OT - How do you change your picture?
Can't seem to get the picture to change. I've done it before but previous picture keeps appearing even though I've "downloaded" the new photo. I'm trying to get a new picture of Glenn up there. He looks pretty different now. Thanks, Lisa
OT - How do you change your picture?
Can't seem to get the picture to change. I've done it before but previous picture keeps appearing even though I've "downloaded" the new photo. I'm trying to get a new picture of Glenn up there. He looks pretty different now. Thanks, Lisa
Thank you Dawn
Hi, I haven't posted on this board in awhile, But I do follow along. I just want to say a great big THANK YOU to Dawn for keeping the Superthread post. It has helped me and some of my family members and a very close friend. I am the only one that is a CSN member, so I just pass along the wonderful and beyond helpful…
Just Diagnosed this Month
Hello Everybody, My husband Scott found a lump on his left side of his neck in August 2011. After several tests and biopsy we found out it is Squamous Cell Carcinoma Stage IVA. He had surgery to determine where it originated from and it's on his left tonsil. (they did not remove the tonsil) We have met with the radiologist…
Post Chemo 35 Radiation Treatments...Lump Still There
The Lump in my neck has gotten smaller post Radiation and Chemo....but still there....sometimes, I think I imagine its starting to grow again....should I be worried at this point? I am 3 weeks post treatment.
PET Scan's and now Bob is Tongue Tied...
Well it has been a while since I have written..alot going on. Bob continues to have problems eating as he is still having more teeth removed...he was at the Dr Tuesday and was told he is tognue tied and will need Surgery for this..he also need surgery to replace Jaw bone and Sinus issues...he needs a Sinus uplift..all due…
Cancer of the Tongue
Hello, My mom is in remission from cancer of the tongue.. She has been thru surgery, chemo and radiation and it is gone. However it has been over a year since her last radiation treatment ( she had over 40), and her tongue is still so painful.. She seems to constantly have thrush..Is anyone experiencing this? Also she has…
Sweets ears
Haven't heard about Dawn's ear tubes. Did you get them put in yet Dawn or is that to come. Debbie
Tooooooo Funny
My husband had his first visit with his internist and they did blood work. They called ne at work Friday and said everything is fine but his cholestral is a tad high. Their recommendation, low fat diet and exercise... I laughed on the phone. I said, um my husband is 130 pounds and gets 80% percent of his nutrition through…
Cervical Vertebrae Plate
My wife, Vickie, has a titanium plate in her neck, C-3 thru C-5. With everything else going on,we hadn't thought much about it until reading a post saying you have to be cautious of metal fillings in your teeth when undergoing radiation. If that's the case, what kind of problems is a titanium plate going to cause? I'll be…
Throat cancer
Now that I have completed my Chemo, Radiation and had a Radical Neck Dissection; whom should I follow up with in regards to my progress, my Oncologist,or Radiologist. They were different in my situation?
Blood Clot
My Husband finished chemo/radiation in Jan. and seemed to be doing great with a clear pet scan in april, then in july found that his neck was swelling on one side and had a cat scan and they found a bloodclot in his jugular vein. They say they dont know what caused it and put him on blood thinners which make him very dizzy…
Thyroid problem
Just a heads up. A few months after my radiation treatments I got depressed and just could not shake it. My primary physician is really sharp and figured it was probably my thyroid gland because of all the radiation I had around my neck. After a blood test it showed my thoroid was under active and put me on synthroid…
Question, need to rant
So my wife has started to see a therapist, with work, three young kids and me with cancer her life is pretty hecktic. So for now she is on medical leave to help me. My question is that her theripist and her talk alot about me, she comes home every week with some sort of idea that the guy giver her that I should be doing,…
Teeth and kidneys
Strange bedfellows, well my false teeth will be ready sometime next week, had fitting today and they will make adjustments, can't wait, getting sick of having to gum all of my food to death, now I know why our tongues are so flexible, squashing hamburger on your pallet. had blood tests Wednesday and the kidney numbers are…
Tinitus (how can you tell if it is really bad?)
Hi, I just finished my first round of Cisplatin last week and feel like I am experiencing a little ringing in the ears. It's not unbearable but I'm wondering if it will get worse. How can I tell if it is at an acceptable or normal level given the treatments? Some noises, for example, porcelain crockery clashing together…
Dad's 2 treatment and funny story
Dad had his second treatment for his roccurance yesterday. He seems to be doing pretty good. He has a little bit of an upset stomach the day after, but his pills take care of that. They started him on the pain patch. This seems to be helping. He was on the liquid codeine, but it was making him feel worse. This morning he…
CT today, and a Cold
Taking the advice/experience of others, here, my last ENT visit I suggested a 6-month CT, rather than no tests and wait a year for the next PS/CT. Today was the day. Thing is, less than 24-hours before the scan I realized I have likely come down with a Cold- based on the amount and color of the nasal mucous, and tired…
PEG placement and radiation treatments
Hi, Just an update and some questions on PEG and radiation. I've just completed 1/7 weeks of concurrent Cisplatin and radiation last week. Needless to say I was totally sick but feel better this week. Because I was unable to get a PEG installed prior to treatment, I am now considering getting one before the treatment gets…
Pat's PET Results -- CLEAN!
Thank you all for your support, thoughts and prayers. Two years out and doing very well. For all of you wondering if it will ever get better, hang in there. After two rounds of very rough treatment and seemingly endless recovery, Pat's quality of life is very good. Wishing and praying for the same for all of you. Hondo,…
Chief daddy Mike & Son
Talked to Mike last night and everything is still going well except he hurt his back and thinks he pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve, he will be seeing a back doctor about it. His Son is still well and taking his Chemo with no problems, his Liver is still holding up, so please continue to keep them in prayer He said to…
Cancer Recurrence vs Infection
Buzz is fighting a nasty abcess in his neck and after being told the cancer was back, there is now a possibility that all the abnormal PET/CT results and symptoms may be due to the infection! Anyone have this experience? We still do not have a clear cut diagnosis and have a CT scan scheduled for November 22 when the…
Throat discomfor/pain following radiation therapy
Completed radiation therapy 60-days ago(squamous cell of epiglottis) and for the last 30-days my throat has gotten progressively sore. The answers I get from my ENT guy are of the "everyone is different" variety and he is not concerned medically. I am attempting to learn if what I'm experiencing is the norm or not. My…
Thank you
3 1/2 weeks out looking to feel better sooner than later..just a thank you today to all the posters on this forum.We newbies need you more than you know..You lift my sprirts and after the 3 and 35 sometimes your the only ones who can. Thanks again
stomache problems after chemo and rad.
Burning sensation up high in stomache after eating--is this somthing caused from chemo.& rad.
Had my 6 month PET today
I am very concerned. I viewed the orignal PET vs my 6 month PET and I clearly see uptake in my R upper lobe of lung and hilum of my lungs. This was NOT evident on intial PET. I did have aspiration pneumonia after my second surgery (TORS) in April. I wonder if this could be inflammation from the aspiration? Im afraid the…
very worried
My son was diagnosed in February of this year with stage 3 nasopharyngeal carcinoma. He went through chemo/radiation and finished his treatments a couple of months ago. We were so hoping that when the treatments were finished, he would start to get his strength back and feel better, but that has not been the case. He is in…
Magic Mineral Broth
I looked on the thread and did not see a recipie for this broth. Can someone post a direct link to this recipe?
Question of tretment
Hi to everyone hope all is well I need some advice... My dad has right tonsil and lymph node c hpv positive. Biopsy found this on 8-8-11. 8-22-11 he started treatment 76mg cisplatin. On 8-30-11 he was admitted to hospital. For dehydration (cisplatin had effected his kidneys too much). On 9-7-11 he started Carbo/5fu. 4 day…
should i call doctor? update - I love our doctors
I called this morning and the scheduler said to come in if nothing else for peace of mind. She got us in tomorrow morning! We have the best doctors ever. Debbie Jim has a large lump under his tongue. It is not sore but it has been there two days. He also has some edema under his chin which he hasn't had since right after…