I Hate It When Doctors......
I haven't seen this addressed before, but I have seen a couple of posts with outrageous behavior by doctors. So let's start a list to see what we have seen and/or heard from doctors, nurses, technicians, etc. I hate it when doctors/nurses, etc.: 1) Don't talk to you directly but talk to your caregiver (or driver) like…
CNN article on oral cancer and HPV
Wasn't sure if everyone saw this article on CNN's website today on oral cancer and HPV. http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2011/10/03/increase-in-oral-cancers-linked-to-hpv/?hpt=hp_t2 (Not sure if the link I copy/pasted in will work but it is on CNN's home page today). Suzanne
Face Hair
Help I finished radiation on Sept.02, 2011. I did not have any other procedure. The radiation was on my left and right lymph-nodes and my tonsils. 39 treatments. I can only grow facial hair on the left side of my face? Why would that be? Will it ever return? The right side after 2 or 3 days is very light. Please give best…
Buzz has a neck abcess
Has anyone heard of developing an abcess as a result of a necrotic (dead)lympth node? Buzz's biopsy of the abcess area was negative but he has several other areas in his neck and tongue which are suspicious. The oncologist thinks the cancer is back. We cannot procede with another biopsy until the infection clears. (after 6…
Superthread discussion.
An explaination: If there are no posts to it, I can easily bump it by posting to it and editing my own post. If you post to it, I cannot do that. This thread takes me A LOT of time to maintain and honestly, I am thinking about not doing it anymore. I'm not getting pissy, it's just a lot of maintenance and when some one…
catching a cold post rads
Does it take longer to get better after radiation? My husband goes back to work on monday and this morning he woke up with a terrible cough. He says he feels like he has a chest cold.
Movie: 50/50
Anybody have thoughts on the new movie just released based on a true cancer story? I saw the cast (including the patient/writer) on Anderson. He described it as a comedy, yet poignant. Not sure we're gonna see it cause there's not much funny about cancer right now in our lives. Just curious if you guys have seen it or what…
And the scope says - NED!
Jim is now 1.5 years out from diagnosis and 13 months post-treatment. Had a scope done today at his ENT's office with the terrific fancy scope that really gives a great picture for all to see. The doctor said that although the HUGE place where the HUGE tumor was is still pale from healing, the tissue looks normal and…
Are any of you or have any of you done any juicing to help with the treatment? just wondering..I would like to try with my mother.
Update and questions for the experts
Good Morning! Many hello's, well wishes, and blessings to you all. Update: Dad is now 3 months out (June 24th) from radiation and had his last chemo session in August. We were so blessed to celebrate his 65th birthday this past month and he seemed to be doing pretty well. He had a CT scan, blood work, and swallow test this…
Those who have or had a PEG...
The stitches were out 4 days ago. I have one of those Foley urinary catheters as my PEG, size 14 I think (ink is wearing off). The Foley is the standard tube they use now for most PEGs from what I see in the hospital and nursing homes. When I use to do home care over 10y ago, I saw the clear ones with a ring at the base…
How ??
How is it possible to have a secondary without a primary? Now that the secondary has been treated and I have been thru hell will they find the primary? One more question. I completed my treatments , which consisted on 39 radiation treatments, I cant get another pet scan until the end of November because the insurance…
On Edge
My husband is very tense these days. The littlest things are aggravating him. It started about 2-3 days after he got the all clear. I guess everything is finally catching up to him. I told him to go to his GP and see what they can give him. He is no fun right now.
Another Platelet Question
Last month before my infusion day, my bllod work showed my platelets @ 115 , today they are @ 83, so the onco nurse doesn't think I'll have my 3rd infusion ( was supposed to be final all day infusion session) next monday. Has any one here experienced low platelet counts that slowed your treatments? Thanks, Linda
Hi everyone This message board has really been a blessing to me. I have sat in front of my lap top for hours reading and learning a lot about what I can expect. I am 48 yr old married male I am 5' 9" and weigh 165 lbs. I was diagnosed with squamous cell on 6/20/11. The cancer was on my left lymph-node. The doc said it was…
Hands shaking
Hi, Has anyone experienced hands shaking and body twitching (only when he is sleeping the body twitching) Currently receiving carboplatin 5fu decadron rengal and zofran for tonsil and lymph cancer This is the second round Chemo Thanks for your help Michelle
Real Estate vs Cancer
Real Estate = Location, location, location Cancer = Attitude, Attitude, Attitude Don't let the SOB beat you down.
HNC SUPERTHREAD. Excellent for people new to CSN. Answers to FAQ. Please do not bump or post to t
Post-treatment follow-up question
My husband has SCC T4, had neck dissection in mid April, radiation through most June & July (seven weeks.) He's still "recovering," but here's my question: He is followed only by ENT. The radiation Onc. released him to her, saying she could better follow his care, because she has equip. to scope throat, etc. Okay, that…
chin and neck edema post radiation
My husband looks like he is trying to swallow a grapefruit. Does anyone know how to help the fluid subside?
It has been awhile...
Hi All, I am so sorry for not posting for so long. I do come and read the posts and stay tuned in. I am not sure when the last post was but I do know it was a very dark and difficult time mostly for Ron but also for me and there was a point we did not want to only post negative comments. So here is the update...Ron will be…
2 months post radiation
and now it seems like my husband's voice is going away. It was fine during radiation, got a little gravely at the very end of radiation, and it just gets worse and worse every day. Is that common? Another question: He has this "tingling" sensation on the skin of his forearms and up his shoulders and on his scalp. He says…
surgery vs. radiation and chemo
i took aggressive surgical treatment 61/2 trs ago. would like to discuss results for people with a choice.. George
7 weeks of treatment - done!
My husband just finished his 7 weeks of chemo. rads (1 cisplatin, 3 carboplatin) 2 days ago! I thought he did really well through treatment and his throat did not start to hurt until this last week or so. He is still eating a very small amount of food by mouth (banana's, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, cinnamon waffles with…
handling depression
I am 84 treated twice for neck cancer, radiation 7 years ago, thought done, last year had to have radiacal surgery, this not speaking is driving me nuts, can use EL but is not loud enough in social settings or restaurants and feel left out, sometimes just have kind of panic attacks feel cannot breath well and get very…
For molinaar: Hello A Question
Hey Gang, I'm re-posting molinaar's original post, which I'm afraid would get lost in a large, older post. hello a question new I am going through the same thing half my tongue was removed and replaced with my skin....well wat i want to ask is how long did it take for you to recover this and another question has yr tongue…
suburn look - any kind of cream I should use?
My skin is starting to feel different on my neck and face so I am sure it's just a matter of days before I look like I'm sunburn? Is there a cream I should use? Oil of Olay? No perfume base cream? Aloe? Any suggestions. I will see the radiation oncologist tomorrow as my scheduled visits are for Thursday, I will ask but…
Nasopharnygial (Pretty sure I spelled it wrong :)
Well....I have been dealing with this for about 2 months now and am on my 2nd rad and finished my first chemo. The Doc says she is sure she can cure me of this but it is tough to take comfort in this when I thought i just had a allergys for 2 years.lol I am 43 and have Chinese ancestry from my great grand father but smoked…
RayTodd How are you doing!
Hi Ray just wondering how you doing, last your Wife posted you were in the Hospital. Just things about you my friend and hoping you are doing well. Hondo
Post Radiation
What a great forum. I am BOT cancer 7 days ago today I finished all my treatments and must confess looking to feel better NOW. Well find myself more than a little depressed about my symptoms still very tight throat flem that chokes me at night . Sorry about my whining just wonder if any here can share a bit about the end…