How long does the pain last from treatment?
My husband is 2 weeks post treatment. What are your personal experiences with how long the pain lasted? One of his nurses seemed to think he might need pain meds for maybe another 2 weeks.
Insurance won't cover suction machine - anyone recommend one?
Well, my insurance claims they will not cover a suction machine unless it's a part of in-home health care. Very few places around me carry them and one that would rent to me said I have to provide my medical information and diagnosis to them - no thank you. So, I'm going to just buy one. The medical supply places want…
post treatment nerve pain knee/leg
Hello All, My husband is almost 9 months post treatment for Stage 4A Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the head and neck, specifically right base of tongue, right tonsil, and 4 lymph nodes. He has had a clean PET and 2 clean CT scans and we're VERY thankful. He was a part of a Study at Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis, MO. Our…
Am I A Wimp?
Ok fellow H&N folks, I am 8-9 months out of T1/N3/M0 stage 3/4 Tonsil SSC, +HPV Treatment. The standard 36 rads and 7 weeks of Cisplastin. My question is do any of you all feel wiped out still? Its seems like after a work week and then 2 days of race chasing on the weekends that I must sleep and recover for at minimium of…
Not NED. The Tumor has gone (yay) but the lymph nodes still light up like a christmas tree, so I'm looking at surgery. 2 options, - wait and see, or cut them out. I'm not fond of wandering around with an axe over my head, so if the Tumor board agrees on monday, we'll be removing them.
Nasopharyngeal tumour radiotherapy effects
I have just joined CSN, my first post, I had NPC diagnosis recently, and have started radiotherapy for nasopharynx recently, here in London. this is Not the first time, because I had tonsil cancer SCC 7 years ago and went through the chemoradiation followed by neck dissection. This time no obvious symptoms but for last…
Ending week three - throat becoming an issue
47 year old male with SCC base of tongue stage III, HPV+. Just ending week three of daily radiation. Chemo is every three weeks and I get hit with the second round next week. I've actually been doing really well up to this point. I'm 20 pounds over my average weight, I work full-time, I eat normally and go out to eat…
My husband will have his first post treatment scan this coming Saturday. Everything seems fine ... he's healing well, eating well, no lumps or bumps. Just an occasional sore spot in his throat and a bout of thrush. However I'm getting really nervous about this scan. They only do a CT scan at this hospital unless they see…
Chemo Type 1 Diabetic PEG Tube
PEG Tube placement Wed Aug 2, Cisplatin Mon AM Aug 7, Rads 5 days a week, began vomiting Tues Aug 8, 1:30AM, PEG tube infected at placement site, began 2 tpes of antibiotics, hospitalized for acute kidney failure for 4 days, as of today (5 days out of hospital): able to eat small amounts of oatmeal, hamburger patties,…
First Week of Treatment Down
Well, I started my treatment last week for SCC base of the tongue (stage 3, approx .5" square tumor, HPV+ with multiple nodes on both sides of neck, 47yrs old, no drinking, no smoking). Doing the 3 mega doses of chemo (Cisplatin) with daily radiation to equal 35. Day one of chemo was nightmare. I had met several people who…
Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Looking for some fellow fighters/survivors. I was diagnosed with NPC last May at the age of 39. I completed treatment in late October and am now just trying to recover from the harshness of the treatment. I have never talked with anyone else who has been diagnosed with this rare disease and would love to know that I am not…
Please help im going crazy i beleive i have ORAL SCC but no one is picking it up
Can anyone here tell me if i am in the right place im going crazy i have signs in my mouth that look bad but oral surgeon, ENT , Dentist all said nothing is wrong :-( I would love to share some photos of what i see and if anyone else is going throuh this Thanks
4th Time Around
The cancer is back... so angry!
THIRTY FIFTH AND FINAL TREATMENT TODAY My brother drove me to treatment today. Evelyn, Ann, and Carolyn met us there. I had my treatment and then I gave the techs gifts I brought for them. Some peace rock paintings that I did last year. They seemed to like them. Then we did the ringing of the bell ceremony. I was given a…
Full on laryngectomy with bi lateral lymph removely
Hi I had this radical surgery after recurrence from previous RT treatment, six weeks ago tomorrow. i am still very swollen lower face and neck with almost solid Edema in those areas. My mouth is equally swollen and swallowing even saliva is damn nigh impossible drs say it's a time thing but just wondering if anyone has…
Diet cures cancer
I know some people are well-meaning but it really burns me up when I am told that this or that supplement will cure cancer. Or someone saying, "I have a friend who had pancreatic cancer and he drank this supplement and voila, 2 or 3 years later he is alive and doing well." All the radiation and chemo Buzz had did not cure…
Tongue biopsy pain
I'm having a really bad day. I had my tongue biopsied on Monday and I've had the usual pain that one would expect but today seems to be particularly bad. I'm a chronic pain patient and therefore I take narcotics on a daily basis for the pain of the two diseases I have. My pain management doctor that prescribes my narcotics…
Post Surgery/Clean PET - recommended radiation treatment?
Hi, Just to be clear, I am not asking about whether she should do radiation - she will, but what kind, and if anyone has a big problem with a somehwat short delay? My fiancee got oral cancer again (12 years after vanquishing it from her tongue the first time - this time in the mandible/tongue/part of throat) stage 4 and…
Pain following oral radiation
Hello everyone. I'm new on this chat board and am need of advice.. My sister finished 6 weeks of grueling oral radiation 3 months ago . She no longer has sores/ulcers or any dental issues but is still experiencing excruiating pain in her mouth. Has anyone else gone through this? How long does the pain last? Thank you!
Bump on inside of lip
Hi All - I have a scare that I am really quite concerned about and was looking for information that might help put me at ease. I have been an on and off dipper (chewing tobacco) user for 6-7 years, I'm 27 years old. It was actually to the point where I had stopped for a long time (~6 months) and then relapsed a couple of…
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
It has been confirmed today that I have a 2cm tumor on the base of my tounge!!! I am 25 & have to young children & just cannot believe this is happening to me. I have smoked in the past but never alot (1 or 2 a day) & not for the last 3yrs. The good news is that they Drs think it is a low grade tumor & slow growing, they…
Annual Scan - NED
One year down ..... one year anniversary of surgery (4/20/16) followed by the completion of 33 radiation and 6 chemo treatments (7/15/16) for Stage IVA tonsil cancer. PET scan performed yesterday with NED results given today. Still have various side effects to deal with but I will take this news anytime they can dish it…
Teeth issues
Hi, my dad is 4 years post treatment for stage 4a tonsil with chemo and radiation. He has had root canals and shaved some teeth down (so as not to pull them) but tonight his bottom front tooth just fell out. The dentist we saw here on Staten Island did not recommend the oxygen chamber. What can I do for this? how can I…
1 year out, and 4th NED
Just to give hope to others who are unfortunate to join this group, I had my 4th three month checkup and received the all clear. I was told that I could now switch to every six months. Was happy about that, but then got scared that I'll be waiting much longer to get checkups. Still, I do worry about the number of Ct Scans…
new here
Hi everyone, I am new here and am so grateful to have found this forum with so many wonderful people. I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue on March 16th of this year. Towards the end of January I found a spot on my tongue that I thought was a canker sore. After giving it a couple of weeks and it not…
So worried foreigner... need an advice
Hello everyone! I've been in a terrible crisis in last couple of days. Can't sleep, can't work, can't think normally. I have a feeling I'm doomed, somehow. Let me tell you my story. I am an young adult, almost 27 years old but i've made a terrible mistake in my life, unfortunately. Unfortunately, once again, I've…
Feeding tube bleeding
Hi, I have been taking care of my mom who has been on an uphill battle with tongue cancer. She has had a feeding tube for the past five months. She is in constant pain in the area directly around the entrance into her body. She has always had some stuff (some blood and other discharge) but tonight when she changed the…
Is this normal procedure?
Hello, everyone. My husband has BOT (base of tongue) cancer and is in his 5th week of 7 weeks of radiation, 5 days a week. He is doing fairly well - usual side effects - sore throat, no taste, fatigue, mucous, etc. He sees the Radiation Oncology Dr. once a week after his radiation treatment. At this checkup, the Dr. always…
Do humidifiers help at night with dry mouth?
Getting ready to start my daily rads next week and i'm trying to get everything ready. I'm wondering if a humidifier on my nightstand next to my bed might help with dry mouth? Amazon has a well rated Honeywell for basically 50% off right now - making it $18. Anyone try a humidifier? If so, thoughts? Thanks!
newbie to radiation treatment
Hi - I will be starting radiation next week. I have tonsil cancer on one side & my doctor wants to do radiation on each side, although no indication of cancer to the other side. Is this the norm? Anyone else have this two sided treatment? Thanks for any help!