To change Medical Oncologists that is the question?
To change my medical oncologist or not to change my medical oncologist that is the question? (a bit of play on the quote - "to be or not to be" History: I am going to MD Anderson, Houston Texas for treatment of my tonsil cancer right neck metastisis. I love my coordinating doctor who is my surgical oncologist. And on first…
Prayers requested
Hi all: Basketcase checking in here! Would like to request your prayers for a lady in my church. She sat next to me in the early service yesterday and requested our prayers as when she went for her "welcome to medicare" physical as she called it and they did a chest x-ray; they found a mass in her one of her lungs the size…
Free on-line workshop FYI
From my daily newspaper...."CancerCare will provide a free professional support service workshop this Wednesday, March, 23rd 2011 from 12:30-1:30 cdt. for people with cancer, caregivers, and other loved ones on the subject "Advances in Treating Chemotherapy-Related Nausea and Vomiting". Access by going on-line at…
Looking for some advice
Sorry it has been a while however life has been a bit hellish and we don't feel like we should post if we can't give back somehow. First of all this is an incredibly awful way to get better and the treatment sucks! This is Robyn, Rons wife, I am posting as Ron is too sick. He is currently in the middle of treatment. He…
I am done treatment and have some Caphosol RX that I did not use and do not anticipate needing. As this is a costly RX does anyone know of a place I can donate it or if anyone has an RX that cannot afford the cost of Caphosol (if you insurance does not cover it) I am happy to send it to you provided you have an RX from you…
Seven Months
Hi all: Basketcase here. Just felt the need to post this. It has been seven months today since Charlie passed away and I had to make the tough decision to put down one of my beloved Shelties, Blue. I think I may have mentioned earlier he was not walking well. Well, he got to where he couldn't get up and I had to carry him…
Cat scan and video
Went for a six month Ct scan on Friday, will get results tomorrow and have a viseostrobe. Not very confident with this as I have developed a cough and have some ear pain.
Puzzling Pet
Buzz just received the 1st PET results post treatment. The base of tongue tumor is gone (Yipee!!!) but there is a lymph node (near the carotid artery) in the right neck which is "metabolically active." This node did not show up in the pretreatment scan. What does this mean? Anyone have this experience? The Oncologist is…
weight loss?
Geeze... seems like most people loose so much weight with radiation. Mom weighs 105 pounds now!!! She has never had a big appetite but all she ever eats are bagels and pasta and she's been 105lbs her whole life i guess i really dont have a question here.. ive skimmed through the diet posts on protien shakes and eating…
Any info would be appreciated
I have just been diagnosed with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in the roof of my mouth. I can find so little about this cancer and am terrified. Can anyone tell me more about what I am facing. Surgery will be by the end of March followed by 4 to 6 weeks of radiology treatments.
stereostatic rad therapy
The last pet showed hyppharingial squ hence thepresent RT TO NECK. but it also showed a spot on the lung. They decided back then to use steriostatic rt when the present neck rt is done. Anyone know of this type of RT? Clear
supraglottis cancer
Has anybody on this site ever had supraglosttis cancer?
110.7 Yippee skippy. :)
Well I had my check up with my RO. I was shocked when I stepped on the scale. I definitely did not have to wear 6 layers of clothing, boots, and have a pocket full of pennies this time when I stepped on the scale. Dress and heels. 110.7 Much better than 87 pounds. :D He gave me the old scope-a-rooni. Looked and felt around…
No go for removal of tumor, Rads next
Well I had my surgery yesterday which was suppose to take out my supralaryngeal tumor with the transoral robotic surgery at Mt. Sinai with a neck resection for the two suspected nodes. They had to put the breathing tube in while I was still awake, real scary but the anesthesiologist was very good, used a ton of local and…
A very brief summary of the past 2 weeks: 7 month post rad/chemo PET/CT scan shows a hot spot at original cancer site on BOT. Surgery recommended. I continually inquire about the possibility of 'false positives'. 2nd and 3rd opinions: Scope looks normal, physical exam looks normal, PET/CT looks not good. MRI recommended to…
Saliva Glands
Some of the post here are about people having saliva gland problems after radiation, I am starting this thread so we who have been through radiation can all give advice on what we are doing to help our saliva glands to work. Here are some of the tricks I am using: 1. Chewing sugarless gum, 2. Using Sea mineral Boost,…
How many radiologists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Just one but the light bulb needs to be brought in every day M-F for 7 weeks and at the end of the 7 weeks the bulb won't work for a few more weeks.
I know a lot of us have experienced mouth sores. For me round 2 is worse. I do not have a feeding tube, they haven’t mentioned putting it back in. My nutritionist suggested feeding myself orally with the syringe to avoid the mouth sores. It seems to work. Don't have to use sore tongue.
New York Times Interview
I joined the group right after my ENT told me I may have cancer. I wanted to let you all know about the interview I had yesterday with a New York Times reporter doing a story on the surgeon, Dr. Eric Genden at Mt. Sinai, who will be doing my biopsy and surgery (transoral robotic and neck resection) this Friday. Dr.…
eye side effects
I was just wondering if anyone else has had problems with their eyes after undergoing radiation to the face and surgery. My mother's left eye (which is the side where the cancer was) still waters quite a bit, and itches some 7 months after radiation and 9 months after surgery to sinuses. It doesn't hurt at all, just…
On the way back to MD Anderson up-date 3-16
OK now that I am feeling great again we go back to MD Anderson tomorrow for some more testing. I will say one good thing about it; I am no longer having Vision problems, so the medication they are giving me is working. But the side affects of the medication are really bad. I will give you all an up-date when we get back…
natural/alternative treatments?
Where can i find real information on natural/alternative treatments or supplements? Has anyone opted to not do chemo/radation and try alternative therapy? What are your experiences? What about vitamins/supplements/alternative treatments to combat side effects of radiation?
Scan results for Dad
Dad got the results from his scan on Friday and it was NED!!!!! We were so happy and I think I was a little in shock when I heard it. Thank you for everything and all of the prayers. When I joined this wonderful family a year ago I never thought I would get to post this wonderful news. My family sends prayers, hugs and…
hair loss & radiation Does it grow back?-
Anyone lose hair owing to radiation only? and does it grow back ? Clear.
Hi all, Just woke up. And back yo sleep real soon. Biopsy today. I don't know what they used but higher then a kite, sleepy and lots nausea. GEEEEZZZ Anyway, Gotta love those pain pills. LOL. My ENT used me as a pin cushion. I don't think he missed a spot. Soooooo, pill time and back to lala land in 10 mins. but I missed…
Stoppers4-save some money
I get my Stoppers4 at Cosmetic Mall.com The four ounce bottles are $5 each. They award "points" for every purchase, (that equal 5% of the purchase amount). Today I ordered four jugs and paid $11.95 including shipping...thanks to the points I have accumulated. Beats the heck out of biotene 1.5 oz. for $7 bucks at Kroger.…
bilateral carotid body tumors
Hello! Please if anyone had bilateral carotid body tumors resection which were the complications after, if any. My husband (34 years old) did a surgery 3 years ago for resection of a carotid body tumor on the right side and about a week ago a new carotid body tumor on the left side was discovered. We have read some studies…
recunent squamous cell carcinoma to the tongue
We recently found out that my husband's tonsil cancer of 4 years ago has recurred at the base of his tongue. We are not being given many choices. They are saying that as he had chemo and radiation the first time, he cannot have radiation again. his option is to have his entire tongue taken out. He would not be able to eat,…
Dad 4 months out of treatment for Stage 4 tongue cancer-still in pain?
hello again, my poor father is still experiencing horrible pain.. he finished treatment chemo and radiation on june 17 and 18th.. he had 8 biopsies done about 3 months ago and they came backed no cancer, ENT was shocked because he said my father had a very advanced cancer... he was doing well this past month and gets the…
Facial Swelling
Hello, Everyone, Almost 2 weeks now post treatment. Doctors say things are healing well. Able to get some water down; but still not taking shakes or anything. I have question about facial swelling and dry skin. Throughout treatment my right side of made face got swollen and my face got really dry. The swelling has gone…