Our Neighbor
About a month ago, our neighbor came to the door to ask Glenn some questions. It turns out he's had a "swollen" gland in his neck for "a while". Long story short, he has SCC with an unknown primary. Just like Glenn and just about exactly 1 year after Glenn's diagnosis. We were shocked, to say the least. He came home from…
rmkbrad checking in
Well the swelling in my neck has went down a little since my neck dicestion, I have a growth on my left ear tragus that is very painful. Last week I went to Reno to see a ENT and this guy really bumbed me out, I started to talk to him about my neck and how I am developing lympedema and would like some therapy for it and…
My One Year Exam
It was supposed to be a happy one but not quite. I was diagnosed SCC unknown primary one year ago this week and had a left neck dissection one week later with no radiation. Every six weeks I have gone in for a scoping and exam. Several months ago they had me go in for a BOT biopsy for something suspicous which turned out…
Need Advice
Hey guys! My mom and I need some help. Have anyone of you experienced a complete change in personality after finishing treatment. My dad finished in June of 2010 and during the last couple of months has changed completly. He is very angry with my mother and yells at her all the time. He has no interest in doing anything…
how do you deal with depression and anxiety when...
how do you deal with depression and anxiety when your family and friends all tell you not to worry? tell you Not to stress? tell you not to cry when all you want to do is either cry or scream about your cancer? I have held it together these past 8 months of treatment and the 3 weeks I was back at work January 31 to Feb…
Update on husband who will not eat
I have just a few minutes. Took the day off and went with husband to radiation and to see his oncologist. He was in bad shape this morning. They admitted him into the hospital. I am on my way back to the hospital. Will update in a few.
Celebrating 1 month of being cancer free (:
I was diagnosed with Acinic Cell Carcinoma on November 19, 2010. I caught it fast. I didn't need radiation or chemo luckily.
CT Scan
Hello all! This Monday I have a CT scan, I'm just wondering, what are they looking for? Does it show up if there are cancer cells left? It seems a little pointless since the initial PET scan didn't even show any type of cancer activity, yet the did rad/chemo anyway? Just wondering!
PET/CT Today!
Hey folks; hope all is well. Getting 2nd Pet/ct post treatment today. This will be a year out from diagnosis. Just wanted a few prayers and thoughts in my corner! Won't get results till next Monday so will be a long week to say the least!! Thanks!! Charles
thanks and not gonna be around for awhile
hey everyone, I would love to thank you all for all your advice and help during my treatment and recovery. I am doing well and I am ready to devote my energy and emotions back to my family. Things are looking up here and there has been no sign of regrowth. once again thank you so very much for all your support and advice!…
Anyone decline chemo and rad treatment?
My pet scan came back clean. I have to admit that after reading about side effects the idea has crossed my mind. Of course I will be doing the treatments, but I wondered if anyone with a clean pet scan has opted out.
need encouragement...mucous
My husband has 4 radiation treatments left and 1 cycle of cysplatin. The mucous has gotten relentless. It's non-stop and he just wants some relief. He's trying to get Mucinex down but a lot of it comes back up because of terrible gagging problem. He's getting a PEG tube tomorrow so we'll be able to get medications down,…
Radiation "exit wound" hair loss/regrowth
Hey kids! I'm two months out from end of radiation and chemo,and the radiation (in addition to making a very weird growth/bald pattern in my beard) left a large bald spot at the base of my neck, from the hairline up probably 2" x 2". Looks like I started having convulsions in the middle of a haircut! Any experiences with…
PET Scan
Hi to all of my friends!!! Sorry I haven't posted but it is good to finally get a chance to be here again. Had a Pet last Friday and now comes the wait. I have something going on in my neck and I can feel it so I am pretty worried. I have terrible problems with the atrophy in my right shoulder, and of course I still think…
Clinical Trial for newbies only-No previous treatment
Anyone just starting out and not yet treated this would be a great clinical trial to get involved in and potentially increase your chance of survival. It's called, :IT-MATTERS phase III Global Clinical trial for head and Neck cancer". 1-703-506-9460 or www.cel-sci.com or visit clinical trials.gov NCT number NCT01265. It's…
Check up Time - Of COURSE I Found a Lump
I mentioned it at my appointment Friday; my doc said it's common for us (H&N patients) to develop odd neck lumps here and there after treatment, and that it's probably nothing (lump sticks out on left side of front of throat - just next to where my "firm" area from dissection is). But I overheard the injection nurse tell…
My husband will not eat
My husband has no desire to eat. He amy eat a few bites of dinner and that is it for the entire day. He is drinking water. I have ensure and Carnation breakfast shakes. But, all he wants to do is sleep. I know he needs the rest. But, he needs to eat as well. No feeding tube at this time.. Is this normal.
I want to say thank you to everyone for all the helpful information on here. I've been reading through posts for days now soaking in all the great information. I was just diagnosed with SCC (HPV+) with bilateral lymph nodes involved. From what I've been able to find, I'm guessing it will be Stage IV. The ENT surgeon told…
Bragging - Ignore If You're Feeling Sorry for Yourself at All
OK - just finished a whine, so time to focus on what's good. Couple weeks ago, I was bummed because I ordered country fried steak at a restaurant, and couldn't eat it. No shinola, Sherlock - been a long time since I could. But I had a wild hare, so I went for it - you all know how it is. I didn't even think about it before…
My hubby is 6 days in on his chemo, which he is getting for 9 weeks. I am worried about his food intake, seems like everyday he can consume less and less food. The only thing that seems to taste good to him are popsicles. I have been reading the posts about peg tubes and I am wondering if peg tubes are put in place during…
For Frank10g
Frank just wondering how you are doing it’s been a week sense your last up-date, and I am getting a little worried. Hopping all is well Hondo
Ear Noise
Hi there everyone. 3 WEEKS POST RADs (35+ 5 weeks erbitux) Wifey complaining of a dull kind of "grinding/thud noise" in her ear. Had an ENT "look in ears" check up, and said everything is clear, no blockage. visible? ANY FURTHER suggestions? Happy Easter to you good folk Clear
How many of you have been stuck in bed during treatment or recovery and have watched shows that u wo
I watched everything, Teen mom, zeke and Luther,Dr.Phil, naurto,I carley.lol tell me some of yours.
vocal cord scarring
I don’t see too much about vocal cord scarring post radiation therapy on this site so my situation might not be common with us. I still thought I might share this with you in case anyone else has similar problems and just has not spoken up yet. I am a bedside RN in a hospital but I am constantly finding out new stuff about…
Losing weight
Tried to quite the feeding machine and lost 7 pounds since last Saturday. I can not drink enough carnation breakfast drink in a day to maintain my weight. I need 6 cans a day and only get about 3 or 4. I feel to bloated. I went 7 months with nothing by mouth till Saturday. How long till the bloating feeling goes away?…
I just realized that it is only 9AM into a Saturday and I am already two beers into the day. That is very, very unlike me. I am very stressed because I am waiting for the results of my Thursday MRI scan and I am having lots of facial/ear pain that is making me very apprehensive of the results. I am a generally positive…
Cisplatin...2 or 3 treatments
First of all, thank you to all of you for "existing" on this site. Coming here has truly helped us begin our battle with this cancer. My husband, Andy, was diagnosed with tonsil/base of tongue cancer. He had robotic surgery to remove his tumor and a neck dissection. He has completed 23(out of 30)of his radiation treatments…
I was diagnosed with scc 2/17/11 right tonsil, had a tonsillectomy+, modified right neck dissection at Mayo clinic on 3/4/11. Right tonsil tumor 4.8 cm hpv+, left tonsil clean, 39 nodes removed, one node tumor 2.8cm no extracapsular ext., other nodes neg. Surgeon is not recommending rad. and wants to see me every three…
I need help and advise ( SASH and SOCCERFREAK)
Hello everybody. Well, I went in for results of biopies Monday. NOT GOOD. My ENT says that everyone came back positive. That's about 7-8 he did. Side of tongue, BOT, voice box, palette etc. SOOOO, he says my choices are to opt for quality of life, live at home with hospice care and chemo. Till God says enough...come home.…
Am I the only one terrified of the nasal scope?
Hello everyone...I am new to csn and appreciate all the positive feedback. I finished my radiation and chemo on 2/01. I was diagnosed with stage 4 scc of the tonsils with one node involved.I am feeling better these days but wish my taste would come back faster. I have a huge appetite but can't taste to much yet. It is…