bad taste
I had a biopsy done a few weeks ago and ever since I have had a bad taste in my mouth and food just has no real taste to it. Is this permanent or just something that will pass.
Starting chemo tommorow again
Well the day I have been dredding has finally come, tommorow the long trip to San Francisco and have a pick line installed. Did not have one last time I went through chemo, anyway have not been looking forward to this. I can only hope it will take away the pain I have been experianceing for the last week. No radiation or…
Need advice on bad cold
Employees at my office have all had a bad cold. Now it appears I am getting it. Right now it is limited to a runny nose and sore throat and slight congestion. The discomfort is centered around the site of my former tonsils. In any event, with no saliva, it is extremely uncomfortable to swallow right now, but I am afraid…
Vitamix Discount
I posted this on the Pinedog thread but wanted to let everyone know because it's so helpful. Vitamix offers a significant discount ($125) on the purchase of a new blender for medical reasons. They do require a doctors note on letterhead be faxed over to get the discount. You can get all the information from Vitamix as they…
My first day of radiation
My first day of radiation starts today at 2:00. I am so terrified of being strapped down. I know it is for only a short time and I don't understand why I'm so scared. I'm trying so hard not to cry because I don't want my nose to be stuffed up, I have to wear a mouth piece. I want to get this done and over with and put…
Stage IV - Not good prognosis
I've been on the lung cancer board but actually I should have been on this board all along. We thought the tumor in my husband's lung was another primary cancer and not mets. He had a biopsy on his left lung which showed it's mets from the head & neck cancer he had been treated for. My husband had his appointment with the…
Wow. I got a cool moisture humidifier and I've been using it the last two days. I set it right next to me, right by my bed. That horrible dry tickle that was making my right eye tear is all but gone. I'm coughing way less and I even slept better. It was only about $20 at Walmart.
Economical Vitamin & Supplement Supplier - iHerb.com
Hi All, Just a note to say I found a very good online Supplier called iHerb.com While I don't necessarily endorse any product or supplier I found they sell most famous and reputable brands and have a very extensive range of prodcts so I found everything I needed. They have a few different brands of the L-Glutamine in…
Finally thought of using HTML Code? CSN H&N LOCATIONS MAP Best, John
Still NED at six month check! Yay!
I visited with my favorite doctor at Stanford yesterday, for my six-month check. No scans. All he did was palpate, prod, and poke all the way to the base of my tongue, repeatedly, gack! gack! gack! and scope the interior... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh ya, and he squeezed and manipulated the exterior of my neck till he…
I finished treatment on October 20th, and will have a Neck CT I assume with contrast on December 15th. I am then scheduled for my first PET in February. Have most of you all had the same type of scan schedule? I understand waiting for the PET because of the Radiation Treatment to avoid any false positives and wont the Neck…
In-laws for the holidays and their so-special remarks...
On this Thanksgiving holiday, I am so very grateful for all my friends here and the support which we all give each other. As the old saying goes: "It's a good thing you can choose your friends, because you can't choose your family." In the interests of defusing some tensions before an in-law gets a pumpkin cream pie in the…
Had an MRI today - Came back NED!!!!!
My insurance company refused a Pet/CT for me. So, my doctor scheduled a brain MRI, and Neck MRI and a chest Ct today. I gotta say. The MRI tube makes the Pet tube seem like a 3 bedroom apt, with wet bar and balcany. It was tiny (though I'm not). Also the brain MRI took 45 mins w/o contrast plus 20 mins with. The Neck was…
pinedog alternative for feeding tube
Does anyone have the "pinedog" recipe for the feeding tube. His last posting was in 2005 but I could really use the recipe. My sister-in-law has just started her treatments for stage 3 throat cancer and will soon need to use her feeding tube. The family has asked me to help by collecting recipes and alternatives to canned…
Nice! The scope wasn't as bad as before, for whatever reason. Although the doctor made an odd comment, that I looked "really healthy now, before you looked kind of pathetic." I am guessing he means this as a positive comment? Maybe I SHOULD have bitten him. Stacey
survivor logo?
I had my submandibular salivary gland remove because i had a lump on it and the biopsy showed i had a mucoepidermoid carcinoma. So now I will be starting radiation next week as a precautionary measure to help ensure it does not return. I have been trying to find some sort of logo , like the pink ribbon for breast cancer,…
bad biopsy / confused and upset
Well i received my results today and they were not good. Cancer is back...they think they may have remove all of it during the biopsy but not completely sure. They are making arrangements for me to see other doctors. My head is spinning....I cannot believe this. I'm scared and angry! i dont know if i'm ready for this…
throat cancer
Hello, I'm just new to this. Have an appt with specialist mid July. Going crazy waiting. Just wondering if anybody out there had a persistent sore red throat. Going on about 7 months now, and antibiotics do not help. So we are eliminating all the posibilities. Anyone have that symptom? thanks
"Wasted away in Margaritaville"
(Jimmy Buffett reference) A CSN friend of mine recently posted about waste, (um, food waste...not the other kind, thankfully), and made some valid points that I wanted to expand upon. I think I have mentioned recently that following Thanksgiving it has been difficult to figure out what is what in the fridges, due to the…
"It's a god-awful small affair, said the girl with the mousy hair"
(David Bowie reference) My brother and his wife didn't make it up for Thanksgiving, due to an injury in the family (their cat was attacked by a werewolf or something in the night, surgery was required, and they were also both, at the same time, trying to quit smoking, not the werewolf or the cat (although that might…
Egg Drop Soup
I mentioned to my nurse about the typical problem we all have with mucus. She suggested eating a bowl of egg drop soup. You get protein, fluids, etc.. and it helps to thin out the mucus. Long story short, I tried it and it works! It kept my mucus thin enough to be tolerable for a few hours, which was a nice respite from…
When are we survivors?
Hi all. I was SSC one lymph in neck, primary unknown. Neck dissection, PEG, Chemo, IMRT, etc. Thirteen months out and feeling better than i have in 20 years. The treatment knocked 80 lbs off and I've been successful in keeping it off. Partial taste, lack of saliva and choking several times per meal of course bolster my…
Today I had surgery to remove my chemo port
Today was my last day having my chemo port in at 9 clock this morning had surgery to remove it since I am cancer free now.
Tu-be or Not Tu-be
OK, that was just the title, we’re talking tubes here. I am in the last week of an 8½ week course of 5x rads per wk and 2 chemos (wks 1 and 5- too sick for 3rd). I am HPV+ with an ex-primary in the rt tonsil (taken late Aug) then given a month to recover before starting rads and chemo for the rt lymph cancer. I actually…
Moist sensation in mouth?
Hey, wait a minute . . . that's saliva! I'm about nine months out of treatment and have had two straight days and nights of some saliva. So, things can happen at any time for any of us. Some of us are dealt a tougher hand to build on, and I have ongoing treatment issues, but I'll take any break I can get. Coincidentally, I…
doc said he could PROBABLY save dad's tongue and voicebox but wants to wake dad up out of surgery to
we went and seen the ENT and the plastic surgeon today, yes it was a nightmare... ENT plans on taking a third of the tongue, jaw and lymphnodes and is optismtic about base of tongue and voicebox... BUT if he looks in there while dad is out, he will wake my father up and ask him if its ok to take voicebox and tongue! no…
robitussin DM / store brand tussin dm
Has anyone tried using Robitusin DM to thin mucus? Wondered if it works. I have not posted in awhile and had had my ups and downs. It's been a tough journey. But we all know that here. I have been trying to stay positive as that is half the battle. A big positive..I am in final week of radiation and final chemo today.…
Return to work
So this last week my boss contacted me about trying to return to work for a short time to prevent the company from firing me. The company I work for has a policy to hold your job for one year, if I go back for one week it will reset the date. The problem is, I have a really bad feeling about going back. I love my job, but…
first visit with radiation oncology
Dad met with the radiation oncologist yesterday. I feel very comfortable with her and the residents that also were there. He has a large tumor on the base of the tongue and a large tumor on the left lymph node. They are not going to do IMRT though...my understanding is she doesn't want to spare any area/tissue. Anyone else…
We met NED today.
Awful day anxiety wise. Actually had to take a little anti-anxiety medication, I was so upset. Fortunately the CNA tipped us off that things looked okay as she was checking Mark in. For those of you who have not followed the story of Mark and would like to know what he started with, and how he ends up with this good…