Anyone had SSC of the mandible with surgery and radiation that can share their experience with radia

Hi... I am new to this forum and very grateful I found it !  Such wonderful people and the wealth of information is truely a blessing to anyone facing HNC. I found out I had SSC of the mandible in Sept. this year.  A mandiblectomy at the end of October and another surgery the first of November because the margins weren't clean and now i am recovering from that surgery and facing 30 radiation treatments at 60 Gys and was wondering if anyone that has this cancer in the mandible can share their own personal experience with radiation ?  I know everyone is different in what they may expect but I am worried about all the nasty side effects folks experience. I already have a little trismus from the cancer and the surgery. Anyone replying weoiuld be greatly appreciated !   Thanks .  : )


  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member
    You may have a small response

    You may have a small response since you limited your question to mandible only. Just not sure how common that is here. Are there issues that aren’t specific to the mandible only? 

  • Jbrooks
    Jbrooks Member Posts: 43
    Mandible cancer is probably

    Mandible cancer is probably not as common as say maybe tongue or nasal .  I already have some trismus from surgery and am worried about radiation making it worse. Also, radiation is 60Gy for 6weeks, five times a week and on one side. If anyone would like to reply, I would appreciate it! I am scared and worried my quality of life is going to go downhill after treatment.

  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408
    edited December 2017 #4

    I'm currently going through immunotherapy.....Keytruda, then Optivo/Yervo, now just Optivo till it's clear in my right jaw bone nerves.  This is all due to0 malignant Melanoma. Surgery year and a half ago to remove right ear....ear canal.... and Mastoid bone.  Tumor returned last June in ear flap area, and due to having so much radiation 8 years ago, that option was off the table.  Currently the tumor has been reduced by 40%. We shall see after infusion on 1-4.... the CT scan a week later.  It's been a miserable Fall, but just going with the flow.

  • Jbrooks
    Jbrooks Member Posts: 43
    Cajun...sounds like you've

    Cajun...sounds like you've been through a lot. I agree, it has been a miserable Fall but let's hope and pray 2018 will be better.  You will be in my prayers!