Second time around

KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
Second time around and this first week has not gone well. Monday did ok at the cancer center, techs. were surprised to see me. Got so sick in the afternoon and evening, couldn't even keep in a few ice chips, no Amifostone on Tuesday. Spent the day drinking water (with L-Glutimine) and eating what I could. Wed. tried the Amifostone again, quickly welted and BP went up a bit. Doctor decided no more Amifostine. Fever in the evening, tylenol broke it. Woke up with a fever at midnight. Tylenol and ice pack, fever broke. No amifostone today, doing better. Guess my body just said you did that before and I didn't like it. Three day weekend, yeah. Hopefully nothing more than the regular yuck for the next few weeks.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    That was what I went through starting around injection 30 of 35....

    I had the injection, went down and did the rads session no problem. Later that night had a fever of 102.7..of course called in and they said to take Tylenol...fever finally came down after a few hours.

    Next day, had the injection and rads,later that night, same thing fever to 102.7.... That was a Friday and the Tylenol again took the fever down....

    Monday I expressed concern, they said it was due to the chemo (which ended the week before)... That night (after injection and rads) I drank a glass of water around 7:30PM. I immediately got sever chills...several blankets and a heating pad,my temp was at 96.8... Then it shot up to over 102 again....

    That was it, they needed to figure something out... I was sure it was either the injections or rads, as I didn't have any reactions over the week-end. So we stopped the injections and I finished out the last few rads with no problem.

    There isn't many that I've read about that have been able to get all of the injections in...a few on here have,I wasn't one...LOL, almost, but not quite.

  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    Was hoping the second time around would be a little easier.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Teacher
    I did not do so well on the second time either, but I did make it, and I am here to help you make it to. It is hard but you are stronger then it is, keep focus and take it one day at a time.

    enjoy you week-end.