Dry Mouth 5 Weeks Out
Hello! I haven't been on here in a while. My husband is almost 6 weeks out of treatmet and doing very well. His one month check-up was great and he is healing nicely. He is eating just about everything. He is noticing some tightness in his jaw so I told him to be sure to stretch it every day. One thing he is just starting…
pain following oral radiation
Hello everyone. My sister had 6 weeks of daily oral radiation that ended on April 2017. 3 months later,with no sores,ulcers or dental problems she is still complaining of severe pain .Has anyone else experienced this and how long does the pain last? Thank you!
NED, NED, NED!! What a lovely name!
My husband's scan showed No Evidence of Disease!!! We are over the moon! Thanks for all of the prayers and good vibes. It all helps! What a gift we have been given.
1 week post treatment
Well, I did it. Made it through 7 weeks of hell, but hell continues for me. I know it takes a few weeks to start feeling better, but I seem to be getting worse. 1 day after treatment I needed a blood transfusion due to some low blood counts. My throat and tongue are as sore as ever. Then today, I had yet another blood…
throat dilations and other problems
I recently had my second dilation done and a week later I still could not eat. So after going back to the doctor I now have a fungus in my throat that is making it difficult to swallow. has this ever happened to anyone? And if so how long before you could eat? I love losing the weight but I'm dying for some real food.…
Long time no post... but I'm back!!
Hello all, i hope everyone is having a good summer. It's muggy here and we've had record flooding. But otherwise it's been a great summer. We visited my MIL in Florida in June, had my nieces wedding in July and the new job starts soon. We've been busy! My husbands been doing really well. His CT scan was great and the two…
The C: Section Chronicles – My Cancer Adventure
Hi. I've been lurking here since finishing my throat radiation and chemo treatment about 4 weeks ago and would like to share my experience thus far. I'm not sure if it is allowable or not (mods remove if not please). The following is a diary I have been keeping since I was diagnosed with cancer. The C: Section Chronicles –…
Tongue biopsy scheduled... very nervous
I officially have a biopsy scheduled for August 7th which seems like forever away. My dentist found a white patch on my tongue. I have been a smoker off and on for 9 years so I know I shouldn't be surprised but I am. I'm only 27 and I have a 4, 2, and 1 year old to think about. The patch on my tongue is very small, maybe…
loads of questions
My name is Kent and I have been lurking here for a while. I am 60 yo male My primary found a suspicious lump in my neck on 1/12. I'll streamline what you probably can predict I have hpv+ tonsilar cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes On 2/20 I had a radical tonsilectomy and neck disection with 30 lymph nodes removed.…
Four weeks post treatment
Today is my 4 week since treatment. I had 7 weeks of chemo and rads. Cisplatin once a week and 35 days of rads. Healing and recovery has been slow. Hard to measure any daily improvement. More like weekly or even monthly. The string mucus has subsided. I still have phlem in at the back of my throat. Not too bothersome. I…
How do I get an order for a suction machine?
Mornings are the hardest. I know I have to eat something but I'm not hungry. First off I have to brush my teeth and scrape all the mucous out of my mouth. Then I go downstairs and put 4 oz of water down my PEG tube. Now it's time to decide what I am going to try to eat. Today I took a few bites of scrambled eggs and drank…
Still losing weight?
So, hubby's pet scan was NED. ENT follow up yesterday was excellent. His blood work looks good. He's eating very very well. But, he is still losing weight. To the tune of about 10 lbs in since completing treatment 3 months ago. This is on top of the 40 lbs he lost during treatment. I'm concerned but no one seems to be. I…
A very Big Day
I just returned from my final visit with the ENT, got scoped, poked, prodded, gagged and just about every other 'pleasant' experience you can have with a follow up visit and the good news is that everything is 100% normal ...and... I'M DONE with having to go to regular follow-ups. I crossed the 5 years since the end of…
squamous cell carcinoma of nasal septum
I am a 32 year old female, in the UK and I have just been told that I have squamous cell carcinoma of my nasal septum.It has eaten away much of my septum and spread out into some other nasal areas.It has also eaten away at the bone above my 2 front teeth and into my hard palate.I have been given the choice of having just…
just diagnosed with salivary gland cancer
Hi, i'm new to the site. I'm only 21 and i was diagnosed with acinic cell carcinoma of the parotid salivary gland last month. i am 3 weeks out of surgery (they removed most of it but couldn't get to some that was below my facial nerves) and am waiting to move up to Seattle for neutron radiation. I think i'm still in shock,…
Symptoms of Nasopharyngeal cancer
Hi all, I am curious as to what your symptoms were leading up to your diagnosis. I have a good friend who has an appointment with her doctor because she is concerned about this type of cancer. She has been reading websites about the topic and is worried sick. She is wondering if it is possible to have distant spread…
Roll CALL 2017 - UPDATED JUNE 3, 2017 CLOSED
ROLL CALL 2017 4th Updated June 3, 2017 All H&N members are welcome! Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You. First off, please feel free to Enroll…
10 months out
Hi, I am 10 months post radiation treatments after having a hemiglossectomy with tongue reconstruction from my wrist along with node dissection bilaterally. This was my second surgery for tongue cancer. The first one did not require any treatments after surgery. I'm no longer on pain meds. My problem is with eating. I had…
Recovery regarding TPN and feeding tube
My husband is one week out from treatment for tonsilar cancer. He had 3 treatments of Cisplatin and 7 weeks of radiation. He has both TPN and a feeding tube. I am wondering if anyone else has had these as well and what to expect long range. He presently cannot swallow.
Long-term impacts of head and neck radiation
In January 2013, I was diagnosed with Stage 4b base tongue cancer. I had an inoperable tumor and involvement of lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. Tests proved my cancer was not HPV related. So I underwent 7 weeks of Cisplatin along with 35 radiation treatments. In July of that year I was declared cancer-free and just…
I had PET/CT 2 weeks ago,all clear .I now have growth on tongue 2 weeks later .Is this possibly cancer?
Struggling to Adjust to Life After Treatment
I'm a 43 year old male who was diagnosed with stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma 11 months ago. Non-smoker, not a user of smokeless tobacco, negative for HPV, only a social drinker - came out of nowhere. Had a hemi-glossectomy (removed 2/3 of tongue) and removed 5 lymph nodes along with free flap replacement from left arm to…
Support needed!
Hi all, I'm about to start week five of seven of radiation for SCC HPV+ to the left tonsil which spread to a couple of lymph nodes. Ive had a radical tonsillectomy prior to treatment starting. I've had one round of cisplatin but was taken off that due to hearing loss in the high frequencies. My chemo doc put me on Erbitux…
4 weeks post treatment today
4 weeks post treatment all signed back to my ENT consultant who will see me on 7th September for a follow up appointment. Energy levels returning well running every day, off to arrange a back to work medical with the company doctor back to work on Monday hopefully. Everything appears to be almost back to normal for me…
Popping in to say hello
One of the reasons I haven't been by because I forgot my password, and sometimes have problems logging in. Then I get distracted and go on to something else. Maybe some of you will remember me. A year ago I was in Houston around this time undergoing radiation. I finished on July 12th. Had 35 rads plus 6 boosters. On the…
Tingling and numbness months after Cisplatin?
Has anyone developed tingling and numbness in their feet and hands months after their last Cisplatin treatment? Hubby did not experience any neuropathy during chemo but has started to have these symptoms in the last week or so.
anyone know anything about this form of radiation?
newbie questions
I've been recently diagnosed with HPV SCC. I first noticed the lump in May and after tests and specialists I recieved the diagnosis about 3 weeks ago. I'm starting to get over the overwhelming hump with good info and great forums like this. One question I had is my mass has gone up and down twice. Right now it is the…
Scared and appreciative and just plain emotional
Hello all, I came across this site a few days ago and I must say it has been a positive light I've been searching for. I really have been comforted by the many stories I've read through and the supportive comments I've read others post. It truly seems like a community on here and that is what I've been looking for. My…
sinus issues
im about 1.5 yrs out of treatment for stage 4 tonsil cancer. i have continues post nasal drip, congestion and now sinus headaches. anyone have similar experience post treatment?