freaking out
Hi I am a 33 year old female. I am a pack a day smoker and I have been having ear.fullness for almost a year now. Within the last month I have had a sore throat and it feels like its just a post nasal drip raw feeling on my right tonsil same side as my ear fullness. I went to ENT about 6 months ago he ran a cf on my sinus…
Just a gripe. I had to go on disability through my employer provided insurance. Now its bad enough to have to explain to the insurance folks why you can't work (and it is humbling), but they also required that I apply for SSI. I understand why the insurance campany wants that because they will then reduce my payments by…
surgury tomorrow
For those who are familiar with my mom's story. We decided to go with the surgury. I called Sloan Kittering and they had told me that in my mom's case if she is a candidate for the surgury like her doctor said it is the best treatment option for her and delaying it it's not such a good idea. they also said to fax them over…
Another SSI ?
I started receiving temporary SSI in Feb 2011. How long does it last. Also i am still on Oxycontin and i dont think i will be coming off any time soon. If i stay on it do i qualify for pemanent SSI? Thanks David
John (aka THE SKIFEN) cheats
You have to put the fish picture back up and remove Sherry. I have a hard time saying something nasty to you with her pic up there. She's a sweetheart compared to the low life you are and thats not fair....otherwise I'm placing a nun up as my avatar. Think I'll do that anyway. cheater cheater cheater Denny PS Give her a…
Let's all hope you give me a good ribbing tomorrow afternoon about worring too much, but I just do not have a good feeling about the outcome. The swollen area in my gum / tissue near and around my wisdom tooth looks a little larger. It really is painless unledd you push on it pretty hard. Of course every little pain or…
To all Caregivers: When I first wrote this it was 3 paragraphs of me thanking my wife for all she has endured and apologizing to her for putting her thru it. I read it, my water started running from my eyes, then I erased it and went and found my wife and told her everything and how I appreciate her. So to all you…
Has anyone heard from Jim?? I always worry about our CSN friends who do not check in regularly. Thanks Mike
CURE - Imaging Tests - Vitamin Supplements - Antioxidants
There are a few pretty good articles on many of the differences that people ask about between, MRI, CT and PET scans this month in CURE Magazine. Picture of Health, page 28.... Also an article on vitamin supplements and antioxidants.... Some antioxidants might actually neutralize the cancer killing molecules. Anyways, some…
Set Back ?
Finished treatments on Sept. 02, 2011. Felt good for 8 straight days. Yesterday afternoon (5 PM) started feeling a little weak and kind of sick. By 9:30 last night felt very weak and felt sick to my stomach. Woke up at 5 AM getting sick in bathroom and running a fever. Mucus is running again today. Here I am at 3:45 PM and…
Just wanted to say that Im praying for you today. Hope its a short wait for a great report!!!!!!!!!
Got my treatment plan today, salivary function gone forever?
Brief history, lymph under my L jaw swollen in J/Aug, FNAB confirmed squamous cell and I got the call Sept2/11 from my ENT, I'll never forget that phone call. Last Thurs Sept 22/11, I had a L tonsillectomy, multiple endoscopies, and a PEG inserted. No primary could be found while I was under, L tonsil sent to pathology. I…
If food gets stuck
I have been carrying on a conversation with Hondo and it reminded me of something that almost happened to me that those of you with "sticking food" syndrom might want to know. I was in the hospital recently and had a tube but at that time was still trying to eat - SEE ALPHA MALE SYNDROM - when suddenly I could not breath…
pain meds
My teeth started to go bad a long time ago even though I looked after them dutifully, brushing, trays , mouthwash etc. one by one they started breaking off and became very painful. An oral surgeon decided they all needed to be removed but we ran into a brick wall with the insurance company, he prescribed vicodin 5/500 one…
Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs as died of Pancreatic Cancer
Hey Guys I just seen this on facebook and other sites that Steve Jobs as died of Pancreatic Cancer. http://www.apple.com/stevejobs/ http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/05/us/obit-steve-jobs/index.html RIP Steve Jobs.
Just wondering how you are doing?
I went to my Chemo Doctor yesterday and she put me on liquid Megestrol Acetate to try to help me gain some weight but as long as I am unable to swallow very well it’s hard to eat very much I am still on the med’s for saliva but it has not helped yet. Has anyone been on or know about Megestrol Acetate ? Robert
Lelia's Husband Don Ruben
Passed away unexpectedly on 9-15. Don was a lawyer and, among other things, specialized in drug laws. One of the last things he did (and while he was in treatment for H&N) was an interview with the staff attorney at Drug Policy Alliance: Don Ruben Interviews Tamar Todd I knew Don only through Lelia, but I know enough that…
Checking in and asking for prayers
Hi All, Haven't posted in a while but have been trying to keep up with everyone. I am thankful for and pray for all of you daily. Sweet, I am sorry to read you are dealing with health issues. Will send extra prayers for you and all that are having difficulty now. Pats 2 year scope looked fine. Two year PET is October 12.…
So Tired
Well, it's week four of my chemo by pill. This is the second week at maximum dosage and it is kicking my butt. I am extremely fatigued and I get winded easily. And, my tongue is so sensitive that I had to change to a kid's toothpaste and I can't eat anything hot or spicy. And, the worst part is that diet Coke hurts to…
Pain Meds
I know everyone is different. I just would like to get a general idea when everyone was able to stop taking pain meds. My husband is a little over 4 months out and is still in pain and very weak. He takes 2 morphines a day and 2-4 vicodins. The radiation doctor told him a month ago that he would be feeling much better.…
Vision changes anyone?
Has anyone experienced an effect on their eye sight after radiation? I had more rads on my left side than on my right as that is where my three tumors were found. Now it seems even with my glasses on my left eye is out of focus. Maybe it's because I'm going to be 40 in six months and has nothing really to do with treatment?
seems like sliding backwards
Jim is 6 weeks out and all of a sudden is sliding backwards. Sore throat has returned with a vengence, much worse than 4 weeks out. Lossing weight again and extreme tiredness. He was walking to mail box and taking trash out; Able to stay up all day and actually read a book in a week. Yesterday he slept all afternoon…
Gum to exersise the tounge
After weeks of using the tounge exersises that wife found on website she came home with sugarless gum (I really hate chewing gum) but tried it for several days and found that chewing really gave the tounge a work out, made the throat hurt a little more than usual but seemed to help with eating things like eggs over hash…
Not happy Drs got wires crossed
My husband went back to work yesterday following the word of his onc. This morning his ent Dr called me and asked why he was working so soon after finishing radiation. He wants to see him and do an assesment before Vaughn is back to work and says he should be off at least another month before returning to work. I tried to…
loss of hearing after chemo
Just finished 8 chemo and lost 90 percent of hearing in both ears.Dr.said it would be at least 3 mo. before its known if this is perm.Has any one had this problem?
Jevity vs others for peg
As some of you know I am now using my peg for 100% (no cancer, dealing with long term after affects) of my nutrition but I am also still not as educated as I should be about this pesky little life saver. I have been reading about Jevity on the board for quite a while and assumed it was the "Cadillac" of nutrition so I…
New plan for Dad
Dad saw the oncologist today and this was a little more positive. His doctor has talked with another droctor in the practice and they developed a plan. Dad will start carbo/taxol this Friday. He will have 3 rounds and then off a week. They will do 3 cycles tnat then another CT. The doctors are pretty sure this will control…
I is baaack
Sorry for my 2 week AWOL stint they stuck me in hospital. Gagging on NGT so much I nearly burst a vessel, Could not get enough nutrition in or H2O so on a drip.Shoot out of Hospital 0530hrs to miss traffic every morning for Radiation except the day they actually put me under to try PEG by endoscope. No go need surgery had…
New to throat cancer and am not sure I can do this.
Went to doctor for lump on left side of neck and was told it was most likely brachial cyst or cleft - could be removed or not but if not it would get bigger. Went to another ENT because did not like the first. Needle biopsy done and nothing difinitive found. Asked for PET Scan in case it was cancer - told no less than 1%…