To much pain
I don't know what happened this weekend but the pain factor just got multiplied by alot, I take liquid oxycodone and it does help but the pain is so intense that it makes it hard to function. I had my partial neck disection done 3 weeks ago and all I can figure is the fluid has moved from my jaw bone are to under my chin…
Lhermitte's Syndrome??
Hey Everybody I thought I was getting lucky and missing one of the many lovely side effects we all enjoy. But alas as luck would have it, I started getting the shooting "electric shocks" down my neck when I look down. I know this has been discussed before - Lhermitte's Syndrome I believe, but didn't read too close since I…
I am experiencing almost on a nightly basis a restless feeling or even a "funny bone" type feeling mostly in my left leg and left wrist. I typically experience this "jolting" in my ankle and knee and then up in my left wrist. I can take a little liquid Oxy. and about 45 min. later it stops. Can anyone offer any insight to…
Power of Prayer-Thank you All!
I wanted to say "Thank You" for the many prayers. I had posted recently inquiring about pet/ct/mri, because I had a new lump on my neck. Seen the ENT today and he defined it as my salava gland, and not a lympe node. I also had developed some mouth sores, which only added to my anxiety. He was not concerned about them…
Thick mucus
How long after radiation does the thick mucus last?
My doctor just told me the strangest thing
. I went in for my 6 month check-up and she did all the normal things, mirror down the throat say eeeee, looked at my charts and then said I was cured. I never associated the word cure with cancer before, took me all day to say she is the dr. and run with it. So I guess for now I dont have cancer. I dont post often because…
Second bellybutton club
Glenn joined the second bellybutton club today. He had a lady nurse practitioner yank his PEG tube out this afternoon. He said he was shocked when a lot of air came out with it. I asked him if he felt like he might fly around the room like a popped balloon. Scope last week, everything still looking good. PET in July at the…
Chef Daddy Mike
I talked to Mike yesterday and he is doing really well, his intestines are working and he started to put on some weight. I asked Mike what happened he said he is not too sure but a few weeks ago he drank a few beers and the next day had a bowel movement, so he tried it again the next day and the same thing. He told his…
permanent tattoo from mask?!?
As i cannot sleep once again.. i decided to whip out the little " HN radiation manual" we recieved today at the docs... " the therapist will draw on your skin with a felt marker. then they will make PERMANENT markings. These may be placed on your skin. They are made with a sterile needle and a drop of ink. The felt marker…
"War of my life"
Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi. Last week was a year since my diagnosis and I have an upcoming PET scan (date to be determined pending insurance approval). Though I don't post on here often I do check it almost daily; keeping up with how everyone else is doing. I am very thankful for everyone on this board and the…
supraglottic laryngectomy
Hi my husband is 52 years old and on March 13,2001 he had a surgery called a supraglottic laryngectomy and 2 inches of the base of his tongue was removed. He also completed 30 radiation treatments on both sides of his throat and the front of hid neck. His epiglottis was removed completely. This has created a problem for…
Why I don't come by as often as I should..
Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well and in high spirits! I know I don't visit as often as I used to, I wonder if anyone will understand this.. Do any of you guys get "flashbacks" I guess you could say? When I come to this website it makes me think of how horrible I felt when I found you guys. It reminds me of how…
NED is in the house!
We got a visit from NED yesterday!... 1 year of Ned in our lives! I LOVE NED! Wife
Hello all and hope all is well with you. I no longer have my PEG, and was eating while I still had it. My question is "where did my huge appetite go?" Food that I can get down with no problem that tastes reasonably good can only be eaten in a small quantity. I can think of the last time I at an entire normal plate of food…
Every cough, sniffle and sneeze
So I'm roughly five months out of treatment, yea!, but in that space of time I've had two head colds, both of which have lingered for a delightful 2-3 weeks. Keeping in mind that I have a small child in school, who brings home just about every germ imaginable, and I take the bus to and from work every day. Yes I wash my…
GOOD news today.....
My PET results came back and I am officially free of Cancer...... Still have alot of healing to do and will probably need throat surgery before I can take in solid food,but I am pleased with this news..... Life is getting better......... :o )
No chemo! YES chemo! .. No surgery... yeaa you need surgery!
Just sharing ... Mom diagnosed with SCC 1 lymph node, no primary yet, PET/MRI negative. We met mom's new radiation/oncologist today ... ( she is new because we switched our care over to another hospital) The great news is that I LOVE HER. Did not like the other rad doctor. i have also spoken to some previous patients of…
Ultrasound after neck dissection?
Doug is having a lot of nerve pain after his neck dissection - they didn't cut nerves, but they did move them out of the way to get at nodes. The right side of his face is partially paralyzed (the ENT is sure this will fade in a few months) and he gets stabbing pain in his ears sometimes. Massage to get rid of the…
I am 5 Months post treatment and still have some days where I cannot get out of bed. Not depression, physical exhaustion. It happened to me today, I set my alarm for 6 am and re set a few times and did not get out of bed until noon. This is the 3rd time this has happened in about 5-6 weeks. I must have totaled 14-15 hours…
introduction and question
Hello to all, i have been lurking here during treatment. (35 rads and 3 chemos)i thought that introductions were in order plus a quick question. I am about 2 months post treatment. stage 4 left tonsil, and several accompaning lymph nodes. heres my question, i have small clear blister that are repeatedly coming up on the…
Blood transfusion
Low blood counts so looks like will be having transfution tomorrw. Are there sometimes reactions/effects to keep an eye on as a result of transfusions besides obviouse improvement in counts. Clear
CT results
I would like feedback regarding results from the first CT after chemo and radiation. Dad had a large primary tumor at the base of tongue with lymph node involvement. The oncologists seemed pleased today with the CT report that the primary tumor had decreased significantly in size and the largest lymph node had as well. Dad…
hacking up small mounts of blood and it can be see in very thick mucus
Hi Guys about 2 mins ago after I got done eating some food and I was hacking up some mucus and when I spitted it out onto a paper towel I seen small mounts of blood. I am about 6 to 7 months post treatments of NPC and I want to know if I should be worried about because I started to notice the past 2 weeks there as been…
2nd Pet/Scan?
Hi everyone. Yes, I check this site regularly; but don't say much at this point. I guess I'm like Kristen and am trying to keep away from the depression and flashbacks! Plus i don't want to jinx anything. I was wondering about the time frame between Pet/ct scans. I had my initial post (baseline) pet scan back on Oct. 4th.…
FNAB, result
OK, my biopsy result of tumor in parotid gland: Cellulae neoplasmaticae, adenoma pleomorphum sialogenes I googled it is a tumor mixtus. My question: I read that it is a benign tumor, but sometimes it can transform to malignant tumor. Is biopsy able to show whether it transformed to malignant or not? Thank you,
PET-CT SCAN, MRI -Looking for Input
I know many here are quite educated on the differenes of the Pet, vs the CT, vs MRI. I know how each is performed and how it looks at area. My questions is regarding "False reads". I finsihed treatment in November, and now have another lump on my left neck. I see the ENT on Monday and suspect he will order some test. I am…
Please say a prayer
Dad goes tomorrow for his first CT scan since treatment ended in February. He had the feeding tube removed today so we are happy about that. We will be much happier if tomorrow's scan shows that the tumor is gone and the lymph nodes are clear of cancer. I am so anxious and scared, but I am thinking positively. I have…
Food for thought
Those who have been around here awhile know I am not a fanatic for fads. To my mind, you go with the proven and you go aggressive, and you get rid of the cancer if you can. When people talk about changing diet, for example, I have generally shut down. But when I'm wrong (or might be wrong), well then, I'm wrong (or might…
I'm back ... and so is my cancer
Some of you (well, one or two, maybe) may have wondered where I've been recently. In mid-February I went for what was supposed to be my final PET scan, two years and four months after treatment ended. My docs thought it would be clean. It wasn't. Now I have a tumor in my lung; it's spread to two lymph nodes in my chest.…
Does anybody know what would be a good lip balm, my husband has very dry lips, I have tried burt bees lip balm, but he saids nothing I have tried has helped him?