9 cm Chromophsobe tumor, grade 2. I had a six month, 1 year, and 3 year CT followup. Last month I had a 3 year ultrasound and all is clear. I am on the fence as to whether to go for a…
Adrenal gland...I should know this but...
...is the adrenal gland always removed when the whole kidney is removed?