Oral Mucosal Melanoma
Is there anyone else out there that has experienced this rare type of canacer?
fighting esophageal cancer
I am a 63 year old male who was in excellent health until I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. I had surgery on Oct. 12, 2006 and did very well. I was told that I had passed the "leak test" and was given liquids. Within two hours I was rushed to ICU because I had a leak that was not seen. I got through it and finally…
Dad 59 has esophagus cancer
My dad was recently diagnosed (Early April) with esophagus cancer in its early stage. His doctor recommended that he have an esophagectomy. He is scheduled to have the surgery next week and is currently running a series of tests to make sure that cancer hasnt spread to the rest of his body, having heart tests, etc. As…
have anyone heard of leatrile treatments sounds very promising to me. thinking of having this treatment, since inop cancer and can't do radiation again and chemo does not seem to be helping. i appreciate any info or advice. thankyou Jackie.
My Mother
My mother was operated for Stage 3 (T4 N1 M0) Squamous esophagus cancer on 5th of april 07 and had some complications during the surgery . So the joining of the rest of the esophagus with the stomach has not been done . Doctors say that it will done after 4 -6 weeks . But currently she is having breathing problem . Doctors…
I had a hemiglossectomy in February of 2004 which took away nearly half of my tongue and part of the back of my throat. The first cancer surgery was in 1983. I have had several smaller tongue surgeries until the massive Hemiglossectomy. My problems are I cannot swallow, am on a feeding tube for all my food and speech is…
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging the "Esophageal Cancer," "Mouth Cancer," and "Throat Cancer"…
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging this "Mouth Cancer" discussion board with the "Head & Neck Cancer"…
CSN Discussion Boards Changes- Effective May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging this "Esophageal Cancer" discussion board with the "Head & Neck…
Problem with sleeping
I have had 30 radiation treatments for throat cancer. I have survived the daytime mucous battle but I haven't been so lucky with the nightime battle. I fall asleep very quickly but I am awaken in 3 to 4 hrs by the mucous build up in my throat which makes it difficult to breath. I drink ginger ale to help break up the…
my husband George has naso pharyngeal cancer and i have read that alot of people w/this type of cancer have a hard time opening their mouths,my husband has this problem to and no one has explained why. also has any one had surgery for this type of cancer and if so, where did surgery take place? my husband is also a…
Pyriform sinus/hypopharyngeal cancer??
Has anyone out there been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the pyriform sinus/fossa (a type of hypopharyngeal cancer)?
magic mouthwash
wondering if anyone has used this and how numb your mouth really gets from it. My mouth is extremly sore and i have lots of sores and its very dry, but i do not like numbing feeling it makes me sick. I keep gagging and coughing up flemlike is this normal? any suggestions or help?
new to this website
Hello everyone, I am glad to have foung this website. I was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer on October 2nd, 2006 and have been looking for a place for support and to help out others as well. However, I was not able to find such a place until now. I actually enjoyed browsing through the discussions. I now know I am not…
Side affects
About half way through mmy radiation treatment, I woke up one morning and both arms were tingling and numb like they were asleep. This tingling and numbness has spread to the rest of my body. I have been to 3 neurlogists and none of them have been able to offer any help. Has anyone else had this experience?
Hi. My name is Jenna. I am 19 years old and my father recently was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. My life has really done a complete 180 when I heard about this. My dad was always that guy that everyone loved to be around. He was always the one to make a joke and make everyone smile. I can't remember the last time I've…
squamous cell carcinoma
Hi, this is my first time that I have ever even looked at a chat room but I'm at my end. My mother was diagnosed with Squamouse Cell Carcinoma on May 16, 2006. We live in a rural community and the clinic referred her to the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Her primary oncologist has been Dan Lydiatt. On June 1, 2006,…
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Hello, Ihave recently moved to Phoenixville, PA. after being treated in San Francisco for my condition. The doctors agreed that I should go home to my family and make the best of my time left. Well the expiration date has passed and I want to get in touch with a group, or someone in my area-a ten mile radius is fine- that…
Radiation damage
My husband finished radiation and chemo 16months ago; had a radical neck dissection 13 months ago. However, he still has on-going radiation damage: 1. he has no saliva 2. his epiglottis doesn't close over so he can't swallow food 3. he has horrible, ever-present mucus that feels like glue in his mouth He's really depressed…
Squamous Cell Carcinoma experiences?
My father is just recovering from 7-8 weeks of radiation and chemotherapy for Squamous Cell Carcinoma in his throat (tonsils and throat)... he is about 6-8 weeks out since last treatment. During this whole process he has lost about 60lbs. He is really struggling right now with managing his ravaged mouth. He has lots of…
Problems from radiation
I had a cancerous parotid tumor removed in Dec. 2003, and radiation in 2004. This left me unable to hear from one ear, and this same ear also drains continually. I have had a tube inserted -- another hole opened by itself in the eardrum. I had my mastoid cleaned out -- no help. I think they are pulling at straws, but now…
Dad has throat cancer--proposed treatment extreme?
My 87-year-old father has been diagnosed with throat cancer. He had an initial operation and was told "we got most of it." Recently hospitalized with double pneumonia and a rapid heart rate, he has gone home but the doctors want to begin a 6-week radiation regimen for the throat cancer in which a protective mask is made…
patient advocate?
Has anyone used a patient advocate to assist with all of the logistics involved with making appointments, communicating with, interpreting advice, etc, with all of the necessary doctors (oncologist, radiologist, surgeon, etc.) If so, how does one find a patient advocate?
cancer centers of america
does anyone have experience or information about Cancer Centers of America for treatment and care of esophageal cancer?
very young patient
hi all, i just wanna tell you that i'm only 27 years old guy and had esophagus cancer and i went through surgery afew days ago and thank God that everything is good now.... i was at stage 1 as the doctors said and i'm waiting for the lab results to know if i will go through chemo or not.... i just wanna say that i didn't…
tracheostomy questions
My Mom was diagnosed with tongue cancer in August 2006 and underwent a neck dissection w/ removal of lymph nodes on both sides in September. She has been through another surgery since then and has had a feeding tube and trach since September. I would really like to hear from other people about their own experiences w/ a…
Radiation for sqamous cell in situ
My cancer is pre-invasive sqamous cell on right vocal cord. The chord has been stripped twice, and they thought that it had cleared, however 4 months later voice was playing up again. Another biopsy, and I was told it was back, but still only "in situ". Now they want me to have radiotherapy, but I am very concerned about…
mucoepidermoid carcenoma
Has anyone had this type of cancer where the tumor was in the parotid gland? I had surgey in July where this was removed through the neck on the right side. I have since gone through chemo and radiation. I would like to find someone who has had this or a similar type of cancer/treatment to learn more about their…
Hi, first time signing in. I have so many questions that I don't now were to begin. For the brief version,I had a lump on my left side of my neck that was removed two weeks ago yesterday.It was diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma.I had a P.E.T. scan done yesterday and it came up clean. My surgeon scheduled me to have my…
I was wondering if someone here could give me some advice on several conditions I have been having for a year now. First I suffered from fatigue and occasional pain in my lymph nodes (no swelling) in my face and neck over the past year associated with no other possible cold or flu symptoms. This went on and off over 9…