Oropharyngeal cancer
Hi, I`m back! Well my CAT scan came back as was expected. Then I had to have a bone scan and PET scan. The results were not so bad. It is stage 1 right tonsil cancer but with no lymph node involvement. I had the surgery last Thursday (9/14th). They took both tonsils and they had to take more tissue around the right tonsil…
Hi ... Tiffany here, continueing symptoms ...
Its been 4 months since my Radiation/ Chemotherapy treatments? and now I have swelling in my throat, extreme saliva, and dry mouth. I can't swallow food yet, and am still feeding with a "gravity tube" set-up in my tummy. I have horrible head and neck pain, and am on heavy medications to try and kill the pain ... the drugs…
The Cure
Now that I have your attention: In this year of electing a president, all cancer survivors need to find the candidate who supports Cancer research-a-ie; stem cells, which could very well bring the cure to all cancer. The politics of cancer can kill you..of over 10,000 grants from the National Cancer Institute, only 500…
The Cure
Now that I have your attention: In this year of electing a president, all cancer survivors need to find the candidate who supports Cancer research-a-ie; stem cells, which could very well bring the cure to all cancer. The politics of cancer can kill you..of over 10,000 grants from the National Cancer Institute, only 500…
Looking for a Throat Cancer Survivor
My friend just lost his wife to throat cancer November 2006. 2 weeks ago, he was diagnosed with throat cancer and today was given only 2 months to live. BUT HE WANTS TO FIGHT! He is looking for someone who has survived this. Just this one person can make a difference to this man. Please reply soon. Thank you, all!
esophijectamy(misspelled I know)
has anyone heard of new procedure using a piece of colon to lengthen makeshift esophogus to prevent lining erosion?
Alternative therapies
hi my husband has EC spread to the brain we are thinking of travelling to San Diego to the issles centre.Has anyone recieved treatment there and how sucessfull was it?
Spit Fistula (esophagostomy)
Hi Everyone, I was trying to find people who have had (or know people who have had) a spit fistula? (esophagostomy) Thank you in advance, misty
My Dad
My Dad was diagnosed with EC about 8 months ago, his surgeon suggested chemo/radiation and then surgery. He went for surgery 2 months ago and is still not home yet. The first surgery was not a success as the chemo and radiation "fried" his tissues and the re-attachment of his espohagus to his stomach was not healing and…
my father
my father (62) was just diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the lower third of the esophagus. i was trying to understand the endoscopy report and as far as i know the bloodwork and cat scans revealed that the cancer has not spread to other organs but that it is "infilrating the stroma"...i'm assuming of the stomach.…
Best place for treatment
My father, age 77, has just been diagnosed with Stage III esophogheal cancer and is undergoing chemo and radiation. We've been told that surgery is his best chance for survival, but we'd like to 1) get another opinion and don't know who to go to 2) find out what the best place would be for the surgery and 3) see if…
New diagnosis with lots of questions
I am 23 years old and was diagnosed with tongue cancer back in August. On Sept. 8, 2006 I had the right half of my tongue removed and a neck disection with 41 lumph nodes removed. None of the lymph nodes came back with cancer. My treatment consists of 6.5 weeks of radiation with three chemo treatments of Cisplatnum at the…
Why did you have a Neck Dissection
For those that had Neck Dissections, after treatment; why did your dr suggest ND? Did you have it because your scans showed something? What scans did you have? When after treatment did you have your scans? What did they show? Thanks Lisa
excessive phlegm production five years past radiation
am writing this for my 79 year old father because he has a hernia and cannot sit for long. He had radiation which successfully stopped (inadequate word, I know) his throat cancer in 2000. Immediately after the radiation, his body started producing excessive amounts of mucus, which, along with the scarring (affecting the…
lung aspiration following radiation
hello to the forum! My husband is 5 1/2 years out of treatment (surgery and radiation) for base of tongue cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes. That's the good news! The problem, now, is that he is aspirating food into his lungs. He doesn't want to have to get a feeding tube, but we're at a loss as to what to do in…
Esophogeal Cancer
Has anyone had surgery at Sloan Kettering in NY to remove esophagus. Please help us decide if the quality of life is worth it. They are rushing us into it and my husband does not want to have it done. At this time I agree with him. He is stage 4 with lymph nodes and lung affected. PET scan after radiation & chemo in 2…
Bull frog syndrome
Diagnosed with BOT Squamous cell carcinoma. Had 3 chemo & 38 rad treatments - 5 dys/week ending 3 months ago... lost 55 lbs. Since then, I now have a double-chin like a bullfrog. Rad Dr. calls it a "Dewlap" which normally describes Iguanas or some doggy chins. It looks like I gained 30 lbs instead of losing the 55lbs I…
Severe constipation with E.C.
My father was diagonosed with E.C. in November 2005. He had 2 cycles of chemo and surgery on Jan 2nd 2006. He is recovering well from surgery . He was diagonosed with T3N3. However he has had severe trouble with constipation and hard stool. Between his 2 chemo cycles he had to be hospitalized for that problem and required…
Torn artery in neck
My husband was treated with tumor removal, neck dissection, free flap reconstruction, and 6 weeks of radiation. His treatment was conlcuded 12 months ago. He started having severe onset headaches after working out and stretching out his stiff neck....we went to a neurologist that diagnosed a tear in an artery in his neck…
Oropharyngeal cancer
I am awaiting the results of my CAT scan for throat cancer. The doctor is sure that it is cancer but said that it is in an early stage and still very small. Today is Friday and I see him Monday at 1PM to go over the CAT scan and discuss options. He did say a biopsy would be a definate. I am a little nervous because it is…
I do not know if I am dreaming but has anyone heard of itchiness being indicative of cancer recurrance. I swear I heard or read this somewhere. Thanks! Carpe
esophagus cancer? 18/m/white
for the past week i've been having pains in the back of my throat, and it isn't my tonsils because i've had plenty trouble with them. I also have pain right under my rib cage, like something is stuck. I'm not vomiting though I feel alittle nauseous, I think its only because I feel like i'm about to choke. I cough regularly…
Should I or shouldn't I?
In regard to my message entitled Neck Dissection, is there anyone that has had this situation and chose not to have the dissection? I'm wondering if there's any alternatives. This dissection stuff is pretty extreme.
Tongue Cancer
Hi, my name is Terry and I have recently been diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma at the base of my tongue. It started first on my lower lip and was surgically removed from my lip successfully. The cure for this latest SCC at the base of my tongue is surgery or radiation / chemo and I am planning the radiation / chemo…
ENT appointment Jan 31 - really worried
I am 34 years old, 2 kids. Struggling to quit smoking (I've been an on/off smoker for 14 years). I used to sing semi-professionally - I put myself through school doing back up vocals for commercials. Anyway, 2 years ago I noticed a change in my voice. My range was shrinking - I was losing the high and low notes. Now I have…
Where to start. Nine months ago. i noticed a pain that radiated down the side of my throat on the left side. with slight ear pain. ONLY when swallowing cold beverages. have been to the doc several times, gave me antibiotics and nose spray. The throat pain has not become worse.. but better or stays the same. the symptoms…
how deadly is throat cancer? symptoms anyone?
I think I have throat cancer, and I'll be meeting with my doctor soon, but, what I want to know is, how deadly is throat cancer? Is it like other cancers? What symptoms have you seen before going to your doctor?
Metastatic paraganglioma -How are you doing?
Hello, Just wanted to find out how everyone is doing with this disease. It's been 12+ months since I first logged on. My husband is doing well and has been stable for the past two years now. Love to hear from other survivors and see how you all are faring with your treatments and therapies. Take Care...Beth
metastatic paraganglioma
Looking for info on treatments and research for metastatic paraganglioma for my husband. He has no uptake for MIBG treatment. Does anyone have contact info for help in Rotterdam? Any helpful information would be greatly appreciated.
Neck dissection
I was diagnosed with cancer in the right side of my neck in November 2005. They removed it and I had radiation and chemo finishing in March 2006. I've also had teeth pulled and a peg tube put in, which is good because I haven't been able to swallow anything but water since before March. I had a PetCt scan which showed…