Gross Tongue

Joel4 Member Posts: 263 Member

So I'm three months out from rads and chemo, and noticed that my tongue is still coated with a whitish/tan film.

I've been brushing my tongue, but hasn't really helped.  It kinds reminds me of algae, looks like I could pull it right off, but it is attached. 

Anyone else have a similar experience, and if so, any tips for getting rid of it?


  • Tonita
    Tonita Member Posts: 197 Member
    edited July 2017 #2
    I don't know if it's the same

    I don't know if it's the same but I had "black hairy tongue".  I didn't have radiation for my tongue cancer or chemo.  I think this developed from eating soft foods.  It went away when I was able to more solid foods like rice.

  • Starzzy
    Starzzy Member Posts: 11
    Could be

    Could be thrush combined with soft food residue. After my radiation treatments I developed thrush. I was not eating at that point but my thick mucus coated my tongue. I had to go on an antibiotic to help with the thrush and oral swabs to use several times a day. It took a few rounds of the medicine along with the swabs and starting more foods to get rid of it. 

  • Joel4
    Joel4 Member Posts: 263 Member
    edited July 2017 #4

    ..for the responses!  I have been examined recently and it is definitely not thrush.

    Perhaps it is related to the types of foods I have been eating.  Regardles, I expect slow steady improvement like it has been for everything else!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    gag on


    My ENT recommended gargling with salt water for the film on my tongue. I gag too much to brush all the way back.  He said it was some type of bacteria.  I still deal with it, I still gag (but try to brush my tongue), and I rarely gargle with salt water.  I do brush and use fluoride rinse multiple times daily.

    As for black tongue, I can do that by taking Pepto-Bismol before bedtime.


  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    My husband had the tan stuff

    My husband had the tan stuff earlier this summer.  We bought one of those tongue cleaners (at walmart) and he did that nightly combined with Biotene.  That  helped and so far it hasn't come back.  I thought it was thrush at first but it wasn't.  Now he's just dealing with super dry mouth.  All the time.

  • Chilinily
    Chilinily Member Posts: 15
    Soar tongue

    74 year old female with HPV-OPV (SCC).  Tonsillectomy did not find cancer.  Low dose radiation was decided that it would kill primary, probably back of tongue.  Finished radiation (no surgery or chemo) Dec 23, 2016.  Soar throat very soar and couldn't eat During Jan and Feb with 3 rounds of thrush.  Lost 40 pounds.  Now, 7 months later, still have soar, scratchy throat and little taste or saliva. Xylatol mints and  Xylamelts best help.  However, my tongue is VERY soar, red and very sensitive to most foods with any salt or acid.  Tongue is quite red, with cracks and fissures in it.  Dentist said this is from 'dry mouth'. Has anyone else had this trouble with red soar tongue so long after radiation?  What helps? Thanks!

  • rsp
    rsp Member Posts: 103 Member
    Dry mouth

    Chilinily- My husband ended his radiation/chemo on the exact day as you... he still battles eating (he lost 90 lbs), and has to eat very bland food.  He carries a water bottle everywhere he goes.  He cuts everything he eats into very small pieces, and stays away from anything with spice, red sauce, etc.  He spritzes his tongue all day (and night) with something called STOPPERS4.  It is for dry mouth, and I ordered it off of Amazon.  He likes it better than Biotene.

    He can't drink soda or have alcohol.  He drinks iced tea all day (probably not the best for him, but he says it helps).

    Sorry this wasn't much help, but know that you are not alone.  Doctors tell us dry mouth may be a life long "gift" from the radiation.  Not sure about the sore tongue.  At one point, my husband woke up and 1/2 of his tongue was swollen terribly.  It was very weird, and the doctors never did figure out why that happened. It eventually went down.

    He tries to stay away from minty toothpaste, and uses something from the dentist that has extra floride in it.

    Good luck!