Cyberknife and NPC
My doctor told me today that I need to keep my options open to the future; he thinks that Cyberknife would benefit me. They have also told me for the passed 3 years now that I need to get back on more Chemo, I can’t understand why. For the passed 3 years all the PET scans show an area in my left nasal that might or might…
SCC of the tongue
11/8/09 at 4:00 Hello to all! My father Tim (a 65 year old non smoker and non drinker) was diagnosed Monday with SCC of the base of the tongue. He is in stage 2 with no spread to the lymph nodes at this time. He is getting his PET scan on Monday and will also have a chest x-ray this week. We really don't know much at this…
Hyperbaric oxygen treatments
I finished radiation for laryngeal cancer about 9 weeks ago. I now have real problems with 4 teeth ( I had 3 removed prior to treatment ) For the doctor to be ble to take them out I have to have hyperbaric oxygen treatment, 20 treatments of 2 hours a day prior to extraction nd 10 days after extraction. Has this happenneed…
Nasopharynx cancer, draining out of residual after radiation therapy
after a series of radiations, my problem is the residual inside my head cannot be drained out.. can somebody please advice me how to do.. i already undergone an operation drilling on the left air. but still there are residuals inside which results to infections. i have been taking ciprobay for almost 3 months now as per…
post treatment lethergy
My husband is 10 days past chemo and radiation treatment for stage 4a base of tongue squamous cell carcinoma. They tell us that we have had it easy symptom-wise, although it has felt very rough going through it all. I can't believe I didn't find this board till after he had finished treatment. I could have sure used a…
If you could tell them just ONE thing......
If you could give a new person just starting thier walk through our little corner of Hell just ONE piece of advise(and one only) what would it be. Also, how far into or past treatment are you, just want to see how the advise changes as we progress through Tx and healing. Silly question I know, but I am just curious. My…
Scheduled CSN outage tonight
The site will be down tonight from 1:00 to 5:00 a.m Eastern Daylight Time for scheduled maintenance. Greta Your CSN staff
Thought it was gone?
In November, 2008, my prothedontist noticed a sore under my tongue during an implant checkup. It wasn't there in March, 08 and wouldn't go away. Had a biopsy Nov 12. Diagnosis: Carcinoma In Situ. Operated on at OU (OKlahoma Univ) Health Sciences Center December 28, 2008. Laser only, no radiation, no chemo. Released same…
Long road to recovery
I have been reading the discussion boards and benefit from your comments and experiences during the past 5 months. My husband finished 7 weeks of radiations and chemo at the end of August for his right tonsil cancer. It's been 2 months since his last treatment and he still has bad pain in the back of his throat. He hardly…
Help me! I was going to post this on the caregivers board, but thought this might be a better place to get some input. My husband had his first chemo after being diagnosed with the above, and finally finding the point of origin is where his tonsil used to be. Stage 3, spread to lymph nodes, but not to lungs, etc. OK, for 4…
not sure how to help my husband anymore
Day 24 after my husband's chemo/radiation treatment has ended. It seems to me that Kevin is remarkably worse when I am around on the weekends. He thinks that might be because he talks more when I am around, and talking makes this throat hurt which makes him throw up. Twice now today. The morning started positively when our…
It is not all doom and gloom
I feel the need to pass on that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I was diagnoised with stage IV tonsil cancer. I went through the 9 weeks of of chemo cycles, one week on Monday I received my chemo and then wore a pump until Friday. Then had two weeks to recover and did this three times. Then I had 7 weeks of…
It's the final countdown... dadada the final countdown...
Hello All, I don't mean to be cheesy, but I could not resist. I have been away from the boards due to this little battle with cancer. I have only 1 chemo and 5 rads left. It really has been quite the little trial that life threw my way. These discussion boards have been a great comfort and source of information. Thanks to…
Will I ever gain any weight???
First a little background. I have squamous cell cancer of the larynx and NSCLC in my left lung. I underwent 35 radiation treatments and 6 cisplatin for the larynx, these treatments ended Aug. 12, 2009. I underwent 4 Stereotactic Radiation treatments for my lung, these ended Sept.28,2009. I had my feeding tube removed on…
Tonsil Cancer
I have/had cancer in my tonsil and gland on the right side of my neck. It has been 3 weeks since my last radiation and chemo - but my tongue and gums are still burning and causing great discomfort when I try to eat. Tried all the mouthwashes and rinses the doctors have suggested but nothing helps. Anyone have any…
Clean Scan
We were given a good report and the DR said my husband did very well during the treatment and she was VERY proud of him. She said treatment was 100% responsive and no tumor or cancer left. So that also means no surgery!!! Whew, now I can breathe. I am so proud of him too. He really pushed himself hard and has already gain…
Ok, Im gonna say it.......returning to intimate relations
ok, Im soliciting answers from anyone from males with H&N Cancers as well as from their significant others. Do you ever get to really kiss them again? I know everyone is different, but how long is an average time for sex, or is everyone realllllly that different? Does a sex life exist anymore after all this "treatment" has…
Encouraging news!!!
I thought that maybe you all wouldnt mind hearing a little uplifting news. My guy has all of the side effects and more I think. He started week 5 of 6 today, radiation now twice a day since last week, chemo once every week, and hydration 4 hours every day since last week until he is done with treatment on the 30th. Lips…
What to eat?
I was just diagnosed with throat cancer a week ago. My doctors want me to "bulk up" in anticipation of weight loss. I'm kinda little to begin with. Any suggestions, ideas, or comments on how to gain as much weight as possible in the next couple of weeks?
I had heard that patients having had neck radiation often experience a decline in Thyroid production due to the toll that it takes on the Thyroid gland. I had also heard that typically that does not occur until 4 or 5 years post treatments. I am not quite 2 years and my annual bloodwork this week indicates Hypothyroid…
Looking for a Glioblastoma grade IV astrocytoma
My husband was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma-grade IV astrocytoma tumor in his brain stem in July 2009. Radiation and chemo has not been sucessful. Looking for other type of treatments that have been successful.
Recurrence--Treatment Questions
Dx in 10/08; SCC oral cancer; Surgery 11/3/08 to include wrist flap, temp tube and temp trac; Tx: RT x 30..comp. 1/09. Check up 10/15/09; biopsy SCC recurrence; PET/CT 10/22; Two bright spots, one new: SCC back of palate; 2nd-Right jaw muscle area-believe to be due to nerve invasion not killed by previous RT. Schedule for…
Ratface and the beef stew that you eat
Hi, My husband has abandoned his feeding tube so preparing food is now kind of a challenge. You have mentioned beef stew on several occasions. Tell me more about your stew. Do you make it from scratch? Am looking for more high protein entree ideas. PK
Please help?
Hi Guys, I have been diagnosed with T3 N2 base of the tongue cancer and what's worrying me just before i start treatment on 7th November, my lymph node has swelled to 6cm and is now aching mainly at night i take tyronol for it, in a few months and the MRI scan reveals the other side is showing signs of swelling but no…
Second Time around
First time, 11/3/08; with through surgery; RT x30 and pretty much went back to somewhat routine. Did my montly ENT visits, all was going good until visit on 10/15 which found recurrence. Schedule to go back through, beginnig with surgery on 11/2/09; this time Tx is supposed to be more aggressive to include both RT and…
my husband's oncologist just referred us to a clinical trial because he has exhausted all possible chemotherapy for his stage 4 squamous cell neck cancer.I believe there is hope out there.Is there someone out there who can verify this for me?I'm really confused and stressed out.
PET scan results tomorrow
We get our results tomorrow from my husbands scan to see if all the cancer is gone. I feel pretty confident but and still scared. He is doing great. Eating pretty much anything he wants and is very active. I just want to hear good news so we can move forward and start putting this behind us. I know it will always be a part…
Id ask my guy, but he tried to explain, but since he is very tired and voice hurts, i didnt want to ask many questions. Thats what you all are for right?? :) My guy has completed 4 weeks of radiation with 1 chemo per week. 2 more weeks! he just started radiation twice a day on thursday and started hydration on Wednesday.…
Clean Pet Scan
Hey Everyone, Had my last treatment 6 wks ago and just got my pet scan. Went to the Dr. Fri. and got the good word that I am clean, no cancer!!! I am sure that I was waiting for this and had been a little depressed not knowing. Now I have to get to work eating and getting my strength back. I've lost about 35 lbs. and am…