First new topic post - awaiting official diagnosis.
I had a biopsy last week and an MRI yesterday but I already know what they will reveal because I can feel it. Tongue, throat, voice box, neck nodes both sides. it is affecting my eating, speech and breathing with rapid progression. Whatever that blood test is that shows cancer level in your body - mine is totally sky high.…
I have tinnitus pretty bad, usually I don't hear it as I have got used to it but now I am also getting swishing sounds in my head or ears, it happens when I move my head, does anyone else get this, this is 8 years out from treatment.
Half Way There
Good morning fellow warriors. I woke-up today starting the second half of my treatment plan. I am on radiation treatment 16 of 30 and Cisplatin infusion 4 of 6. Before I get into my current side-effects, allow me to give you a little back ground sense I don't post on here often. My name is Chris. I am a 36 y/o Master…
No Surgery - Chemo and Radiation
The ENT met with us today and said that surgery is not an option because they would have to open his jaw and remove part of his voice box. Instead he is recommending chemo and radiation - no surgery. Was this the case for anyone?
New diagnosed
Hello everyone, I am new here. I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of throat and tonsil officially june 29th 2017. I am 48 years old,pretty healthy and had a sore throat for 2 months, ENT said was tumor right away. Had CT scan then sx june 28th 2017 to remove tonsil....lets just say dr was surprised with what he…
Scan yesterday/checking in
My husband had another neck CT scan and chest CT scan yesterday morning. His last scan was in November 2016. So far, he is at 20 months past diagnosis of his stage 1 tongue cancer. And thankfully yesterday's scans were both clear. His doctor gave him an A+! Today is also our 16th wedding anniversary, so this is the best…
Hello - just checking in
Hey peeps! I haven't been on this forum for a very long time. Just thought I'd drop by and say HELLO and to let you know that hubby is doing quite well. In August he will be getting a PET scan since it will be his 2 year anniversary since completing treatment. He was diagnosed with Stage IV HPV positive tonsil cancer and…
Things people should not say to someone that has cancer
Last year I had a tumor removed from the base of my tongue. It was stage II. I then had 30 radiation treatments. I noticed there seems to be something in my throat again. I am coming up on my one year anniversary. I am very concerned! My doctor scheduled a CT scan for this week. I have had several people tell me to try not…
Hello all thought i would share my story, I was diagnosed with this rare cancer officially in March '17. I am only 23 years old so hearing the news was unbelieveable not only to get cancer so young but this rare form? I had symptoms starting late december/ beginning of January and it seemed just like a sinus infection.…
Skin itchiness about 8 weeks after treatment
There's always something new to manage after my husband's treatment! That's ok, we will tackle it, one thing at a time! He is about 8 weeks out of radiation/chemo treatments and the skin on his neck is very red and very itchy. And it has now kind of spreading to his upper chest. We go to the radiologist tomorrow for a…
Great news!
I have received the best news ever today! This is a partial of my Biopsy Report. I have backspaced My Doctors names. ADDENDUM F F F Addendum #1 Entered: 07/05/17-1230 F F ADDENDUM FINAL DIAGNOSIS: F F Palate lesion, excisional biopsy: F F Sialometaplasia with superimposed moderate dysplasia (see F comment). F F Please see…
Return of the turkey neck
Food Tips in Recovery
Hi There So last week I had my clearance PET scan, but it was inconclusive. Apparently my inner mouth & throat have suffered such a profound insult that they still haven't healed up (still, after 3 months, thick with mucus). The scan couldn't differentiate between damage, inflammation and cancer, so I have to re-scan in 2…
PET Tomorrow
So tomorrow I have my three month post treatment PET scan. This has been in the back of my mind for several weeks and now, here we are. I won't get the results until one week later, even though I was given the option of calling in for the results two days later, I want to be there in person. Hoping and praying for NED, but…
Tongue Physical Therapy - tongue muscles not responding
Hi, I had surgery on the left side of my neck to remove 39 lymph nodes, my submandibular gland, 2/3 of the SCM muscle, and a melanoma tumor (former lymph node wrapped around SCM). That was in early February. Following the surgery I had physical therapy for shoulder issues (extreme muscle tightness, so much so that my arm…
This morning I was still suffering from pain in my rectum as well as bleeding. I got online to search for something to apply externally. Found something called Anorectal Cream with Lidocaine. Also bought some medicated wipes at Walgreens. The cream is expensive at $24 for a small tube but well worth it. My pain now is…
Just diagnosed - No idea what to expect
So... I found a lump on my neck in March. I'm male, in my mid 40's, in good physical health, don't drink nor smoke. I had just recently had a minor surgergy to my chin and my primary care physican and myself figured the swollen lymph-node was simply a reaction to the minor surgery. After a couple of rounds of steroids,…
Cancer Owl
Good morning all, If you are unaware of this blog, I highly recommend it. The owner is a colorectal survivor who created a cancer owl cartoon about his cancer experience. It's very funny and informative and right up the alley of all who take this journey. Enjoy it and please make it metasticize (see what I did there?).…
Three Month PET, NED!
Had my three month post treatment PET this morning and was shocked when a Doctor on my team called and told me she had a chance to review my scan. I wasn't anticipating results until next Monday during an appointment I had scheduled. Doc said she didn't want me worrying through the holiday unnecessarily. Doc excitedly told…
Gagging reflex
Hi all, I'm only one week into treatment and am having some issues with my gagging reflex. When healthy it's normally really sensitive anyway; just last night it was triggered by me trying to brush my tongue because my tongue feels gross. I already feel the swelling in tonsil/back of throat area but not sure how to avoid…
Treatment completed heading home
That’s me done finished heading home in the morning. 3 lots of Cisplatin and 35 IMRT Rads done, I’m not sure if this sounds strange but the time has flown by. Thanks for the information on here easing my journey. Andy
Sitting here in Jim's hospital room as he begins to fall asleep. We've been here 3 days. With symptoms including dizziness, wildly erratic blood pressure, tachycardia, night sweats and fever of unknown origin the diagnosis, after many tests, is dysautonomia. The doctors suspect this may be a late effect of his cisplatin…
Scared Wife - Tonsil and tongue
My husband received the results from his CT scan from the oral surgeon yesterday showing a 3-5cm tumor in his right tonsil and part of the tongue. He is 41 years old. He had difficulty opening his mouth which we attributed to TMJ. Turns out the tumor was growing into the muscle causing his jaw not to work properly.…
First time posting!
Hi all, just wanted to say I've recentry started my 7 week treatment plan - 7 weeks radiation plus three cycles of cysplatin....one infusion given and it's not pleasant! Fatigue, headache, nausea, ringing in ears....seems to be typical side effects? Throat starting to feel a little "thick" from the radiation already but no…
Just started treatment - NEED ADVICE
My husband was diagnosed a year ago with unknown primary SCC. He waited until about 6 weeks ago to do another exploritory surgery for the primary. FOUND IT at the base of the tongue!! They were able to remove it with clear margines. He is taking weekly cesplatin and daily rad for 6 weeks. First dose of chemo was on Monday…
Alternative Treatment
Hello. I was diagnosed with Esthesioneuroblastoma (skull base cancer) I was wondering if anyone here has done alternative treatments at all?
Has anyone been to a good ENT or neurosurgeon in Southern California that treated you?
Radiation Therapy Begins
I'm keeping a blog of my cancer treatment. If interested, here is the link. http://mythroatcancerdiary.blogspot.com/2017/06/second-radiation-treatment-today.html
Can your pets tell that you are sick?
I think my little black Chiwawa knows I am sick. She wont leave my side lately. Follows me everywhere, even sits at the bathroom door whining till I come out. She trys to sniff around my head sometimes and whines also. Her behavior was not like this until I got sick. I have heard that dogs can smell cancer, I wonder if it…
Ding, ding, ding!
My husband just rang the bell! 7 chemos and 36 rads. Here's to healing! :-). (I posted the video on Facebook)