Senate Health Care Bill Would Allow Insurers to Limit Coverage for Seriously Ill Patients.
A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates. The legislation that originally passed the Senate health committee last summer would have banned such limits, but a…
Super GOOD news!!!!
Hi everyone!! I have got the best news that I have ever had in my life!!! I was told on Monday that I am now cancer free!!!!! I just cried with happiness in the Drs. office at the cancer centre. This may sound weird but, I am soooo very relieved on one hand and then on the other, I almost feel guilty. Because I made it…
immune system after chemo and radiation
Hi all: Been awhile since I've posted anything; but wanted to know about immune system after chemo and radiaiton. My husband finished his chemo in Jan. '09 (with two carbos in March) and finished his radiation in April. His PET scan on 9/1 was extraordinary! (Praise the Lord!) His three month check in with his radiation…
Thought I was going deaf
I am in my ninth week out of treatment for Stage 1 Left Tonsil Cancer. Had surgery, then 7 weeks IMRT and weekly Erbitux. About 6 weeks out of treatment I noticed my hearing became affected and I wasn't hearing well as if my ears were blocked. I went to a GP and he said my ears were full of wax, gave me ear drops and said…
Question about feeding tube
I still have my feeding tube in, plus I am eating most foods. The problem is, is I'm not gaining any weight. Do I have to keep using the feeding tube untill I get to a certain weight. And do you gain weight faster by eating real food as oppossed to the feeding tube. Like if the feeding tube was gone and all I could rely on…
False salty taste for meat
I just have to ask this one. I've gotten a lot of my taste back. Egg nog actually tastes GOOD. Chocolate, not so much. I'm crazy on vegetarian soups. Fresh fruit is good, most sweets are not. But the one that kills me is beef. I have tried several variations of beef dishes, soups, etc., and I've noticed that anything with…
TPF neoadjuvant or Cisplatin w/radiation
Just found this site; hope you can help. From what I seen in the last hour of reading, there are some marvoulous people here. Diagnosed as Stage 4; t-4;n-1;m -0, on November 16th. basal tongue squamous cell carcinoma. Now that the raging fear and panic has subsided and I only want to throw up every hour when I think about…
Roll Call, January 2009
Here’s wishing all the very best for the coming year and that we can all answer and be present on this roll call. This roll call was started on August 5, 2008. Please post if you are present this month. Here are the folks who had head and neck cancers: NAME, STATE Bany, New York (Dad –TR2- had cancer) Bughunter Tennessee…
When is the PET Scan done?
I completed treatment about three months ago, and I have been under the impression that the big sign-off comes when I get my post-treatment PET scan. I just saw my oncologist this week, and she said they don't expect to do the PET scan for at least a YEAR! She told me that getting a PET scan this soon would show nothing…
Hondo’s up-date
Hi everyone just got back from seeing my oncologist, first I would like to thank you all for the prayers offered in my behalf, it is proof that God hears when his people pray. As you know my doctors were telling me about two months ago that they believe I need to try cyber-knife to remove what is left of the NPC cancer…
Just Starting
Hi, I am a 59 year old male. I just finished neck surgery where they removed my tonsil, and metastasized squamus cell carcinoma glands and nodes. Went to the dentist today to get teeth in order then start Rad treatments in about two weeks. From what I understand it will be about the same as everyone, 5 to 8 weeks. The…
Another New One
I have been reading off and on for a while. My spouse has really used the site for support. I'm done with my radiation and chemo, 7 Wks daily and 3 Cisplatin. Slightly deaf due to the Chemo a common side effect I'm told. The readings have been inspiring and have helped me to understand some of my side effects. I have a…
I am scared and very confused please help me
Hello I am new here, I was diagnosed with cancer in my lymph nodes in the right side of my neck in September. I still do not know what the primary is and the stage, because I am allergic to dyes and can not have a CT PET scan. Today finally I have an appointment for a MRI, but am told it is not as good for soft tissue…
cysplatin vs erbutux
Hello All, I have an appointment with the oncologist and radiologist for treatment for tonsil cancer. What is the criteria that the docs use to determine if the patient gets erbbitux or cysplatin? What is the difference? Side effects? Alex.
middle of second week of radiation and 3rd chemo-erbitux- got thrush already am afraid about whats going to happen as everyone says after the 2nd week of radiation all the sh-t starts.. need all the help to get me thru this time, did anyone not have a feeding tube, and how did your feeding tube get placed if you had one..…
Update on treatment
Again, want to thank everyone for their support on here. I just completed #22 of 33 rads and last tuesday had my 2nd of 3 chemo's with cisplatin. Today I think was my last day of getting of the chemo. Kicked in about Friday and spend the weekend sleeping and trying not to be nauses. (I.E. Don't move a muscle. LOL) I never…
Needing some advice please!
Hi All, So I am waiting again for another appointment with my ENT. It seems that is all I have been doing is the waiting thing. I was diagnosed with "Cancer" September 24 and I am still waiting. I have my appointment Dec.15 with my ENT to discuss the next step.. Am very confused, isn't it supposed to be the sooner you are…
loss of gum tissue
I have been somewhat active on this forum for a short while, partly in hopes of getting answers to what, as you know, are important questions we all have about our symptoms and experiences. I am on record as to what my treatment was, and have been unable to find anyone with two 2-pump treatments for 4 days/each, which…
Radiation Question
I just had a glossectomy to remove cancer in my tongue and a selective neck dissection to remove 33 lymph nodes. Although my surgical oncologist believes he removed all the cancer and the lymph nodes were clean, the cancer was beginning to spread to the nerves. Because of this, my surgical oncologist is sending me to a…
Surgery w/ or Rad/chemo only
I was diagnosed 8 days ago, Base of Tongue cancer spread to lymph node. Cancer has not crossed the baseline, but it is big. T2-4,N2b. I am 60 years old. As a young man I was an infantryman in the 101st Airborne division facing violent death everyday. I am more afraid now than I was then, which is saying a lot. I live…
For Hondo
Hi Hondo, I just wanted to tell you that I am back from my "girlfriend" trip and that my husband survived without me just fine. He even went pheasant hungting for 3 days. I am so proud of him for persevering thru this treatment and now continuing on with life even tho it's tougher and he tires more easilyl And yes, I fell…
%age of clear slate
Does anyone have an idea what the percentage is on that you are clear and free of cancer after your treatments? I go for my first follow up ith my Oncologist Dec. 7. And I'm starting to worry. For no reason, I sure:) Fishingirl (Cindy)
Good news
As some of you know, I had HPV-derived Stage III SCC of the right tonsil, a tonsillectomy, 30 rads, two rounds of cisplatin and a modified radical neck dissection. The chemo and rads ended in October 2008, and I had the neck dissection in January '09. Today I went back to Johns Hopkins for a full-body PET scan and a CAT…
Just Wondering
My husband just started rads, 2 down 33 to go, and he has been hiccuping after each rad session. Also, says he is sweating alot, beads of sweat on his head and body is sort of clammy, hot and cold one minute to the next. He has BOT SCCa stage 2. It may seem silly, but I am a worrier, (trying to be a warrior) so is this in…
good news today
I am so happy to write that my husband Kevin had a good report from his recent PET/CT scans today. They found three very tiny blips that the doctors are not at all concerned about that will be monitored at the next scans in March. He is also having an ultra sound to check his thyroid at the end of the month. It is not lit…
1st follow up visit:)
Hi everyone! I am leaving today to go for my first follow up visit with my Oncologist. I am going on my 6th week after treatments. (35 radiation) My appt. is Monday, but it is a long 8 hrs. drive. So we have to stay the night. Please wish me luck. I'm a lttle scared. But I'm sure that's normal:) Cindy
Looking for Non Conventional Peg Tube Formula
Hi everyone, I don't swallow because of a constricted esophagus as a result of radiation for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck with an unknown primary (means I had a lump on my neck, but the source of the cancer was never found). Consequently I was treated with the largest amount of radiation allowed. I was 49…
Bill and everyone, Yesterday I tried something that I didn't think I could eat, and guess what?...I couldn't eat it! It was a grilled cheese sandwich from Sonic. The bread and cheese just stuck to my teeth like Play Doh clay. I became so discouraged and cried all day. Will this ever get better? I am only 7 1/2 months out…
T-minus 10 days and counting
Due to the medical facts and some of contributors here on this site, their encouragement, stories, etc, I decided to take the radiation. I was fitted for my IMRT mask Thursday 12/03. The final tweaks on the mask occur 12/16 and I suspect radiation treament to begin no later than 12/21. Your stories and comments are truly…
A question for tongue cancer patients
I know the normal course of action for tongue cancer patients is radiation along with chemo. However, my father who has tongue cancer will not have to undergo chemo. We, of course, were very happy to hear this and I think my mom wanted to jump on the drs desk and start dancing! Anyway, my question is to those of you who…