Immediate Hunger with Peg Tube?
my mom has a peg tube and when her hunger bell goes off, it goes off immediately... it's literally, no, i'm not hungry yet, then BAM! i'm starving, i need to eat now! we are wondering if this might be considered a normal experience. thankfully we've got her nutrition schedule down to a 20-minute window so we're prepared…
Be sure to stay checked in with your internist during rad & chemo
My husband and I have learned thru this experience how important it is to check in with your OWN Dr. Our internist has been awesome and offered options that the oncologists didn't. For instance - he discovered thrus in the throat and prescribed a great script. to help - really improved the awful taste that occurs with rad…
Did yoru memories help or hurt you?
When you were diagnosed and going through treatments. Did your memories help you get through the rough times or hurt? My husband has just finished up his last radiation/chemo rotation (5 rotations in all so it's been a long 10 weeks for us). Anyway I thought since we just got married less than 4 months ago that he would…
Soreness on Tongue
I had base of tongue cancer in September 07 and finished radiation and chemo therapy at the end of December 2007. I have been back for checkups in April and June and the tumor is gone. When I went back today for a recheck, it still looked good in that area but I told them about soreness on my tongue on the left side (where…
I am curious about other peoples experience with weight gain post treatment. I lost about 42 pounds during 7 weeks of treatment (radiation and chemo). I was eating by mouth (with pain)about 2 weeks after treatment and had the PEG tube removed 4 weeks after because I HATED that thing. I forced myself to eat and gained about…
Radiation Therapy
I have rresigned myself to my diagnosis and am going through the stages of care. My first step is a PET scan, followed by a neck dissection to remove a swollen lymph node, finishing the whole odessey with radiation/chemo. Question 1: How often do people lose their teeth from the radiation therapy? Question 2: If the cancer…
Swollen face
Hello everyone, I am 6 months post radio and 2 and a half months post last chemo treatment. Was only operated on to remove one lymph node. Over all things are looking pretty good. However I would like to know if, after finishing treatments, any of you had a swollen face (cheeks mostly) and facial baby fine hair. If so how…
LA Times ( 1-21-2002 ) all about Saliva
My husband told me the other day that Rush Limbaugh said that there is an article in the LA Times talking about Saliva. Go to LA Times website and go to their word search, type in Saliva, and you will see 4 to 5 articles. Now I plan on writing to LA Times, because in Kansas, there is a clinical trial accepting ( recruiting…
erbitux Rash
Hello, I hope everyone is doing okay. I am going into my second week of radiation with 2 erbitux treatments down. The rash is very uncomfortable. It is dry and itchy. Any recommendations on a moisture cream? Alex.
Update on treatment
10 RADS down 23 to go. Got real dry mouth and tongue starting to feel like I've burned it. So far the worst is that all the food taste's like Ceeee-Rap. I can't hardly stand to eat, but am trying to get what I can down, but am not hungry at all. Sure hope that this doesn't ruin food for ever. Mon. had real bad reaction to…
Second Opinions
My 77 year old father has been diagnosed with squamous cancer. There is a tumor on the left side of his neck (about the size of a golf ball). His history is 63 years as a heavy smoker (he quit 3 weeks ago), daily drinker with dentures. He just had major lung surgery two weeks ago as they saw a spot in his PET scan (they…
Lack of Taste and Swelling, Dry Tongue
I have noticed that the feeling of dehydration (swollen tongue, dry mouth and blah feeling) along with loss (change) of taste is a common theme for those that have had chemo and\or radiation. Is anyone else experiencing the same problems that have only had surgery? I had my 4th surgery on my tongue, the last bringing a…
Swelling at Surgery site
Hello..I am new to this site, it has taken me a while to find a support site. I have been out of Rad and Chemo for 6 weeks now, I still have a peg as the new half tongue is still not working properly, but my question is about the swelling under my chin and on my neck. I have been told it is normal and to massage it a few…
New & Scared, Help Please
Hi: First of all, I want to say that I am soooo glad that I found this site. Its sucks to be alone w/this. Anyhow, I had tongue cancer. I had surgery 5/30, removed about 1/3 of the tongue and neck dissection. I have having abou 30 treatments of radiation and 3 chemo, rad everyday and chemo every 21 days. The chemo is…
Why don't you ask me about my PET scan?
Fantastic news. I had my 6 month scan this past Monday and it came back cancer free, full body. Not even any sign of previous radiation therapy "leftovers". All clear. Thank God, modern medicine, my wife, my support group and great Docs/Nurses. JK
Treatment failed!
Please I need your feedback. I was diagnosed Feb 15th with Squamous Cell Carcinoma stage 2b of the Nasopharynx (see message of April 9). Tumour less than 1 cm with one right side lymph node involved (removed). I finished radio (33 treatments) with Cisplatin in May 2007 and Cisplatin+5FU in August 2007. Here is what…
A Rare Cancer of the Trachea
Hello Everyone. I am the caregiver of a cancer patient. My husband had major surgery in Nov. 2006 to remove a tumor from his trachea and thyroid (Adnoid Cystic Carcinoma). The doctor performed a trachea re-section. He had 6 weeks of radiation after that but no chemo. I was wondering if anyone on this site has had this type…
Thanks so Much !!!!
Thank heavens for this web site and all you folks on here!!! Have seen all the drs. now and the radiologist yesterday. They are moving fast and that's good. Mon. get the mega dose of Erbatux, Tue. the mask and mapping, and feeding tube asap.Then the 6th I get another dose of Erbatux and first Rad. treatment Thanks to you…
Will the Dry mouth be permanent?
Hey Ya'll, My Husband has stage IV HNC right tonsil. We are getting ready to have 35 rad treatments with three cisplatin. He is curious at how many people have permanent salivary gland damange? Will the dry mouth be for the rest of his life or will some of it return. We are getting the PEG tube in before we start…
victor update thanks for asking
I just finished my 6 weeks of chemo Erbitux Carboplatin and Taxol now i ve got a 2 week rest, Next week they make my mask then 7 weeks of radiation plus chemo. My giant lemonsized lymphnode seems to have shrunk a bit with the chemo . I handled the chemo very well week 2 erbitux acne rash got bad but the antibacterial cream…
Hardening of the throat region
I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions to help my mother. She was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Cancer of the tongue about 2 years ago. She underwent several rounds of radiation and chemo. She still has all the symptoms I have read about on this site ie: difficulty in swallowing, dry mouth, etc. But I have not…
Newly Diagnosed.. Looking for Words of Wisdom
My mother was just diagnosed w/ tonsil cancer. She appears to be state 2 w/ some in her nodes. She is going to start intensive radiation (2x a day for 2 weeks), then chemo and then surgery to remove the nodes. I live at a 3 hour distance. I'm trying to anticipate the days ahead - any suggestions, helpful hints, words of…
Nutritional Supplement Help-Mouth, Neck Cancer
First time on here...and looking for some help for my dad. About a year ago he found out he had a tumor under his tongue. They removed the tumor and did a neck dissection to rebuild the floor of his mouth. The cancer came back and the second time around they placed a titanium plate with a few screws in the floor of his…
Floor of the mouth cancer
I was wondering if anyone has had this. My mom had neck dissection surgery taking a bone from her leg to re-create the jaw, and skin from her thigh to re-create the floor of the mouth. She had so many complications after the surgery (she's 76 & 83 pounds) with infections, etc. it took 5 months to get back to surgeons and…
chemo drugs alternatives?
i begin chemo and radiation on july 28. i am to be recieving a drug called cisplatin. any advise from anyone on how to get through this? also did anyone recieve any other drug than this that was effective. i am 46 and have stage 4 tonsil cancer which metastisized to a lymph node in my neck. i had the lymph node removed and…
Salivary Gland Cancer/Hard Palate
Symptoms began with a lump in the roof of my mouth. Started out the size of my thumb nail and then started growing. This began around September, 2003. Went to the doctor in early October to an ENT specialist; who did a biopsy of the lump and then it really got aggrevated and filled up the whole top of my mouth. Of course…
Hi - I am new and would like to see how others are doing that were diagonised with cancer
Hi, I have been searching for a while to find a place to talk to other people who have been going through or have gone through chemo and radiation for head and neck cancer. Seems as thought most people on here have not talked for a while - if there are other survivors or others going through this please answer _ i have…
Post operative broblems with jaw
I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in Feb. of 2004, had a radical neck dissection in Mar. 2004, had 33 radiation treatments, last one being 06/20/2004. I haven't had any further problems with the cancer since the treatment. I now have a problem with my left jaw. My Doctor tells me that the radiation treatment…
HPV Question
When I was initially diagnosed with base of tongue cancer, my doctor asked about smoking and alcohol abuse. He never mentioned HPV. I was not aware of HPV as being a cause of oral cancers, even after my chemotherapy and radiation. Now, several months later, I ask my doctor if HPV was a factor in my cancer. he said they…